Those terms are probably still in use today except possibly the kill a commie for your mommy!
But the others, were in use when I was there!
We used to jokingly use kill a commie for your mommy when we joked about going to war with Russia!
And probably fell into Disuse after the fall of Tha soviet union!
The other ones definitely are probably still in use today!
And yes probably stemmed from Vietnam, and no I am not old enough to have served there!
Alot of shit including thier old beat up equipment carried over from there.
I first went in Whe had Alot of guys that were there, and were not ready to go home!
Yes I thought it was funny as hell by hearing the guy saying that in FMJ, but I didnt find what he was doing amusing!
Originally Posted by Devo
You really need to quit watching "Full Metal Jacket" and assuming its a documentary.