Originally Posted by FBSMLUVR
When I first read your post, I was thinking exactly what you just said. Keeping peace with the bartender. I’ve been there, done that, so completely understand. Sometimes you have to pick your battles. Not worth getting into a shit pile for 10 bucks. Thing is, you need to go back and tell this scamming bitch to go fuck herself. It’ll make the 10 bucks worth the spend lol.
I'll be sure to insult her the next chance I get if I go in there lol. The audacity, and then she tried to income shame me as if it was an affordability issue: 'You don't have enough to do it?' was one of her many follow up statements after only getting the shot. It certainly wasn't worth making a scene and being on bad terms with staff but she'll get a good old fashioned calculated and fierce choice of words if we were to cross paths again. I'll likely stick to afternoons if I'm there again.