For Kay or Kbaby, I had two good meets with her. I know she ghosted people, so she’s not perfect.
When she first came out, she was the talk of the Panhandle. She had a couple bad reviews, and she was no longer a contender to the crown.
Something, kind of similar happened with Blue-Haired Kara.
On another note, I’ve been ghosted twice by Sexy Chloe. She could have 100 excellent reviews, but I’ll never partake with her again.
I would rather take two to the chest than to see her.
So, our experiences really defines what we report.
The fun is figuring out who is a trusted source, and what intel is correct.
This hobby is very much about risk management and is YMMV.
With COVID, onlyfans has become popular. I’m not subscribed to anyone’s page.
I wrote a guide for newbies, and posted it in coed.
Perhaps, it’ll be of use to you.