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Old 01-28-2011, 09:42 AM   #1
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Default A Plan for Peace in Three Parts - Part III

The antipathy in the muslim world against the US for it's invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the many killings of ordinary people by drones in Yemen and Pakistan has now reached a point of open revolution.

It is likely that the US client governments in Egypt and Yemen will be overthrown, and this may happen as well in Morocco and other states.

Nothing the US can do will erase the carnage it unleashed in Iraq and other places. However the other cause of muslim antipathy toward the US, it's unconditional sponsorship of Israel, must be addressed immediately.

Not only is this necessary for US interests, but when the current revolution in Egypt is completed it's peace with Israel under the 1978 Camp David accords will be repudiated, and a new era of confrontation with Israel will be underway.

All the new regimes in the muslims states now undergoing revolution will be anti-US, pro-al Qaeda, and confrontational toward Israel.

The game will soon be over. Reliance of military force for political differences has failed in the face of overwhelming public opposition [as it usually does - remember the revolution of 1776?].

The "two-state solution" favored by US politicians under influence of the Israeli lobby is a shame, a ploy to force the Palestinian Arabs into a permanent subjigation, a confinement into tiny bantustans which would forever deny them the properties taken by force over the many decades [including presently under the on-going "settlements policies"].

Last week's leaking of Israeli/Palestinian Authority negotiating documents has unmasked Israel's "peace negotiations" as a sham - they are willing to give up nothing while the Palestinian Arabs have offered much more than they should or really can.

The answer is for the US to end immediately all aid to Israel until it agrees to the following:

1.The dissolution of all Israeli laws making the Jewish religion the state religion of Israel, and any non-Jews second-class citizens.

2.The name of Israel must be changed to "Palestine."

3.Negotiations must be concluded under UN sponsorship leading to the inclusion of all lands into a single secular state. The present Kinesset, judiciary, and government administrations will remain intact. The Constitution of Israel [minus religious preferences] will remain intact.

4.The Golan Heights will be returned to Syria in exchange for Syrian recognition.
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Old 01-28-2011, 10:16 AM   #2
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how nice it must be living in a fog bank.
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Old 01-28-2011, 12:42 PM   #3
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The UN is a big joke and there will never ever be peace in the middle east!
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Old 01-28-2011, 12:58 PM   #4
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depends on who is defining "peace". They're happy with the status quo.
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Old 01-28-2011, 01:27 PM   #5
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Ever notice how whenever Gibbs, O'Bama or anyone else from this administration appears in a news conference on TV, the major stock markets all simultaneously plunge? What a joke.
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Old 01-28-2011, 01:49 PM   #6
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you are correct and it's frustrating as hell. 50 point drop with absolutely nothing new.. it's the same with Bernanke.. STAY THE FUCK OFF TV!
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:01 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
you are correct and it's frustrating as hell. 50 point drop with absolutely nothing new.. it's the same with Bernanke.. STAY THE FUCK OFF TV!
No kidding.
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:17 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Billy_Saul View Post
No kidding.
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:20 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Billy_Saul View Post
Ever notice how whenever Gibbs, O'Bama or anyone else from this administration appears in a news conference on TV, the major stock markets all simultaneously plunge? What a joke.
Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
you are correct and it's frustrating as hell. 50 point drop with absolutely nothing new.. it's the same with Bernanke.. STAY THE FUCK OFF TV!
How to guys come up with this nonsense? I have the business channel on everyday in my office ... while I day trade. The market reacts to good and bad news. This is just emotional trading. Real investors/traders could care less about what is being said on TV. They care about the facts plain and simple.
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:33 PM   #10
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Didn't mean to be off topic in the post above but ...

About the problems in the middle east ... personally I would like to see this country keep their noses out of other countries affairs and focus on this country's issues. Playing the "World Police" is having dire consequences for American citizens and our country as a whole. So is the Global economy. I would much rather see the money we spend in the middle east (and others around the globe) being spent on this country before it falls apart completely!
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:44 PM   #11
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average; I know it's emotional (I day trade from a home office), that's what so frustrating. The swings without any real "news". and fwiw... I agree with you 100% about money spent abroad. Ya can't buy friends, you can only pay them not to steal your lunch, until you quit paying.. fuck em' all. Bring every person and piece of equipment home.. try taking care of our own business for a while and see how it works.
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:45 PM   #12
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If we brought America home and got rid of the Federal Reserve this country would prosper like no one has ever seen before!
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Old 01-28-2011, 02:51 PM   #13
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And thats a great time to find deals! The news reported that Steve Jobs went on medical leave and the stock drops to $300 ... great place to buy ... and sell when it hit 340+. Nice little profit margin there lol!! 10 option calls and over 10k later ... well you get the picture.

Originally Posted by nuglet View Post
average; I know it's emotional (I day trade from a home office), that's what so frustrating. The swings without any real "news". and fwiw... I agree with you 100% about money spent abroad. Ya can't buy friends, you can only pay them not to steal your lunch, until you quit paying.. fuck em' all. Bring every person and piece of equipment home.. try taking care of our own business for a while and see how it works.
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Old 01-28-2011, 04:02 PM   #14
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Playing the world policeman is what all powerful countries do when they maintain standing armies and industries which must adopt aggressive doctrines to justify their existence.

President Washington warned of this.

President Eisenhower was the only President with enough military stature to criticize and restrain them. His farewell address warning the country about what had happened fell on deaf ears, and still does. In the recent film, "Why We Fight" his daughter and son explain how his message to the public of the dangers of the "military-industrial complex" has gone ignored.

Recently released documents regarding the relationship between the CIA and Lee Oswald have now proven beyond any doubt that CIA officers conducted the assassination of President Kennedy, and the reason was his "peace offensive" with the Russians after the Cuban Missile Crisis. There can no longer be any doubt regarding this issue. These documents are real. Some of them were hidden in the LBJ library just down the street on I-35.

When LBJ became President he didn't believe that the US would win in Vietnam, but he went along with the military because he didn't have the military stature to say no to them when the result would have been the loss of Vietnam for which he would have been blamed. It would have ruined him. He may also have believed that he too might be killed. On November 23 [the day after the assassination] FBI Chief Hoover informed him that someone in the CIA had set Oswald up as a patsy in Kennedy's murder. Hoover had the evidence, and he shared it with Johnson. Earlier that morning CIA Chief McCone had tried to convince LBJ that Oswald was a Soviet agent acting on orders from the KBG. Like always Hoover was two steps ahead of everyone else. He may have been in genius. For those of you who doubt this I will shortly post the transcript of the newly-released conversation from the LBJ library.

In the cases of idiot Presidents such as Bush or Obama, they need not fear.
They're so indifferent to the consequences of anything that they are merely puddy in others' hands. How many people may live or die because of their decisions is of no concern to them whatsoever. This is the difference between the kinds of Presidents we used to have versus what we have now - the ones we used to have were fallible human beings - what we have now isn't even human. They care for nothing.

Nor do we have anyone with the competence or integrity of Hoover either. History will vindicate him.
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Old 01-28-2011, 04:08 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by averageTxJoe View Post
How to guys come up with this nonsense? I have the business channel on everyday in my office ... while I day trade. The market reacts to good and bad news. This is just emotional trading. Real investors/traders could care less about what is being said on TV. They care about the facts plain and simple.
Watch someone on CNBC give a positive mention to a stock and the concurrent reaction on the ticker. Folks do react to whats being said (albeit short term) whether or not any fundamental facts have changed. The market fell today while Gibbs was speaking not because of anything he said, but his mere presence reminds people how weak and clueless this bunch is. Been going on for two years now.

Originally Posted by averageTxJoe View Post
About the problems in the middle east ... personally I would like to see this country keep their noses out of other countries affairs and focus on this country's issues. Playing the "World Police" is having dire consequences for American citizens and our country as a whole. So is the Global economy. I would much rather see the money we spend in the middle east (and others around the globe) being spent on this country before it falls apart completely!
Completely agree on this. Spot on.

Any good stock tips?...
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