Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
I noticed gas prices are up about 30 cents since I filled up the tank last week...
Enjoy your $4 gallon gas coming soon....
its the market working like its supposed to, making tariffs, causing trade wars then turning around using socialism to fix your mistake, thats far from capitalism, but over the last 2 years that was acceptable, an added 24 Billion in cash to farmers for the goods China refused to buy from us.
Iran will go back into OPEC, or at least allowed to sell their oil again on the free market, which will bring prices back to $25 a barrel and the poor in the USA can rejoice to their $2 a gallon fuel.
Who cares if $4 a gallon gas will create 200,000 jobs that pay 6 figures, as long as I can commute back n forth to Wally world for $2 a day I'm happy in my microeconomic world.