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Old 11-23-2015, 10:05 AM   #1
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Default My 2 Cents On The Hen House

Texxxasssfilms can run the Hen House agency how he wants. If the girls do not like his BS they will leave like Delilah. She was fed up with having to rent the condo 40 dollars the day, get a cab to it for another 20, then pay Texxxasssfilms 20% per session. So 60 dollars and the 20% not bad until Texxxasssfilms only schedules her one appointment for 200 that day.

Initial donation 200 - Texxxasssfilm's cut(40) - condo day rent(40) - cab(20) = Her take for that day 100 dollars.

This would be on top of Texxxasssfilms getting his freebies whenever he wanted for his "Hard Work."

Honey361 another who was in the stable mentioned to me she wanted out to go work with Delilah's current manager. Explaining similar circumstances. Even mentioning the girls who do not give Texxxasssfilms freebies for his "Hard Work" he takes a 50% cut instead of 20%.

So if Texxxasssfilms aka Hen House can keep ladies in his coop under these circumstances more power to him. As I mentioned in my review of Honey I had a good time at the Hen House. It was when she left the coop she became a bit of a wild one. At least Texxxasssfilms keeps his chickens acting like good providers at the Hen House. Creating a positive hobby-provider transaction.
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Old 11-23-2015, 03:06 PM   #2
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Old 11-23-2015, 03:16 PM   #3
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Sounds like a White Knight POV
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Old 11-23-2015, 03:59 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by AllAboutGrk View Post
Sounds like a White Knight POV
Thanks. But that title is too great for myself. I noticed all the Hen House talk and decided to share. I have nothing against Texxxasssfilms he is just running a business. He keeps the prices reasonable and the providers in line. Only time I would have an issue with a manager is in the case of forcing girls to work. As far as I know the girls are free and not forced to work. They work with him by their own choice so no issues here.
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Old 11-23-2015, 04:32 PM   #5
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Then why make the slanted comments you did, in favor of the Providers? It's very evident and very clear what your perspective is.

So, allow me to enlighten you. Agents spend a tremendous amount of time and personal monetary expenses to get girls interested in eccie. And trust me, it takes a lot of persuasion because South Texas eccie isn't exactly thought of as a place for girls to make money. The overwhelming calls, texts, e-mails, and keeping up with ECCIE is free time if people don't book with anyone. So it's interesting to hear Providers complaining to Hobbyists about the person getting them scheduled, then complaining about a nice place I have access to use which is much less expensive than a shitty hotel, and plus transportation which I know is a lot more than 20 bucks. If anything, the agent should be commended for getting them opportunities, instead they get vilified.

Trust me, the "Driver" leaving with the girls I was representing is making more than 20 bucks.....
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Old 11-23-2015, 05:06 PM   #6
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You just do not get the gratitude you are owed ... pimpdom is so misunderstood ...
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Old 11-23-2015, 05:12 PM   #7
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Texxxasssfilms just sharing the information I had. I only know 2 women you dealt with Delilah and Honey.

Some gals are definitely better off with managers. Honey especially first time I met her was through your arrangements and it went flawlessly. At a reasonable rate with no drama. After session Honey gave me her number to set up future meetings.

Our last session I reviewed was not good. Honey tried to steal from me explaining it as some miscommunication then claimed I ripped her off on donation. Either way without your supervision it cost me more money, lots of drama and just an overall poor experience.

These young girls just do not seem mature enough to handle good business alone. They have no future outlook they are just living for the moment, concerned only with obtaining your cash at that moment.

As far as other posts about you. I have no knowledge of any abuse, just some good negotiating. Nothing about underage girls it seems they are at least old enough Honey, 23 and Delilah mid-late 20s not sure about others.

If Delilah was free to move to a different manager of her own free will I do not see why your other girls do not have that choice as well. I have nothing against see any of your ladies. To be honest I just prefer outcalls but your residence is okay been there twice with no issues.
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Old 11-23-2015, 06:24 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by JohnDoeSmith View Post
Texxxasssfilms can run the Hen House agency how he wants. If the girls do not like his BS they will leave like Delilah. She was fed up with having to rent the condo 40 dollars the day, get a cab to it for another 20, then pay Texxxasssfilms 20% per session. So 60 dollars and the 20% not bad until Texxxasssfilms only schedules her one appointment for 200 that day.

Initial donation 200 - Texxxasssfilm's cut(40) - condo day rent(40) - cab(20) = Her take for that day 100 dollars.

This would be on top of Texxxasssfilms getting his freebies whenever he wanted for his "Hard Work."

Honey361 another who was in the stable mentioned to me she wanted out to go work with Delilah's current manager. Explaining similar circumstances. Even mentioning the girls who do not give Texxxasssfilms freebies for his "Hard Work" he takes a 50% cut instead of 20%.

So if Texxxasssfilms aka Hen House can keep ladies in his coop under these circumstances more power to him. As I mentioned in my review of Honey I had a good time at the Hen House. It was when she left the coop she became a bit of a wild one. At least Texxxasssfilms keeps his chickens acting like good providers at the Hen House. Creating a positive hobby-provider transaction.
Very well, you probably have a very good point, I'm not saying that what the Rooster does is ok, that is not my business, BUT

How do you think the rest of the the agencies and pimps from back page work? Do you honestly think they treat the girls any better? At least here they have a chance to know who they get to meet while in back page they run the risk of getting robbed, outed, stalked, hurt or god forbid even worse. Yes they can go Indy here in eccie but how much business can they really make just from eccie? Every thing has pros and cons but they always have a choice and they are not forced to work in this business, but if they choose to stay and work in this field at least they should be smart about it. If they wanted to they could all get together and work for them as a group where they can look out for each other but they don't want to invest the time for whatever reason, I don't know, maybe they lack the discipline, they don't like each other or what have you, but the choice is theirs.
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Old 11-23-2015, 07:00 PM   #9
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Cifer. I saw all the posts about his agency figure I would share the information I had. I do not pretend to understand everything about managing girls. I am sure there are better and worse managers out there. Texxxasssfilms lays down his rules/guidelines to the girls they agree they work they don't the leave simple as that. I think all the talk about underage girls or trafficking is speculation and unfounded unless someone else has information. I have no knowledge on those subjects.
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Old 11-24-2015, 08:31 AM   #10
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Just to be clear, you are saying that Honey and Delilah are working with a different manager, not Films, but still managed, right?

Some here have stated they won't see managed providers. Wouldn't want them to become hypocrites.
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Old 11-24-2015, 11:06 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by emptywallet View Post

Just to be clear, you are saying that Honey and Delilah are working with a different manager, not Films, but still managed, right?

Some here have stated they won't see managed providers. Wouldn't want them to become hypocrites.
Sanctimonious Whore Mongers huh?

They only want to see the problem free nymphomaniacs that don't need the money and are here wanting to fuck 60yo fat fucks because they can't get laid elsewhere!
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Old 11-24-2015, 11:32 AM   #12
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Default I hate to say it but...

I hate to say it but +1 Mr. Whispers...

she exists out there somewhere, I just know it! Lol...
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Old 11-24-2015, 12:00 PM   #13
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No one ever likes agreeing with me......
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Old 11-24-2015, 12:04 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Whispers View Post
Sanctimonious Whore Mongers huh?

They only want to see the problem free nymphomaniacs that don't need the money and are here wanting to fuck 60yo fat fucks because they can't get laid elsewhere!
We have a few. Whatever else they are called, I'm doing my part to make sure "hypocrite" is not added to the list.
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Old 11-24-2015, 01:02 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by emptywallet View Post

Just to be clear, you are saying that Honey and Delilah are working with a different manager, not Films, but still managed, right?

Some here have stated they won't see managed providers. Wouldn't want them to become hypocrites.
Delilah currently has a manager that is NOT Texxxasssfilms "Hen House". From last time I talked to Honey she was working with Texxxasssfilms "Hen House" but that could of changed.
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