Still making excuses. Still not accepting reality. Still not seeing the truth that the person in the mirror is why Donald Trump is President Elect.
Still a despicable, lying, money grubbing, sexual predator enabling cunt.
The entire Socialist/Progressive/Liberal Estabishment can't come to grips with the fact that they tried to cram this horrid Bitch down the political throat of America, and America said "NO".
The crux of this article centers around the Left's continuing attempt at censoring any news that does not agree with their agenda. If a news outlet is not praising Hillary, it must be a "false news site". Right?
Keep doing the same thing. Have another Katy Perry Consert. Let Robert Dinero rant. Let Beyoncé, JayZ, The Boss, and the rest of the Pop Culture/Intertainment crowd preach to us how they know best.
Watch even more of America turn Red.