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Old 05-01-2016, 07:29 AM   #1
i'va biggen
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Default conservatism explained.


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Old 05-01-2016, 08:16 AM   #2
Yssup Rider
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Ignorant fucks.
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Old 05-01-2016, 09:04 AM   #3
Jackie S
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A Conservative is a Liberal who just got mugged.

Of course, that is a generalization, but people do grow more conservative as they mature and find that there is no free lunch, unless you are content with being a bum or a leech on society.

The term Conservative and Liberal are also too general for most in modern society. I am conservative in that I have worked hard for what I have and do not want the Government taking it from me and giving it to someone else.

But, I am liberal in that Adults should be able to live as they wish as long as they are not harming someone else or being a burden on society by their actions.
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Old 05-01-2016, 10:44 AM   #4
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Less government, less government intervention into our private lives, less taxes, more individual freedom and liberty.

As fucked up as government is, why would anyone want to give them more control over their lives.
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Old 05-01-2016, 01:10 PM   #5
JD Barleycorn
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Why would anyone go to a radical reporter to find out about something that can be researched independently......laziness?
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Old 05-01-2016, 03:50 PM   #6
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I see the world as getting more and more liberal and socialistic. My mission as a conservative is to do my best to slow that down so that future generations can live and appreciate the values and freedoms I was blessed with in my own life.
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Old 05-01-2016, 04:56 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by The2Dogs View Post
Less government, less government intervention into our private lives, less taxes, more individual freedom and liberty.

As fucked up as government is, why would anyone want to give them more control over their lives.
I would have to say that since liberals control the government and academia, they want more taxes to spend on more people getting an "education" so they can support more government, more college education, and more indoctrination among themselves about how superior they are, especially since they want conservatives to work and pay for it all.

The increased polarization is caused by the liberals looking down on conservatives who don't see things their way, and conservative resentment at that very condescension.

Basically, we need to peacefully split the country apart into the two camps so we don't end up with a civil war again.
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Old 05-01-2016, 10:35 PM   #8
i'va biggen
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Old 05-01-2016, 11:12 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Ignorant fucks.
Quite an intelligent and pointed response, AssupTheEducated! Is this a quote from one of your doctoral theses? Such education and intelligence should not be run off this board. We need you for enlightenment such as this. Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread.

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Old 05-01-2016, 11:52 PM   #10
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy View Post
Quite an intelligent and pointed response, AssupTheEducated! Is this a quote from one of your doctoral theses? Such education and intelligence should not be run off this board. We need you for enlightenment such as this. Thank you for your valuable contribution to this thread.

"Ignorant Fucks" is how Assup's Psychiatrist describes all of his personalities, lol.

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Old 05-02-2016, 07:56 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin View Post
"Ignorant Fucks" is how Assup's Psychiatrist describes all of his personalities, lol.

Unfortunately, Assup doesn't understand why his psychiatrist calls him a filthy pig, either...
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Old 05-02-2016, 09:41 AM   #12
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Default Bachelors Indoctrination

I recently completed my bachelors at age 46. I'm prior military and I was raised in a household of Democrats w very little formal education. Ideologies were supplied by television and religion. I left home, worked, joined, the military despite my families opposition. I drifted away from my liberal upbringing. I consider myself a moderate, though most liberals see me as a conservative. They realize I am not one of "them" so, as an outsider, I must be for the opposition.
Going back to school was a real experience for me. There is a very clear system of rewards and punishments for having the "correct" opinion. (I actually had one professor actually say, we are entitled to an opinion but it muse be the correct opinion. It was mind-blowing!) Failing to agree w a professor will affect a students grades. My GPA was high enough that I actually experimented w this idea. Keeping my mouth shut always got me an A. Disagreemenet w a professor, got me a B (sometimes B-). School was easy. Very few students actually read. You just stay quiet, nod your head, and speak as little as possible. The hardest part of college was allowing the indoctrination to continue and not intervene. 4 (usually 5 or more now) years is a long time. Add grad school or a PhD program and you realize these students recieve more intoctrination than a Marine recruit.
Old guard conservative professors have all retired. Most (not all) professors think Bill Ayers and Ernesto Che Guevara are heroes. They all operate under the same principle. Society is too stupid to know what's best for it. I think it's funny that the liberal message and Trumps rants are so similar in that regard
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Old 05-02-2016, 10:01 AM   #13
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Higher education is a cesspool.
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Old 05-02-2016, 10:26 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by goodman0422 View Post
I recently completed my bachelors at age 46. I'm prior military and I was raised in a household of Democrats w very little formal education. Ideologies were supplied by television and religion. I left home, worked, joined, the military despite my families opposition. I drifted away from my liberal upbringing. I consider myself a moderate, though most liberals see me as a conservative. They realize I am not one of "them" so, as an outsider, I must be for the opposition.
Going back to school was a real experience for me. There is a very clear system of rewards and punishments for having the "correct" opinion. (I actually had one professor actually say, we are entitled to an opinion but it muse be the correct opinion. It was mind-blowing!) Failing to agree w a professor will affect a students grades. My GPA was high enough that I actually experimented w this idea. Keeping my mouth shut always got me an A. Disagreemenet w a professor, got me a B (sometimes B-). School was easy. Very few students actually read. You just stay quiet, nod your head, and speak as little as possible. The hardest part of college was allowing the indoctrination to continue and not intervene. 4 (usually 5 or more now) years is a long time. Add grad school or a PhD program and you realize these students recieve more intoctrination than a Marine recruit.
Old guard conservative professors have all retired. Most (not all) professors think Bill Ayers and Ernesto Che Guevara are heroes. They all operate under the same principle. Society is too stupid to know what's best for it. I think it's funny that the liberal message and Trumps rants are so similar in that regard
Most of my old professors are probably dead. I don't remember many of them being conservative way back when, either. I used the same system you used. I told those lords of the cesspool exactly what they wanted to hear so I could get the grades I needed to go to the next level.

Since I ended up as a baker, I would have been better off just going to a good trade school instead.
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Old 05-02-2016, 11:46 AM   #15
Mr MojoRisin
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Originally Posted by DSK View Post
Most of my old professors are probably dead. I don't remember many of them being conservative way back when, either. I used the same system you used. I told those lords of the cesspool exactly what they wanted to hear so I could get the grades I needed to go to the next level.

Since I ended up as a baker, I would have been better off just going to a good trade school instead.
You're a Baker? Funny, I pictured you as a Bar Tender. I wasn't that far off, lol.

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