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Old 01-22-2024, 08:03 AM   #1
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Default Spotting an Idiot

"If you want to be successful in this world, you have to develop your own idiot detection system. The best way to spot an idiot — look for the person who is cruel. Let me explain. When we see someone who doesn’t look like us or sound like us, or act like us or love like us or live like us, the first thought that crosses almost everyone’s brain is rooted in either fear or judgement or both. That’s evolution. We survived as a species by being suspicious of things that we aren’t familiar with. In order to be kind we have to shut down that animal instinct and force our brain to travel a different pathway. Empathy and compassion are evolved states of being. They require the mental capacity to step past our most primal urges. This may be a surprising assessment because somewhere along the way, in the last few years, our society has come to believe that weaponized cruelty is part of some well thought out masterplan. Cruelty is seen by some as an adroit cudgel to gain power. Empathy and kindness are considered weak. Many important people look at the vulnerable only as rungs on a ladder to the top. I’m here to tell you that when someone’s path through this world is marked with acts of cruelty, they have failed the first test of an advanced society. They never forced their animal brain to evolve past its first instinct. They never forged new mental pathways to overcome their own instinctual fears and so their thinking and problem solving will lack the imagination and creativity that the kindest people have in spades. Over my many years in politics and business, I have found one thing to be universally true: The kindess person in the room is often the smartest. — Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker

With that said, whom does this remind you of??
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Old 01-22-2024, 06:16 PM   #2
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Mirror or mirror on the wall who's the idiot of all. Ok I good at that on I got magic mirror. In fact I gave me new business ideas I going to go into selling idiot detection mirror. Thanks.
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Old 01-22-2024, 07:38 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
"If you want to be successful in this world, you have to develop your own idiot detection system. The best way to spot an idiot — look for the person who is cruel. Let me explain. When we see someone who doesn’t look like us or sound like us, or act like us or love like us or live like us, the first thought that crosses almost everyone’s brain is rooted in either fear or judgement or both. That’s evolution. We survived as a species by being suspicious of things that we aren’t familiar with. In order to be kind we have to shut down that animal instinct and force our brain to travel a different pathway. Empathy and compassion are evolved states of being. They require the mental capacity to step past our most primal urges. This may be a surprising assessment because somewhere along the way, in the last few years, our society has come to believe that weaponized cruelty is part of some well thought out masterplan. Cruelty is seen by some as an adroit cudgel to gain power. Empathy and kindness are considered weak. Many important people look at the vulnerable only as rungs on a ladder to the top. I’m here to tell you that when someone’s path through this world is marked with acts of cruelty, they have failed the first test of an advanced society. They never forced their animal brain to evolve past its first instinct. They never forged new mental pathways to overcome their own instinctual fears and so their thinking and problem solving will lack the imagination and creativity that the kindest people have in spades. Over my many years in politics and business, I have found one thing to be universally true: The kindess person in the room is often the smartest. — Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker

With that said, whom does this remind you of??
Who does this remind me of? Blackman.

He can be incredibly cruel. He said I was posting drivel when I came up with a brilliant analysis of why Trump couldn't get a fair trial in Washington, D.C. That sent me into a deep state of depression. Fortunately thanks to a suicide hotline, a little time in a mental hospital, and intensive counseling, I've finally snapped out of it.

The problem with Pritzker's theory however is that Blackman is not an idiot. He's one of the smartest people posting on this board. Thus I must call bull shit on Pritzker.
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Old 01-22-2024, 08:11 PM   #4
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Kindness is a virtue it has nothing to do with intelligence. So J.D is full of it.
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Old 01-22-2024, 09:20 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Who does this remind me of? Blackman.

He can be incredibly cruel. He said I was posting drivel when I came up with a brilliant analysis of why Trump couldn't get a fair trial in Washington, D.C. That sent me into a deep state of depression. Fortunately thanks to a suicide hotline, a little time in a mental hospital, and intensive counseling, I've finally snapped out of it.

The problem with Pritzker's theory however is that Blackman is not an idiot. He's one of the smartest people posting on this board. Thus I must call bull shit on Pritzker.

i was gonna go with Biden but close enough

Pritzker is a dem libtard asshole. and his "opinions" must be colored as such
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Old 01-23-2024, 04:45 AM   #6
Jackie S
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What a bunch of drivel.

Governor Pritzger leaves out one very important description.

When we meet people whose aim is to destroy us.

When you combine stupidity with Naiveté, this is what you get. , ,
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Old 01-23-2024, 07:27 AM   #7
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Thank you valued poster for your comments and for changing your avatar TWK. I always wondered if you were someone who went by a different pronoun!

So- everyone here is TOTALLY ok with any level of cruelty that is sent out in the name of your political beliefs?

That will make for a fun February- November then!!
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Old 01-23-2024, 08:16 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
Thank you valued poster for your comments and for changing your avatar TWK. I always wondered if you were someone who went by a different pronoun!

So- everyone here is TOTALLY ok with any level of cruelty that is sent out in the name of your political beliefs?

That will make for a fun February- November then!!

Hate has been the standard Democrats playbook for 50 years.
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Old 01-23-2024, 08:44 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by farmstud60 View Post
Hate has been the standard Democrats playbook for 150 years.

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Old 01-23-2024, 09:03 AM   #10
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If you say so.
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Old 01-23-2024, 11:28 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
"The best way to spot an idiot — look for the person who is cruel... Empathy and compassion are evolved states of being... Many important people look at the vulnerable only as rungs on a ladder to the top. I’m here to tell you that when someone’s path through this world is marked with acts of cruelty, they have failed the first test of an advanced society.

— Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker

With that said, whom does this remind you of??
Hmmm... could Pritzker be referring to himself? Is he making a confession here?

It's CRUEL to let a once-great American city (Chicago) be invaded by hordes of illegal migrants, who overwhelm its ability to deliver basic services to its own citizens.

It's CRUEL to ignore the soaring deaths in your state from fentanyl overdoses and MS-13 gang violence, because you lack the courage to speak out against your party's senseless open-borders policy.

It's CRUEL to drive up crime and make everyone in your state less safe by getting your legislature to pass ridiculous no-bail laws mandating the immediate release of violent criminals.

It's CRUEL and unfair to shift the burden of your state's grossly over-generous and under-funded public pension system onto the backs of taxpayers across the country by asking for, and receiving, federal bailouts.

It's CRUEL to cave into the obscene demands of teachers' unions, preventing the school systems throughout your state from firing incompetent teachers and properly educating its K-12 kids.

It's CRUEL to treat the vulnerable as "rungs on the ladder" of your political career by pretending to pay attention to them at election time, then turning your back on them once you're in office.

I could go on... but I'm too weary & disgusted at the way liberal jackass hypocritical two-faced politicians like Pritzker pose as having "empathy and compassion" while they pursue utterly CRUEL policies that are the exact opposite of "compassionate".
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Old 01-23-2024, 12:11 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Hmmm... could Pritzker be referring to himself? Is he making a confession here?

It's CRUEL to let a once-great American city (Chicago) be invaded by hordes of illegal migrants, who overwhelm its ability to deliver basic services to its own citizens.

It's CRUEL to ignore the soaring deaths in your state from fentanyl overdoses and MS-13 gang violence, because you lack the courage to speak out against your party's senseless open-borders policy.

It's CRUEL to drive up crime and make everyone in your state less safe by getting your legislature to pass ridiculous no-bail laws mandating the immediate release of violent criminals.

It's CRUEL and unfair to shift the burden of your state's grossly over-generous and under-funded public pension system onto the backs of taxpayers across the country by asking for, and receiving, federal bailouts.

It's CRUEL to cave into the obscene demands of teachers' unions, preventing the school systems throughout your state from firing incompetent teachers and properly educating its K-12 kids.

It's CRUEL to treat the vulnerable as "rungs on the ladder" of your political career by pretending to pay attention to them at election time, then turning your back on them once you're in office.

I could go on... but I'm too weary & disgusted at the way liberal jackass hypocritical two-faced politicians like Pritzker pose as having "empathy and compassion" while they pursue utterly CRUEL policies that are the exact opposite of "compassionate".
Pritzker is planning a 2028 Presidential run so it's not surprising he would make a disingenuous statements like that.
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Old 01-23-2024, 12:21 PM   #13
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You guys are hysterical. I think the point of the post is about being Cruel by words and intentions. IE: saying evil shit, and then baking it up with evil doing. AKA- some of the GOP and MAGA morons doing. Not having a city that accepts asylum seekers, despite the outcome, the intentions are what are being judged. But go on blaming those who have compassion for others as being the cruel ones.

THE only judging you will be if and when you meet the creator-- good luck with that.

All the church'n in the world can't wash off that type of sin- so Im told.
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Old 01-23-2024, 02:35 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by eyecu2 View Post
You guys are hysterical. I think the point of the post is about being Cruel by words and intentions. IE: saying evil shit, and then baking it up with evil doing. AKA- some of the GOP and MAGA morons doing. Not having a city that accepts asylum seekers, despite the outcome, the intentions are what are being judged. But go on blaming those who have compassion for others as being the cruel ones.

THE only judging you will be if and when you meet the creator-- good luck with that.

All the church'n in the world can't wash off that type of sin- so Im told.
Submitted for your approval - People's exhibit A

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Old 01-23-2024, 02:43 PM   #15
winn dixie
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Submitted for your approval - People's exhibit A

Spotting an idiot? It's in the pic holding the good book.
I spy?.......
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