Originally Posted by Likinikki
Kelli...your clients talk bad to you about other providers? That's rude.
Nikki, yes at times it can be so. I dont encourage it by any means either for many reasons:
1. Just like many men dont like for US providers to talk about other clients during the session, I dont like to hear about other providers- they are there for ME and I for THEM, that's it.
2. I figure if they have a problem with a provider- they should post a review or an alert or whatever and vice versa.
3. It breaks the mood and fantasy for both of us.
4. It is a breach of discretion if the provider's name is mentioned.
5. I dont like gossip especially if the gossip is JUST gossip and untruthful.
I have referred many of my regulars to other ladies especially when I am not available- some of them tell me of their bad experiences but dont mention names. Some do. Not cool, I agree. But it is THEM telling me. I NEVER disclose info!
Others will give a name, sometimes not. Sometimes, they share their experiences as a whole and never even mention the provider and discretion-wise I dont see a huge problem with that part just that it breaks the mood if they talk about it before hand.
Sometimes, I appreciate them telling me SOME of the things they tell me because it helps to me be wary of some of them because of one reason or another. For example, they might pose a safety risk or have a bad habit of disclosing sensitive/private information.
All in all, I cannot read minds and I never know what will come out of someone's mouth. If I ran off everyone who said anything- I would run off more than half of my friends. The information is never shared beyond that point anyway. It goes no further than that- on my end anyway.