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Old 02-01-2024, 05:21 PM   #1
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Default how long before Putin flips out

Another one of his warships destroyed. This time the $ 55 million Ivanovets. How long before Putin escalates even further ?

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Old 02-01-2024, 05:22 PM   #2
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Old 02-02-2024, 04:28 AM   #3
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When that ship was destroyed? I didn't see any news lately
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Old 02-02-2024, 10:38 AM   #4
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Old 02-02-2024, 10:50 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Another one of his warships destroyed. This time the $ 55 million Ivanovets. How long before Putin escalates even further ?

Trivial bullshit nobody cares about. I swear you sound like a Game Show Host, lol.
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Old 02-02-2024, 10:55 AM   #6
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You only see the world from your limited perspective. And nobody cares about you.
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Old 02-02-2024, 11:08 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
You only see the world from your limited perspective. And nobody cares about you.
Oh really nobody cares about me, oh dam. I see the World through a realistic perspective unlike you. Worrying about if and when Putin flips out is not within my circle of control or concern.
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Old 02-02-2024, 11:17 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
how long before Putin flips out
Hopefully that never happens. He controls the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
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Old 02-02-2024, 12:11 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
Oh really nobody cares about me, oh dam. I see the World through a realistic perspective unlike you. Worrying about if and when Putin flips out is not within my circle of control or concern.

This is real easy to clear up.

Remember when you spent weeks saying everyone should stop paying attention to Trump, and worry about other things.....that he was irrelevant to current discussions ?

How did that perspective work out for you ?
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Old 02-02-2024, 12:24 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
This is real easy to clear up.

Remember when you spent weeks saying everyone should stop paying attention to Trump, and worry about other things.....that he was irrelevant to current discussions ?

How did that perspective work out for you ?
Worked out fine for me. But you go from one ridiculous extreme to the next.
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Old 02-02-2024, 12:34 PM   #11
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Sure it did. I'm done here.
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Old 02-02-2024, 02:00 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Sure it did. I'm done here.
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Old 02-02-2024, 03:07 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by VitaMan View Post
Another one of his warships destroyed. This time the $ 55 million Ivanovets. How long before Putin escalates even further ?

Putin flipped out many many moons ago.
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Old 02-02-2024, 04:58 PM   #14
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Putin misses his orange puppet
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Old 02-02-2024, 06:39 PM   #15
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It only cost 55million. That just a peace of driftwood found at beach compare to a American one.


Ford-Class: Largest and Most Expensive U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier Ever. The Ford's massive price tag is difficult to comprehend. The $13 billion per unit is just part of the equation. The program itself has, so far, cost $120 billion – more than $40 billion beyond the initial cost projection of $77 billion.Nov 13, 2023

New Wars

Warship Costs
I am constantly struggling to find relevant costs of warships and auxiliaries when proposing defense alternatives for navies. Here is a Page specifically for this purpose, for my own reference, and anyone who needs it. Your help in finding relevant sources is much appreciated. Wikipedia is not a good source but it is a good starting point as they often post source links for their information, though not always.

This is an ongoing project. Prices are in US dollars.



Astute SSN (UK)-$2,410 million

Barracuda SSN (France)-$1.35 billion

Dolphin SSK (German/Israeli)-$635 million

Gotland SSK (Sweden)-$365 million

Improved Kilo SSK (Russia)-$350 million

Le Terrible SSBN (France)-$3.8 billion

Ohio SSBN Replacement-$7 billion (est.)

Scorpene SSK (Spain)-$825 million

Type 209 SSK (German/Portugal)-$550 million

Type 212 SSK (Germany)-$525 million

Type 214 SSK (Germany)-$500 million

Virginia SSN-$2.4 billion



Cavour CVH (Italy)-$2 billion

Charles de Gaulle (France)-$3.7 billion

CVN-78 Gerald R Ford-$13.5 billion

Queen Elizabeth (UK)-$3.7 billion

George HW Bush-$6.26 billion

Hyuga DDH (Japan)-$1.06 billion

Vikrant (India)-$762 million



DDG 51 Arleigh Burke-$1.8 billion

Daring Type 45 (UK)-$976 million

DDG 1000 Zumwalt-$6 billion



Absalon (Denmark)-$269 million

Bertholf National Security Cutter-$641 million

F100 Bazan (Spain)-$600 million

F105 Cristobal Colon (Spain)-$954 million

De Zeven Provincien (Netherlands)-$532 million

FREMM (Franco/Italian)-$745 million

LCS Freedom-$637 million

Holland (Netherlands)-$169 million

LCS Independence-$704 million

Iver Huitfeldt (Denmark)-$332 millon

Nansen (Norway)-$557 million

Sachsen Type 124 (Germany)-$1.06 billion

Valour MEKO A200 (South Africa)-$327 million

F-22P Zulfiquar (China/Pakistan)-$200 million



Baynunah (UAE)-$137 million

Braunschweig K-130 (Germany)-$309 million

Clyde (Britain)-$47,000,000

Falaj 2 (UAE)-$136 million

Khareef (Oman)-$262 million

Kedah (Malaysia)-$300 million

Knud Rasmussen (Denmark)-$50 million

BAM Maritime Action Ship (Spain)-$116 million

MILGEM corvettes (Turkey)-$250 million

Otago (New Zealand)-$62.6 million

Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago)-$76 million

River (Britain)-$31,400,000

Sarah Baartman/ Damen 8313 OPV (South Africa)-$20 million

Sentinel-$47 million

Sigma (Indonesian/Moroccan)-$222 million

Visby (Sweden)-$184 million



Ambassador MK III (Egypt/USA)-$325 million

Cyclone patrol craft-$31 million

Hamina (Finland)-$101 million

Rotoiti (New Zealand)-$25 million

Skjold (Norway)-$133.5 million

M80 Stiletto-$6 million



America LHA-$3.05 billion

Bay LSD (Britain)-$228 million

Canberra LHD (Australia)-$1.3 billion

General Frank S. Besson LSV-$32 million

KRI Dr. Soeharso LPD (Indonesia)-$50 million

Endurance LST (Singapore)-$142 million

Johan de Witt LPD (Netherlands)-$370 million

Juan Carlos (Spain)-$490 million

Kunlan Shan LPD (China)-$300 million

Makin Island LHD-$2.2 billion

San Antonio LHD-$1.76 billion

Mistral (France)-$529.8 million



Type 702 Berlin AOR (Germany)-$445 million

MRV Canterbury (New Zealand)-$124 million

Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV)-$160 million

Lewis and Clark (T-AKE)-$538 million

USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM-25)-$199 million

Patino AOR (Spain)-$288 million

Sea Fighter FSF 1-$200 million

Wave Knight Auxiliary Oiler(Britain)–$172 million


Naval Aircraft

The following numbers are based on DoD sources based via Defense-Aerospace.com. Unit Costs based on Total Costs as of 31/12/09:

E2 D Advanced Hawkeye-$252.05 million
EA 18 G Growler-$101.31 million
F/A 18 E/F Super Hornet-$93.38 million
F-35 Lightning II-$133.6 million
Rafale (France)-$125 million
MH 60 R SeaHawk-$47.47 million
MH 60 S SeaHawk-$29.48 million
NH90 (European)-$48 million
P 8I Poseidon-$279.84 million
V 22 Osprey-$115.5 million
CH 53K Super Stallion-$127.63 million
Sea Avenger UAV-$20 million
Of Interest:

C 130J Hercules-$90.34 million
C 17A Globemaster III-$311.97 million
CH 47F Chinook-$26.56 million
F 22 Raptor-$354.86 million
RQ 4 Global Hawk-$178.03 million

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Anonymous on April 3, 2022 at 1:03 am
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Ewan on December 1, 2018 at 12:58 pm
My naval strategy on a budget would be this:
Navy:20 frigates (5,000 troops)($2 billion), 35 patrol ships (1,050 troops)($700 million), 2 aircraft carriers (10,000 troops)(1 billion), 16,050 troops, $3.7 billion

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El Sid on July 23, 2014 at 11:28 am
BAM prices are out of date – the first lot cost €488m for 4 (so ~$160m)

Click to access Documento_1026.pdf

Two new ones to be delivered in 2019 will cost €167m ($225m) each :

The new British OPVs will cost £348m for three including spares and support, so ~ US$197m each – in 2012-13, to be delivered 2017/18

Of course you have the problem of comparing that to prices for bare hulls without support, the trend in the UK is to bundle capital expenditure with 10 years support.

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Rene Jiang on January 26, 2014 at 3:12 pm
Few issues:
1) You have to take inflation into consideration. It is true that de Gaulle costed about $3.7B USD, but that was in 2000. So, put that into 2015 dollar, that would be around 50% more?
2) A lot of the numbers are based on poor management and delays. Again, we cannot assume everyone’s going to face repeated delay, such as taking 20 years to procure QE carriers.
3) R&D cost should count separately. Like the Zumwalt class, it is obvious that the cost will be ridiculously high if you factor in R&D, but the USN will most likely build more, given how much money they have put into the program. R&D really pushes for technological advance and innovation, which I think is worth the money. If you are only concerned about R&D cost, then technology isn’t going to advance because you are not pouring money into it. Besides, R&D cost can be shared with other platforms, so can’t really add them into the cost of procurement. It’s like saying the MQ-9 program costed $11.8B in R&D, and only acquired about 104 of them, so the unit cost is at $113.5M? Obviously some “uninformed” addicts will say you don’t need to spend that much on R&D. But again, if you don’t spend it, you will never get that capability. Every time some revolutionary concept comes out, the initial R&D and procurement cost will be high. USS Enterprise costed about $12-13B after adjusted for inflation, then the NImitz class costed significantly less.
4) Country of origin. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. A ship built in S.K. is obviously going to cost less than something that is built in USA. On that note, I can say modern Chinese destroyers cost about $300M USD on average, thus it must be the worst destroyer on the face of the planet. (Their newer models are quite nice, like the T52 C/D)

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billrmahoney on October 22, 2013 at 1:54 pm
Hi – I’m curious if you have insight or links to websites that discuss Life Cycle Costing (LCC) estimates for these ships that include O&S for 20-30 year after the initial up-front investment. I’ve heard that a rule of thumb is that investment cost is ~25-30% of the total 20-30 year LCC. Thanks

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Anonymous on September 6, 2013 at 11:18 am
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Thomas "the Man" Dickerson on July 27, 2013 at 12:48 am
Well lets see how will they allocate budget for the PN, just hoping they put the annual Pork Barrel to our defense procurement instead to purchase additional military hardware. Its a dream come true if this would happen, though its not yet enough our government must prioritize or defense coz we cannot rely on our “aging” and “old military equipment”. Lets give our military a doze of new equipment common pleas…

Pingback: A New Writer on "New" Ships | Center for International Maritime SecurityCenter for International Maritime Security

Pepito on June 15, 2013 at 12:44 pm
To Pinoytoits,

That’s a good comment. Actually, that local shipbuilder is already here in the Philippines. Austal of Australia. This shipbuilder company just relocated to Balamban, Cebu and they are very experienced builder base upon the warships that they built for Australian Navy and the U.S. Navy.If you can Google the company and you will find a lot of info about them. What the Philippine Navy could do is to start talking to this ship builder, ask them the type of the warship you want to build (excluding maybe an Aircraft Carrier) give them the specification, size and armaments and of course the price of building one. The Philippine can save a lot of money in doing this. You also provide local experience for the Filipino craftsman, provide employment and it’s good for our economy.

Ken Lee (@KenLee318) on May 30, 2013 at 7:07 am
Thanks man! Though I hope the sources are better quoted in the article….. Anyway really useful to see some interesting figures, especially LCSs XD.

John Lee on May 28, 2013 at 6:19 pm
I been looking for decommissioned US navy air craft carrier. Any idea where can I start to acquire one?

Danilo on May 11, 2013 at 8:17 pm
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Great blog, keep it up!

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Dave on October 4, 2012 at 11:37 pm
Malaysia has a new building program for 6 Littoral Combat Ships (closer to Frigates actually) at a total cost of USD 3 billion.

Fernando Martinez on September 4, 2012 at 4:40 pm
Thank you, it’s very informative to military enthusiasts.

Pinoytoits on August 28, 2012 at 9:38 pm
All these cost more than those that will be made in the Philippines.The Philippines should have shipyards to produce modern, high tech navy,coastguard ships and boats.

Pingback: Cost of Naval Ships - Defense Technology & Military Forum

jake constantinou on May 19, 2012 at 5:47 am
I’ve been looking for prices of many naval vessels and aircraft and this has been a massive help. I would further like to encourage this web page to possibly expand and show information of air force and ground force equipment.
Brilliant website

Alexander on May 11, 2012 at 10:43 am
I’m thinking that the new ones will have AIP, whereas the first ones didn’t?? Also, the new ones may be able to carry more weapons.

Scott B. on May 8, 2012 at 8:33 am
Dolphin-class SSK, AIP variant (Israel) : EUR1.4 billion for 3 units, i.e. about $1.825 billion for 3 units, i.e. about $608 million per unit.

Source : Next 3 Dolphin subs to cost 1.4b euros (Haaretz, May 8, 2012)

“The cost of building the three Dolphin class submarines on Israel’s naval shopping list will reach 1.4 billion euros, of which a third will be covered by the German government.

Germany has also undertaken to make 400 million euros worth of defense and other purchases from Israeli suppliers, as part of the financing arrangements.

Tanin (Crocodile ), the first of the three subs, and the fourth one that Israel has purchased from Germany since 1998, was formally accepted by the Israeli navy at a ceremony at the Kiel shipyard in Hamburg last Thursday, where the subs are being built. The $500 million boat, the most expensive vessel ever commissioned by the Israeli Navy, will arrive in Israel and go into service in 2013, after trials.”

“More than anything else this ceremony represents the strong and unique link between Germany and Israel, especially in light of the intensifying regional situation and challenges,” Udi Shani, Defense Ministry director general, said at the ceremony, which took place at the shipyard of the Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft shipbuilding company, headquartered in Kiel. HDW developed and built the Dolphin class diesel-electric submarines for Israel.

Dolphin class subs are considered the most advanced in the world, versatile and with wide-ranging capabilities. The fifth Dolphin is scheduled to be delivered to the Israeli Navy in 2014. Defense Minster Ehud Barak last month approved terms for a sixth submarine with more advanced capabilities than the previous five that will be completed in 2017.

Defense sources said yesterday that part of the offset purchases that Germany has committed to make in the Dolphin deal will be used in building the contracted submarines. The rest will be in the form of defense and other procurements from Israeli industry.

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Alexander on April 10, 2012 at 6:04 pm
Yes, agreed. I wouldn’t mind seeing them choosen for the new Canadian Destroyers and Frigates. Keep in mind that the Spanish F100 is close in cost and is the sister ship. I believe the F105 is more expensive than the F100 because it uses anti-ballistic steel in it’s contstruction, making it more expensive, likely the case with the German ship as well.

Dracae on April 10, 2012 at 2:38 pm
I am very surprised the Dutch De Zeven Provincien is ( so much ) cheaper then its German and Spanish half-sisters. Seems to me, if true, that makes this ship among the best bang for ones buck, specially when considering the ridiculous price the American coast guard pays for its lower capability cutters,
Seems also the USA is paying way to much for most ships anyway.. related to comparable ships from other nations.

Pingback: Indian Navy News & Discussions - Page 111

Iaroslav on March 13, 2012 at 6:26 pm
The cost of warship include weapons?

Terry Wilson on March 12, 2012 at 6:07 am
Does anybody have costs on the new Singapore Technologies Endurance 160 LPD?

Best Instructional Guide to European Car Breakdown Cover on January 5, 2012 at 3:18 am
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Scott B. on December 21, 2011 at 1:37 pm
More on the Korean-made Type 209 SSKs for Indonesia :

South Korea Exports Submarines to Indonesia

“SEOUL, South Korea – A South Korean shipbuilder said Dec. 21 it had signed the country’s largest-ever weapons export deal, worth $1.1 billion, to sell three submarines to Indonesia.


Under the contract, Daewoo will deliver the three submarines, each weighing 1,400 tons, to Jakarta by the first half of 2018.

Each of the submarines can carry 40 personnel and will be equipped with eight weapons tubes to fire torpedoes and guided missiles.”

Scott B. on December 21, 2011 at 6:56 am
Type 209 SSK (built in South-Korea for Indonesia) : $1,100 million for 3 units, i.e. $367 million per unit

Source : Daewoo wins submarine contract for Indonesian navy, 21 December 2011

“Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering signed a contract to build three submarines for the Indonesian navy on Tuesday.

The contract calls for DSME to build three 1,400-ton submarines for the Indonesian navy for a total of $1.1 billion, making the contract the largest single defense contract to be awarded to a Korean firm.


According to DSME, the vessels will be of 61.3 meters in length, and will be capable of carrying a crew of 40 sailors. The submarines will be fitted with eight weapon tubes for torpedoes and other weapons.”

Pingback: The Royal Navy Discussions and Updates - Page 491 - Defense Technology & Military Forum

Peter Sirico on December 9, 2011 at 2:31 pm

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Anger Management Class in Philadelphia PA on November 29, 2011 at 4:01 pm
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Bob on November 24, 2011 at 8:58 pm
Fortunately I managed to figure out that ones without the country in brackets are from the US. Not every visitor is from the United States so putting US in the brackets might help other visitors, especially those not very good in English.

D on November 9, 2011 at 1:39 pm
The F105 Colon seems to have gone from €700m to €822.99m (ie ~$1.1bn) as of August 2011 :
http://politica.elpais.com/politica/...03_049342.html (in the graphic)

Those Huitfeldt prices sound like the shipbuilding contracts for the Burkes which come in around US$700m as they don’t include government-furnished equipment like weapons systems which take the price up to $1,847m (or over $2.2bn in the case of DDG-113)

Anonymous on November 3, 2011 at 6:05 pm
just a comment
FREMM project is italian project
HORIZON project is at joinventure italian france, in the beggining was involved also Royal UK Navy then they left the project and goes on theyr own and create the T45 class.

Anonymous on November 3, 2011 at 6:00 pm
regard these amounts they look very strange and not realistics. the amount of a naval vessel could not been classified with money, and it’s very complex to make a realistic cost effects. anyway this site is really good and congratulations to all you guys. just can make a comment on what I know , italian aircraft carrier cost could be real, but not complete as has been spent loads of additionalmoney so the balance is higher then this and honestly the difference price cavour queen elizabeth is ridiclous for a ship (qu UK) that is 5 times the price as cavour..
claudio – italian navy retired

Pingback: Warship Cost Estimates | This World and Others

Scott B. on September 25, 2011 at 4:39 am
MILGEM corvettes (Turkey) : $260 million per unit

Source : Hurriyet, 12 November 2010

Turkish : “Maliyeti toplam 260 milyon dolar olan gemiyi Türkiye, yurt dışından hazır almaya kalksa en az 500 milyon dolar ödeyecekti.”

English : “Total cost of the vessel built in Turkey in $260 million. If purchased abroad, the vessel would cost $500 million”.

Alexander on August 7, 2011 at 12:26 pm
Our Government has just recently announced a new 30 year, 35 billion dollar ship building program mainly for the military. There is 20 billion dollars for 15 new wide area, anti-ballistic missle, capable destroyers which will be build in Canada, so about 1.3 billion each, which can be done. We will likely license an existing design to be built in Canada. We are also getting new ice breakers, supply ships, coastal patrol vessels, and some new coast guard ships. The bids to select two canadian shipyards are already in and the two yards will be announced later this year, they will begin cutting steel in about 2 years. Other than subs, this will completely rebuild our existing navy.

Scott B. on August 6, 2011 at 11:24 am

s, 16-24 SM-6’s and 64 ESSM’s. That would be an outstanding package in an aegis class warship. Is that hoping for too much??

Even 1.1 to 1.2 billion all in would be ok. Although, if they could get them for 1 billion all in for the 15 destroyers, and yes, build them as detroyers, the same as Australia, then we might even have room in that budget for some new subs, the kind that can stay submerged for weeks on end.

Gan on June 1, 2011 at 11:01 pm
The Philippine Navy plans to buy a diesel-electric powered shallow water attack submarine by 2020, do you have any suggestions?

Scott B. on May 6, 2011 at 3:31 am
Dolphin-class SSK, AIP variant (Israel) : $1 billion for 1 unit

Source : Israel buys Dolphin submarine, 5 May 2011

“Israel will purchase its sixth Dolphin submarine from Germany at the expense of $1 billion, officials announced Thursday, despite constant objections by the IDF echelon.

A special ministerial committee decided to accept the recommendations of Defense Minister Ehud Barak, who promoted its purchase. Israel already operates three Dolphins and bought two more from Germany in 2006.

Dedicated to the security of the Jewish state founded in the wake of the Holocaust, Germany had sold those submarines at deep discounts. But Berlin, beset by budgetary constraints, balked in talks last year at similarly underwriting the sixth Dolphin.”

PENDOUE Materne on May 4, 2011 at 7:15 am

Scott B. on April 16, 2011 at 11:22 am
Gripen NG (Sweden) proposal for the Netherlands : source added below


Scott B. on April 16, 2011 at 7:16 am
Gripen NG (Sweden) proposal for the Netherlands : EUR 4,792 million for 85 units, i.e. about EUR 56.4 million per unit, i.e. about $81.5 million per unit.

Source : SAAB 2009 Brief to Dutch Air Force Association

NB : package offered included airframes, role equipment (e.g. drop tanks), mission support equipment (e.g. maintenance ground support system), training (e.g. mission simulators) and logistics (e.g. fly-away spares).

Scott B. on March 4, 2011 at 7:55 am
Mistral-class LHDs (built in France for Russia) : EUR 980 million for two ships, i.e. EUR 490 million per unit, i.e. about $680 million per unit.

Source : Russian Mistral Procurement Stalled, Forecast International, 3 March 2011

Highlights :

“Russia is only willing to pay EUR980 million for two Mistral-class ships, while France is insisting that it get at least EUR1.15 billion. According to Deputy Defense Minister Vladimir Popovkin, the contract for all four vessels should only total EUR1.5 billion.


The EUR1.15 billion price tag includes the construction of the first two ships (EUR980 million), some unidentified logistics expenses (EUR131 million), and crew training expenses (EUR39 million). However, Russia wants the price to also include the cost of construction licenses for the second pair and technical documentation costs. France insists that those items will cost an additional EUR90 million.”

Scott B. on March 3, 2011 at 2:29 pm
Mistral-class LHDs (built in France for Russia) : $980 to $1,150 million for 2 ships, i.e. about $490 to $575 million per unit.

source : Russia-France Mistral Talks Hit Snag On Price
, AFP, 3 March 2011.

“Russia insists it will pay no more than $980 million (706 million euros) for two Mistral-class ships, while France insists on a contract worth at least $1.15 billion, the Kommersant business daily reported.”

Scott B. on February 10, 2011 at 3:26 pm
Meko A-100, 2nd batch (Malaysia, German design) : MYR6 billion for 6 units, i.e. about $1,928 million for 6 units, i.e. about $328 million per unit

Source : Forecast International, February 9, 2011 (text below)

****************************** *********************
“Increased Capability for New Malaysian Frigates

(Source: Forecast International; issued February 9, 2011)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — The second batch of MEKO-A100 class ships being built for the Malaysian Navy will have greatly increased combat capabilities compared with the first group of six ships. They will be equipped with improved command and control systems, advanced electronic warfare capabilities, a three-dimensional radar, surface and air warfare missiles, and a torpedo defense system. As a result of this added capability, the ships will be classed as Littoral Combat Ships rather than offshore patrol vessels.

News of the added capabilities was released in response to accusations by Malaysian Member of Parliament Tony Pua that the six new ships would cost 870 percent more than equivalents purchased by other countries. He arrived at that figure by comparing the MYR6 billion ($1,975 million) cost of the six new ships with the MYR211 million ($69.5 million) per ship paid by New Zealand for its OPVs. However, his figures do not add up. The Malaysian Navy will be paying roughly $330 million per ship for its new acquisitions. While this is a bit less than five times the cost paid by New Zealand, the ships are dramatically different in power and capability.

The six new Malaysian Littoral Combat Ships will be built by Boustead Naval Shipyard and funded under the 10th and 11th five-year Malaysian plans.

Sean Anello on February 5, 2011 at 10:54 pm
Very wonderful information can be found on web blog .

Claudio Anglum on February 5, 2011 at 3:46 am
wohh exactly what I was looking for, appreciate it for putting up.

Jordan Mitchelle on February 5, 2011 at 1:20 am
I conceive this website has got some really excellent information for everyone : D.

Scott B. on January 11, 2011 at 5:38 pm
Some sub benchmarks from Forecast International :

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
FI Projects a $106+ Billion Submarine Market

NEWTOWN, Conn. [January 10, 2011] — Forecast International’s “The Market for Submarines” analysis projects that 111 submarines worth $106.7 billion will be produced from 2011-2020. The average value of these submarines will be $960 million, an indicator of the growing complexity of the modern submarine and the increasing use of air-independent propulsion, both of which add substantially to the cost of diesel-electric boats.

“Over the long term, constant shifts in the structure of construction costs and the steadily growing number of countries that are interested in nuclear-powered submarines mean that the average cost of submarines will continue to increase on an annual basis,” said warships analyst Stuart Slade, author of the report.

The submarine market is divided into three subsectors. The first is the market for ballistic missile submarines, or SSBNs. There are 13 such submarines on order or under construction. These represent 11.7 percent of the total market in terms of numbers but are valued at $26 billion, representing 24.5 percent of the total value of the market. The average unit cost of the SSBNs is $2.0 billion.

In the long term, both the British and U.S. navies are evaluating possible successors to their existing SSBN units, the Vanguard and Ohio classes, respectively. The British program is designated SSBN(R) or Successor; the U.S. program, SSBN(X). Both navies have elected to stay with the traditional SSBN concept, although both SSBN(X) and SSBN(R) will carry significantly fewer missiles than their predecessors did. Overall, the SSBN sector looks healthier now than it has in many years.

The second sector is the market for nuclear-powered attack submarines, or SSNs. The projections show sales of 27 such submarines, representing 24 percent of the total number and valued at $48.32 billion. This represents 45.7 percent of the total funding for all submarines over the forecast period. The average unit value of the SSNs covered in this survey is $1.79 billion. Interestingly, the differential in value between SSNs and SSBNs has fallen precipitously over the last few years.

The final sector is the market for SSKs, or diesel-electric submarines. From 2011-2020, 71 of these boats will be built, representing 64 percent of the total. They are valued at $32.4 billion, representing 30.36 percent of the total expenditure on submarines from 2011-2020. A notable factor this year is that the average cost of diesel-electric submarines has increased to $456 million.

Scott B. on November 23, 2010 at 12:46 pm
JAS-39C Gripen (Sweden) for Thailand : SEK 2,200 million for 6 units, i.e. about $320 million for 6 units, i.e. about $53 million per unit.

Source : Saab Press Release, 23 November 2010

“Defence and security company Saab has received an order from FMV (Swedish Defence Material Administration) for six Gripen aircraft intended for the Royal Thai Air Force. The order is worth approximately 2,2 billion SEK. The six Gripen aircraft are of the single-seat C version and the project duration is between 2010 -2013.”

sm87 on November 8, 2010 at 10:22 pm
“Sa’ar 5 is a class of Israeli navy corvette, designed based on lessons learned from the Sa’ar 4.5 class ships. Three Sa’ar 5 ships were built by Northrop Grumman Ship Systems (formerly Litton-Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation of Pascagoula, Mississippi) for the Israeli Navy, based on Israeli designs. The Sa’ar 5 ships are the Israeli fleet’s most advanced surface ships, costing US$260 million each.”

But I dont know if the US$260 million are from 1993-1994 or 2010….

Someone know?

And the Sa’ar 4.5 cost?

Chuck Hill on August 24, 2010 at 4:14 pm
From a Congressional Budget Office letter of Apr 28, 2010

Procurement costs in 2010 dollars

MCM-1 Avenger Class–$274M
FFG-7 (long hull) –$662M
DDG-51 (flight IIA)–$1484M
CG-47 (Upgraded)–$2014M

Chuck Hill on August 24, 2010 at 12:35 pm
Sorry, looks like the links documenting the source of the cost did not carry over when I copied TangoSix info, but they should be available on his site.

Chuck Hill on August 24, 2010 at 12:33 pm
The following information is extracted from TangoSix’s blog:


British Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers cost £5,133 Million ($7,956 Million) for two or an average of £2,566 Million ($3,977 Million) each according to page 17 of part 2 of this document.

American Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers cost $21,944 Million (£14,157 Million) for two or an average of $10,972 Million (£7,079 Million) each according to page 1 of this document.

British Astute class submarine costs an average of £1,380 Million ($2,139 Million) each according to page 10 of part 2 of this document.

American Virginia class submarine costs $2,856 Million (£1,843 Million) each (FY 2009) according to page 1 of section 3 of this document.

British Daring class destroyer has a production cost of £661 Million ($1,025 Million) each according to page 180 of part 3 of this document.

American Flight IIA Arleigh Burke class destroyer has a production cost of $2,234 Million (£1,441 Million) each (FY2010) according to page 1 section 10 of this document.

British Albion class Landing Platform Dock cost (estimated 2001) £786 Million for 2 ships or an average of £393 Million ($609 Million) each according to page 92 of this document.

American San Antonio class Landing Platform Dock cost $1,849.5 Million (£1,193 Million) each (FY2009) according to page 1 of section 14 of this document.

Chuck Hill on August 23, 2010 at 5:28 pm
US Coast Guard HC-144 (Airbus CN235) twin turboprop Maritime Patrol Aircraft $39M
effective August 23, 2010.

Mike Burleson on August 21, 2010 at 4:02 pm
Reading further down, notice the 21 billion Kroner is for drydock expansion and helicopters, plus other equipment. The correct price for the 5 frigates minus these extras is 14 billion kroner (2000 dollars). Adjusted for inflation this comes to $557 million each so we were both off.

Fencer on August 21, 2010 at 2:27 pm
Your link for the Nansen-class frigate shows a price of $674 million each, not $455 million (21 billion Kroner = $3.37 billion, divided by five frigates = $674 million).

Scott B. on August 15, 2010 at 1:56 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Type 209 SSK (German/Portugal)-$550 million”

This entry should read Type 209PN SSK.

Scott B. on August 15, 2010 at 1:54 pm
Dost-class OPV (Turkey) : €352.5 million for 4 units, i.e. about $451 million for 4 units, i.e. about $113 million per unit

Source : Warship Technology July/August 2010, page 28-30 :

“A subsidiary of automotive and industrial group Koç Holdings, RMK Marine was in January 2007 awarded a €325.5 million contract by the Turkish Ministry of National Defence’s Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (Savunma Sanayii Müstesarligi – SSM) for the four 88m ships, to be named Dost, Umut, Yasam and Güven.

The design itself is a licensed derivative of the proven Sirio-class offshore patrol vessel originally designed by Italian shipbuilder Fincanteri, but more than 70% (by value) of the programme is being delivered by Turkish industry.”

Details on the Dost-class OPVs can be found here.

Scott B. on August 13, 2010 at 6:25 pm
Scorpene-class submarine (France / India) : Rs. 23,564 crore for 6 units, i.e. about $4.950 million for 6 units, i.e. about $825 million per unit

source : Additional $1 billion sanctioned for Scorpene submarines, Economic Times, August 12, 2010 :

“NEW DELHI: Admitting that the delivery of Scorpene submarines was facing “problems”, the government Wednesday said it had sanctioned an additional
Rs.4,764 crore ($1 billion) for the project signed with France in 2004.


He said the government has “recently sanctioned an additional amount of Rs.4,764 crore for the project”.

India had signed the Rs.18,800 crore deal with France in 2004 for six diesel electric submarines to be constructed at the state-run Mazagon Dockyard in Mumbai. The first submarine is expected to be completed by 2012.”

Scott B. on August 11, 2010 at 12:12 pm
Type 209PN submarine (Portugal, made in Germany) : €800 million for 2 units, i.e. €400 million per unit, i.e. about $525 million per unit

Sources :

1) Portugal Orders Two Class 209 PN Submarines, Deagel, April 22, 2004 :

“The contract worth €800 million ($1 billion) was signed along with a countertrade package contract as offset. The two submarines

2) Fuel Cell Propulsion Fitted into New Portuguese Subs, Defense Industry Daily, April 29, 2005 :

“After six years of debate, evaluation and negotiation, the Portuguese Navy (PN) signed a construction contract with the German Submarine Consortium (GSC) for two Type-209 submarines on April 21, 2004 with an option for a third. The contract is worth $911 million to GSC and features $1.42 billion in offsets for Portuguese industry.”

3) Portuguese Navy Receives its First German Submarine, Logistics Week, August 6, 2010 :

“In 2004, Portugal signed a contract with the GSC for two U-214 submarines for €770m ($1bn), an amount that has raised due to delays.”

4) Submarine forces (Portugal), Jane’s Underwater Warfare Systems, June 24, 2010 :

“A contract for the construction of two Type 209PN class SSKs, worth EUR800 million (USD1.1 billion), was signed on 21 April 2004 with the German Submarine Consortium (GSC) (consisting of HDW, Nordseewerke and MAN Ferrostaal). The Portugese 209 class is very similar to the Type 214 Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) submarines under construction for Greece and have been given the names Tridente and Arpão (Harpoon) and delivery of the two vessels is scheduled for 2010 and 2011.”

Chuck Hill on August 10, 2010 at 5:21 pm
I might have missed something, but I don’t think I’ve seen any dedicated mine warfare ships in this listing. Unless we want to rely on the LCS, I think this is a glaring hole in the US capability.

Heretic on August 9, 2010 at 11:55 am
I strongly suspect that the Type 214 SSK is actually a $500m per boat price, not $350m per boat.

Mike Burleson on August 9, 2010 at 6:01 am
Concerning the A26 submarine, I still resist using Wikipedia as a source for this page, and I also noticed their own source link for the price didn’t work.

Chuck Hill on August 8, 2010 at 5:06 pm
According to this source: http://www.strategypage.com/htmw/hts.../20100806.aspx
smuggling, illegal fishery and piracy, especially in the Strait of Malacca. One of the deciding factors for this contract is the good relation between the Indonesian Navy and Thales, based on the experience gained with the NAV5 patrol boats that were commissioned between 2000 and 2004.

The above water defence systems to be installed on the corvettes include: the TACTICOS scaleable combat management system, the MW08 3D multibeam surveillance radar, the LIROD Mk2 tracking radar, the LINK Y Mk2 datalink system and Target Designation Sights. For under water defence capability, the Thales Kingklip medium frequency active/passive Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) hull-mounted sonar has been selected. The naval communication system of the corvettes has been developed by Thales in Germany, based on the FOCON system. Thales will perform the complete combat system integration of these corvettes. To operate this sophisticated equipment, the future crew of the ships will be trained in the Netherlands by Thales. Thales expects to be able to keep playing a substantial role in the safety of the Indonesian archipelago.”

Scott B. on July 28, 2010 at 7:48 am
Sigma-class corvettes, Moroccan variant (Netherlands) : €510 million for 3 units, i.e. about €170 million per unit, i.e. about $222 million per unit

source : Aviation Week, May 15, 2008

The Royal Moroccan Navy signed the contract with Schelde on Feb. 6 (DTI March, p. 8). Worth approximately €510 million ($816 million), it calls for the design, build and delivery by 2012 of three surface combatants that the Moroccans are designating multimission frigates.

Electronics (CMS, Sensors, comms, ESM/ECM) is estimated to be worth about €165 million for 3 units, i.e. about €55 million per unit, i.e. about $72 million per unit.

source : ARES blog, April 1, 2008

“The contract for Thales is estimated to be worth at least 165 million euros ($255 million) and includes Tacticos combat management systems, Smart-S Mk 2 volume search radars and Lirod Mk 2 radar/electro-optical fire control directors to be integrated with the MBDA-supplied Vertical Launch MICA local area air defense missile system that is to equip the Moroccan warships.

Other Thales-supplied subsystems included in the deal would be Kingklip hull-mounted sonars, identification fried of foe (IFF) equipment, the integrated internal/external communications systems (believed to be integrated with a Harris-supplied radio suite), Vigile 100 electronic support measures (ESM) and Scorpion electronic countermeasures (ECM) systems, as well as manual target designation sights and integrated navigation systems.”

Mike Burleson on July 23, 2010 at 5:00 pm
Heretic-Those aren’t my figures but the GAO, as my link showed. I strongly caution against using Wikipedia as a source, though sometimes they link to primary sources.

Heretic on July 23, 2010 at 2:58 pm
The T-AKE Program consists of 14 ships with a budget of approximately $4 billion.
(see: last sentence of Description).

$4 billion divided by 14 ships comes out to around $285 million per ship.
You’re claiming $538 million per ship, Mike … which is very nearly a +90% overrun cost. Are you sure you’ve got your math right?

Heretic on July 22, 2010 at 5:32 pm
Sheesh … took long enough to find a price tag for the Supply class T-AOE. The price reference I found was for T-AOE 10:

The Navy has awarded a $365.8 million fixed-price contract to National Steel and Shipbuilding Co., San Diego, for the design and construction of an AOE-10 Fast Combat Support Ship…

The article was written in January 1993, so accounting for inflation I have to wonder what the price would be now in FY2011 dollars for the purposes of these Warship Costs?

Heretic on July 22, 2010 at 11:17 am
Supply class T-AOE

It would seem that the price of this ship is conspicuous by its absence, since it combines the functions of a T-AKE and a Type 702 Berlin into a single ship and would seem to be somewhat “necessary” for a Carrier Strike Group.

Scott B. on July 21, 2010 at 6:33 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Scott, do you have a link on those Type 212 figures?”

Link in this post

Mike Burleson on July 21, 2010 at 6:20 am
Scott, do you have a link on those Type 212 figures?

Scott B. on July 21, 2010 at 4:53 am
I continue to believe that there are a couple of important missing entries in the current SUBMARINE category :

Type 212 submarine (Germany) : €824 million for 2 units, i.e. €412 million per unit, i.e. about $525 million per unit

Dolphin-class SSK, AIP variant (Israel) : €1 billion for 2 units, i.e. about €500 million per unit, i.e. about $635 million per unit

Scott B. on July 21, 2010 at 4:39 am
Dolphin-class SSK, AIP variant (Israel) : €1 billion for 2 units, i.e. about €500 million per unit, i.e. about $635 million per unit

Source : Associated Press Washington Post, August 25, 2006

“The new submarines, built at a cost of $1.3 billion with Germany footing one-third of the bill, have diesel-electric propulsion systems that allow them to remain submerged for longer periods of time than the three nuclear arms-capable submarines already in Israel’s fleet, the Jerusalem Post reported.

Exchange rate in August 2006 : USD 1.00 = EUR 0.78

Meaning $1.3 billion ~ €1.0 billion

Mike Burleson on July 7, 2010 at 1:52 pm
Thanks Scott!

Scott B. on July 6, 2010 at 2:24 pm
Astute-class SSN (UK) : GBP 3,933 million for Boats 1 to 3, i.e. GBP 1,311 million per unit, i.e. about $1,988 million per unit.

Source : Defence Equipment 2010, House of Commons Defence Committee, p. 164 (Ev97)

Scott B. on July 6, 2010 at 2:20 pm
Astute-class SSN (UK) : GBP 1,589 million for Boat #4, i.e. about $2,410 million per unit

Source : Ministry of Defence Major Projects Report 2009 : Appendices and Project Summary Sheets, p. 118, paragraph B.4.

Scott B. on June 23, 2010 at 5:11 pm
Scorpene-class submarine (France) : value of the deal with Malaysia reported to be €1,084 million for 2 units, i.e. about $1,330 million for 2 units, i.e. about $665 million per unit.

Source : The Malaysian Insider, June 22, 2010.

“The reply listed down the cost of the two submarines as well as the price of buying 40 SM-39 Block 2 torpedoes from France and 30 Black Shark torpedoes from Italy.

According to the ministry, the purchase of two Scorpene submarines cost 1.084 billion euros, while the cost of the submarine “support and test” equipment amounted to 37.5 million euros.

The total cost of the torpedoes amounted to 219.265 million euros.

“If you add all this up, the total cost is RM6.7 billion. But this does not include maintenance fees for the submarines,” said Chua.

The Batu MP claimed that DCN, the French company which supplied the submarines to the ministry, had quoted additional costs of RM600 million for the maintenance of the submarines for a six-year period.”

Anonymous on June 16, 2010 at 3:11 pm
Just an idea, but why not include life-cycle costs as well? Many of the new US Navy ships are supposed to be cheaper then current ships even though they have higher procurement cost.

Scott B. on June 14, 2010 at 7:30 am
Mike Burleson said : “Gotland SSK (Sweden)-$100 million”

I don’t mean to be insistent, but as discussed a couple of times already, the source for your $100 million figure is anything but reliable.

Check for instance this paragraph in Milan Vego’s latest pro-SSK piece : (emphasis added)

“An SSN can be three to five times more expensive than a conventional submarine fitted with AIP. The price of one Los Angeles-class submarine is about $1 billion, a Virginia class $1.6 billion, and a Seawolf class about $2.1 billion. In contrast, the price of one Gotland-class AIP submarine is about $365 million, and one Type 212A about $500 million.”

Scott B. on June 3, 2010 at 5:13 pm
Quick comments on the SUBMARINE category as shown at present :

1) First Barracuda-class SSN won’t be delivered before 2016, so the corresponding entry should make it clear that $1.35 billion per unit is an estimate, i.e. :

Barracuda SSN (France)-$1.35 billion (est.)

2) A couple of missing entries :

Type 212 submarine (Germany) : €824 million for 2 units, i.e. €412 million per unit, i.e. about $525 million per unit

Dolphin-class SSK, AIP variant (Israel) : €1 billion for 2 units, i.e. about €500 million per unit, i.e. about $637 million per unit

3) As discussed last week, the source for your $100 million figure is anything but reliable. My understanding is that the Gotland probably costs (at least) twice as much, i.e. (at least) $190 million per unit.

Scott B. on June 3, 2010 at 5:01 pm
Type 214 submarine (Germany) : value of the deal with Turkey reported to be somewhere between €1.96 and €2.50 billion for 6 units, i.e. between $2.40 and $3.07 billion for 6 units, i.e. somewhere between $400 million and $510 million per unit.

Sources :

Turkey to buy submarines at reduced price

Today’s Special: Turkey Subs

Scott B. on June 3, 2010 at 4:26 pm
Improved Kilo-class submarine, Project 636 (Russia) : value of the deal with Vietnam reported to be $2.1 billion for 6 units, i.e. $350 million per unit

Source : DefenseRussia-Vietnam submarine deal worth record $3.2 bln

“Last year’s contract on the delivery of six Kilo class diesel submarines to Vietnam, worth a total of $3.2 billion, is the largest deal in the history of Russian exports of naval equipment, a Russian magazine says.

The contract was signed in December 2009 during the visit of Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung to Russia.

‘The construction cost is $2.1 billion, but the building of all necessary coastal infrastructure and the delivery of armaments and other equipment may bring the total to $3.2 bln, which makes this deal the largest in the history of Russian exports of naval equipment,’ the Export of Arms magazine says in an editorial published in its June issue.”

Note : contract value was previously (April 2009) reported to be worth $1.8 billion. See RussiaRussia to build 6 Kilo-class diesel submarines for Vietnam

Scott B. on May 20, 2010 at 5:41 am
Ivar Huitfeldt-class frigates (Denmark) : DKK 4,700 million for 3 units, i.e. about DKK 1,567 million per unit, i.e. about $258 million per unit

d) Military Power : all Power Projection operations.

2) OPVs are primarily designed for Peace Operations, i.e. Military Aid and Military Patrol, whereas SLCs (i.e. FACs and corvettes) are primarily designed for War Operations, i.e. Military Control and Military Power.

Scott B. on May 17, 2010 at 4:51 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Scott, the reason I placed the CORVETTE/OPV/CUTTERS in the same category, because basically they are all shallow water vessels, and roughly the same size. Do you agree with that analogy?”

No, I disagree with the analogy.

Below is a short paragraph from the infamous NATO 2004 study where the distinction between SLCs (Small Littoral Combatants, i.e. FACs and corvettes) and OPVs :

(bold emphasis added) :

****************************** ****************************** *************

Small littoral combatants and OPVs often are about the same size and operate in similar environments, but they are otherwise very different. SLCs are ships designed for operation in a dense, high threat, combat environment within the reach of ground based attack aircraft and shore based anti-ship missiles, currently meaning ships normally operating up to about 250 nautical miles offshore.

SLCs conduct warfighting tasks, whereas OPVs enforce maritime law and perform search and rescue and humanitarian tasks. SLCs are far more comprehensively equipped with sensors, C4ISR systems and weapons. SLCs can vary from limited single task to larger multi-task ships that can conduct offensive or defensive missions for all types of naval warfare. Because of their limited sustainability SLCs generally operate from fixed shore bases or forward based depot ships. They generally depart, conduct an operation, and return without replenishment. As compared to OPVs, SLCs generally have much higher speed, follow naval design practices, have improved survivability and have much lower signatures.

Because they generally are slower, OPV hulls tend to be fuller than those of SLCs, with a higher displacement-to-length ratio. Slower OPVs also have relatively less installed propulsive power. Because of the differences in task-related equipment and lack of dedicated damage control teams, OPVs can have smaller crews, particularly because they are often comprised of professional mariners in lieu of high turnover, less experienced, military personnel. High-speed SLCs have hull, mechanical and electrical equipment that is designed to meet lightweight naval standards. They have high payload-area and payload-weight fractions, austere habitability, and extensive redundancy and separation for high availability and combat survivability. The hulls of SLCs are also designed to meet demanding naval intact and damaged stability standards. Conversely, OPV propulsion plants often have specialized propulsion systems for low speed loiter operations.

Most significant is the obvious difference in the ratio of payload-to-total program cost. In SLCs the proportionate allocation of program cost to the payload should be very high because of the relatively high ratio of combat system payload weight -to-light ship weight, whereas in OPVs this ratio should be expected to be much lower. Similarly, the overall cost-per-ton of SLCs is expected to be considerably higher than that for OPVs.

****************************** ****************************** *************

Scott B. on May 17, 2010 at 12:19 pm
Mike Burleson said : “I hate to be a pest, but do you have a source link for that $745 million price? I couldn’t find it.”

You can read the English summary of the French GAO report over at Defense Aerospace..

Mike Burleson on May 17, 2010 at 11:00 am
I hate to be a pest, but do you have a source link for that $745 million price? I couldn’t find it.

Mike Burleson on May 17, 2010 at 10:56 am
Ok. Thanks!

Scott B. on May 17, 2010 at 10:09 am
Mike Burleson said : “A couple of the sources such as on the French FREMM were really old, probably on price estimates. Think I will stick with my figures for now.”

The figures from the French equivalent of the GAO that I posted earlier for the FREMM, i.e. current APUC (for 11 units) = €550.2, i.e. :48 am
A couple of the sources such as on the French FREMM were really old, probably on price estimates. Think I will stick with my figures for now.

I agree with your argument on the Type 45 and I’ve adjusted the figures.

Mike Burleson on May 17, 2010 at 9:03 am
Scott, the reason I placed the CORVETTE/OPV/CUTTERS in the same category, because basically they are all shallow water vessels, and roughly the same size. Do you agree with that analogy? Notice the larger cutters like the NSC I have placed in the “frigate” category.

Mike Burleson on May 17, 2010 at 8:51 am
Thanks Scott! Still not a bad deal compared to…

Scott B. on May 17, 2010 at 8:00 am
Mike Burleson said : “Nansen (Norway)-$326 million”

The value of the deal signed June 2000 for 5 Nansens was NOK 14,066 millions, i.e. about $1,618 million based on the USD / NOK exchange at the time (i.e. NOK 1.00 = USD 0.115 in June 2000).

Source : Norway MoD brochure, page 10.

Based on current exchange rates (i.e. NOK 1.00 = USD 0.1617), NOK 14,066 millions is equal to about $2,275 millions, meaning about $455 millions per unit for the Nansens.

This difference illustrates the impact of exchange rate fluctuations and, IMO, the need for the contract value to be listed in original currency and not just in USD.

Various *adjustments* were made to the original contract and Jane’s Defense Weekly reported on 6 December 2006 that the overall cost for the 5-ship Nansen programme was about NOK 16 billions, i.e. $2,587 millions based on current exchange rates, i.e. about $517.5 million per unit.

Scott B. on May 15, 2010 at 8:07 pm
Sarah Baartman-class / Damen 8313 OPV (South Africa) : ZAR 150 million for 1 unit, i.e. about $20 million per unit

Sources :
Sarah Baartman-class @ Defenceweb.co.za

Navy needs survey ship, PVs by 2015

Mike Burleson on May 12, 2010 at 1:00 pm
Scott, like you I think this is due for a makeover! Not this afternoon, but soon.

Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 12:37 pm
Some more suggestions, other than cosmetics :

1) I’d split the SUBMARINE category into :

b) SSN
c) SSK

It doesn’t really make sense to have all of these in a single bucket, especially when it comes to SSBN vs others.

2) I’d put the AAW Eurofrigates together with the Type 45 destroyers in the DESTROYER category. Included in the AAW Eurofrigates are :

a) Horizon class (France / Italy)
b) F100 Alvaro de Bazan (Spain)
c) F124 Sachsen (Germany)
d) De Zeven Provincien (Netherlands)
e) Iver Huitfeldt (Denmark)

3) I’ll keep the FRIGATE category for the ASW/GP frigates, much like the current British classification. And I’ll definitely take the Holland-class OPVs out of this category, because they don’t belong in there !

4) I’ll split the current CORVETTE/OPV/CUTTERS category into a CORVETTE category and an OPV category. Because a CORVETTE and an OPV are very different kind of animals, and putting them together is terribly misleading.

Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 12:27 pm

What you’ve got here in this specific section of the blog is a pretty unique resource on the internet. So as to make the most of it, I would like to offer some more suggestions.

First, cosmetics :

1) Whenever applicable, it would be nice to have the cost in the original currency in addition to the cost in USD currently listed. This would make it easier to handle exchange rate fluctuations in the future (because New Wars is here to stay !!!).

2) In each category (or sub-category), it would be nice to have some kind of order between the various entries, e.g. alphabetical order. It would make it much easier to locate a specific program, especially now that the list has become quite significant.

3) The format used for some entries doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the list. Specifically, here is what the following entries should look like :

Clyde (Britain)-$47 million

River class (Britain)-$31.4 million

There are too many zeroes currently to make these entries quickly legible (IMO).

Mike Burleson on May 12, 2010 at 11:59 am
Thanks Scott! Will work on these changes ASAP.

Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 10:33 am
@ Mike B. : would you mind updating this page so as to show some programs that are not in there yet ? Namely :


Le Terrible-class SSBNs (France) : €3,096.1 million per unit, i.e. about $4,194 million per unit

Barracuda-class SSNs (France) : €1,092.5 million per unit, i.e. about $1,480 million per unit (estimate)

Type 212 submarine (Germany) : €824 million for 2 units, i.e. €412 million per unit, i.e. about $525 million per unit

Dolphin-class SSK, AIP variant (Israel) : €1 billion for 2 units, i.e. about €500 million per unit, i.e. about $637 million per unit


Daring Type 45 (UK) : £661 million, i.e. $976 million per unit


Forbin-class (France) : €811 million per unit, i.e. $1,030 million per unit

MEKO A-200 SAN frigates (South Africa, German-built) : ZAR 9.65 billion for 4 units, i.e. about $327 million per unit


Falaj 2 corvettes (UAE, built by Fincantieri) : about €200 million for 2 units, i.e. $136 million per unit (estimate)

K130 corvette (Germany) : €1,211 million for 5 units, i.e. €242 million per unit, i.e. about $309 million

MILGEM corvettes (Turkey) : $2 billion for 8 units, i.e. $250 million per unit


Fassmer OPV 80 (Argentine) : ARS600 million for 4 ships, i.e. about $38 million per unit.


HMS Ocean : £201.6 million (1998/99 prices), i.e. about $296 million. Adjusted for inflation, this means about $388 million in 2009 dollars.


Joint Support Ship (Netherlands) : €363.5 million, i.e. about $463 million

Thanks !!!

Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 10:11 am
MILGEM corvettes (Turkey) : $2 billion for 8 units, i.e. $250 million per unit

Source : Defense News, various articles (see below)


Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 9:58 am
F124 frigate (Germany) : €2,200 million for 3 units, i.e. €733 million per unit, i.e. $931 million per unit

Source : German Embassy, Washington DC, October 2003, page 12

Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 9:34 am
Forbin-class frigates (Horizon program, French variant) : €811 million per unit, i.e. $1,030 million per unit

See details below :

****************************** ****************************** ***************

* R&D : €721 million
* Construction cost : €1,160 million
* PAAMS with 120 Aster missiles : €630 million

source : French Parliament, November 2002

“Le devis du programme Horizon est de 1,9 milliard d’euros dont 721 millions d’euros au titre de la conception et du développement et 1,160 milliard d’euros au titre de la fabrication des deux frégates.

Par ailleurs, le système d’armes de la frégate Horizon repose sur le PAAMS (Principal anti-air military system). Ce système est destiné à fournir aux frégates Horizon, un système capable de protéger une force maritime face à des missiles aérodynamiques supersoniques. Le coût prévisionnel du développement et de la fabrication de deux systèmes PAAMS avec 120 munitions Aster s’établit à 630 millions d’euros.”

The unit cost of the Aster 30 missile is about €1.4 missile, meaning 120 missiles cost around €168 million.

Source : French Parliament, November 2001

“Le prix unitaire du système est de 49,55 millions d’euros (1 conduite de tir, 4 lanceurs, 3 systèmes de rechargement) auxquels s’ajoute celui du missile Aster 30 soit 1,4 million d’euros.”

In other words, the unit costs for the Forbin-class frigates (2 built) are as follows :

Production costs (including PAAMS) : €1,622 million, i.e. €811 million per unit, i.e. $1,030 million per unit

Production costs (including PAAMS + R&D) : €2,343 million, i.e. €1,171.5 million per unit, i.e. $1,488 million per unit

****************************** ****************************** ***************

Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 9:08 am
Mike Burleson said : “Daring Type 45 (UK)-$581 million”

A couple of recent NAO documents provide fairly up-to-date cost data on the British Type 45 program :

1) Providing Anti Air Warfare Capability: the Type 45 destroyer dated 13 March 2009, page 19 (table 12) :

Actual cost per ship (excluding R&D) : £649 million, i.e. $959 million based on current exchange rates.

Actual cost per ship (including R&D) : £948 million, i.e. $1,400 million based on current exchange rates.

2) Ministry of Defence Major Projects Report 2009 : Appendices and Project Summary Sheets, page 180, paragraph B.4. :

Current unit production cost : £661 million, i.e. $976 million based on current exchange rates.

I believe that’s the figure your webpage on warships costs should reflect, rather than the current $581 million which doesn’t really make sense.

Scott B. on May 12, 2010 at 8:52 am
Mike Burleson said : “Daring Type 45 (UK)-$581 million”

I have to question this figure for a number of reasons :

1) First, when you look at the number provided in Hansard, what you see in that the unit production costs oscillate between £552.7 million (MPR2003) and £632.7 million (MPR2002).

Using current exchange rates (£1.00 = $1.47719), this means a unit production cost comprised between $816 million and $935 million.

2) Second, you’ll further note that the Hansard document is dated February 2006 and doesn’t reflect the most recent estimates on the costs of the Type 45 program.

Recent estimates can be found in a couple of NAO publications that will be discussed in the next post.

61er on May 9, 2010 at 3:05 pm
K130 corvette (Germany) : €1,211 million for 5 units, i.e. €242 million per unit, i.e. about $309 million

I’m sorry, I worked with the € 242 million per unit, too. Unfortunately exchange rates changed quite a bit.

Scott B. on May 8, 2010 at 6:16 pm
Dolphin-class SSK, AIP variant (Israel) : €1 billion for 2 units, i.e. about €500 million per unit, i.e. about $637 million per unit

Source : Jane’s Defense Weekly, 01 October 2009

See also : Defense Industry Daily

Scott B. on May 8, 2010 at 5:54 pm
Type 212 submarine (Germany) : €824 million for 2 units, i.e. €412 million per unit, i.e. about $525 million per unit

Source : Bundeswehrplan 2007, page 36

Scott B. on May 8, 2010 at 5:36 pm
61er said : “Corvette K130 (Germany) ~$320M. Can’t seem to find a “credible” source right now.

K130 corvette (Germany) : €1,211 million for 5 units, i.e. €242 million per unit, i.e. about $309 million

Source : Bundeswehrplan 2007, page 35 (in German)

Scott B. on May 8, 2010 at 3:42 pm
Joint Support Ship (Netherlands) : €363.5 million, i.e. about $463 million

Source : Maritime Reporter, March 2010

Scott B. on May 8, 2010 at 3:34 pm
HMS Ocean : £201.6 million (1998/99 prices), i.e. about $296 million

Adjusted for inflation, this means about $388 million in 2009 dollars.

Source : NAO, p. 53

Guess who? on April 30, 2010 at 11:16 am
I can’t find a source right now but the €360mn price for Juan Carlos I was for the base Hull only and is not the complete unit cost of the vessel

61er on April 8, 2010 at 10:19 pm
Corvette K130 (Germany) ~$320M

Can’t seem to find a “credible” source right now.

Mike Burleson on April 3, 2010 at 8:32 am
Note this is the third time I have revised the figures for the CVN-78 class. Scary!

Mike Burleson on March 24, 2010 at 5:08 am
Retired Now-thanks for the info!

Retired Now on March 23, 2010 at 9:56 pm
The navy times reporter who posted that nsc price tag for 2011 also gave her email address

sschept@militarytimes.com To check the nsc price source, you might want to contact her since I know absolutely nothing about Coastguard prices, but I distrust the NAVSEA and Lockheed martin team that are misleading the Navy and the public about almost everything concerning L C S 1 and 3 class. While I don’t trust the Coastguard, I don’t distrust them either, like I believe nothing issued concerning L C S from Navy or prime contractor. Good luck on this .

Retired Now on March 23, 2010 at 9:43 pm
In the Feb 15, 2010 issue of Navy Times newspaper, there is a full page article by Susan Schept entitled, “Proposed cuts to budget manning anger lawmakers”. It was all about US Coastguard budget request for 2011. It has, “BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS” that state the USCG proposes $ 538 million “to construct the fifth nation security cutter”.

While that seems like a high figure, these nsc’s have a fully equipped combat system that is more robust than LCS-1 or 2. And unlike the L C S program, the nsc’s already include their $$$ for the entire ship, vice funding mission modules separately like L C S does. There are future price increases to L C S if you read the recently issued RFP which includes some optional future additions that will increase the price to purchase, install, and integrate and test new ordnance radar: SPQ-9B which are already onboard each nsc. You could make a long list of added features and capabilities on each nsc which are missing from L C S, such as 3 FLIR, far better ESM, a topside design that will not have to undergo expensive redesign as L C S – 1 will have to do, an operable Citadel consolidated (air) protection system and working decon station, (which have been omitted entirely on L C S – 3), much larger capacity electrical generators, vastly increased endurance with food, fuel, etc. etc.

So, if the Coastguard naively provides its “full” price tag to Navy Times, rest assured that its core AEGIS Command and Control system software support is not being understated by Lockheed in order to minimize publicized “total” prices for L C S class Freedom ships. Nothing is hidden in all liklihood by the USCG total price tag like, no doubt, L C S is doing by separating mission modules elsewhere, putting off future topside redesign costs, future additional combat sensors both active and passive to eventually equal what the nsc’s already have. Tricks like using materials purchased years ago for cancelled original L C S – 3 not being included in full price totals now. Leaving off the decon stations and all the citadel consollodated air protection system from L C S – 3 to save funds, vice including them like each nsc does. You get the idea. L C S on the Lockheed Martin side has not yet revealed all future improvements nor even current true total costs. Full topside redesign is needed to make the combantant system command and control coverages acceptable and future RFP’s plan on adding new equipments in future versions. Design is not complete and therefore total L C S costs are not completed.

Scott B. on March 13, 2010 at 4:42 pm
MEKO A-200 SAN frigates (South Africa, German-built) : ZAR 9.65 billion for 4 units, i.e. about $327 million per unit

Source : Defenseweb based on 2007 South African Treasury data

Scott B. on March 13, 2010 at 7:13 am
CBD said : “The confusion is whether the contract with OSS is the stated figure (in DTI, for the total ship, H, M&E) or if that is really the whole cost for the finished warship (guns, electronics and all).”

There’s NO confusion whatsoever on this specific point : DKK 4.7 billion is the total program cost for the Ivar Huitfeldt-class frigates, and not just the value of the contract to OSS for HM&E.

No confusion at all here.

Scott B. on March 13, 2010 at 7:10 am
tangosix said : “The Navy is responsible for combat systems integration. Which presumably means that is not included in the price.
That also probably applies to the cabling mentioned later.”

On the contrary to what you speculate, all of these costs (combat systems integration, cablig,…) are included in the DKK 4.7 billion which, which represent the total program cost for the Ivar Huitfeldt-class frigates.

That’s exactly what *fuldt udrustede* (fully fitted) means.

Scott B. on March 13, 2010 at 7:05 am
tangosix said : “However,these ships cost $332 Million without weapons according to this article (the difference is due to recent exchange rate fluctuations)”

At the risk of repeating myelf again :

From ARES blog :

“Yet to be awarded are contracts for the missiles (planned are Raytheon Standard Missile SM-2 Block IIIA, Raytheon Tomahawk, Raytheon ESSM); the main gun (planned to be of 127-mm. caliber), and the 35-mm. close-in weapon systems (planned to be Millennium guns from Rheinmetall/Oerlikon Contraves).”

These are the weapons excluded from the DKK 4.7 billion figure.

Meaning that everything else is included in the DKK 4.7 billion figure.

Scott B. on March 13, 2010 at 6:35 am
tangosix said : “It is also stated that the manufacturer made a loss on the Absalon class.”


What it says in the article is this :

“We did not make money on the two Absalons because of mistakes that were expensive and the relatively short building period.”

*Did not make money* is NOT the same as *Made a loss* as you suggest.

And one of the reasons why they did not make money was because of *mistakes that were expensive*.

And won’t be repeated with the Ivar Huitfeldt.

Scott B. on March 13, 2010 at 6:28 am
tangosix said : “The same article says that the ships are built to commercial standards”

While on the subject, it’s worth noting that the British CVFs are using Lloyds Naval Ship Rules for Systems & Structural Design.

Scott B. on March 13, 2010 at 6:26 am
tangosix said : “The same article says that the ships are built to commercial standards”

At the risk of repeating myself again :

1) It’s not unusual for warships to be built to classification society naval rules. For instance, the ANZAC-class frigates were built to GL (Germanischer Lloyd) rules, and the ABSALON were built to DNV (Det Norske Veritas) rules.

2) Because a warship built to built classification society naval rules doesn’t mean that it is built to merchant standards. For instance, the GL rules have an entire section specifically dedicated to Naval Vessels (Section III), Part 1 of the section being for Surface Combatants, Part 2 of the section being for Submarines. Likewise, DNV rules include a section that is specifically dedicated to Naval Vessels (Part 5, Chapter 14 of the DNV rules).

3) As noted by Joris Janssen Lok in his August 2004 article in Jane’s IDR, the Absalons have full NATO-standard shock protection (STANAG 4142, 4137 and 4549), nuclear, biological and chemical protection (STANAG 4447) and vital area armor protection (STANAG 4569).

4) As mentioned on the Naval Technology website in the entry dedicated to the Absalons :

“The ship design, with 16 watertight sections or compartments and two airtight bulkheads, incorporates survivability and damage limitation features including dual redundancy, automated damage control zones, damage detectors and smoke zones. The ship’s on-board battle damage and control system continuously monitors the status of the ship and incorporates a closed circuit television observation system with more than 50 cameras, fire fighting installations, sensors and alarms, a load and stability computer.”

From there, we could get into more *subtle* considerations, e.g. :

a) That the Absalons (and her near-sisters currently under construction) are equipped with MTU 8000 Series diesel engines and that MTU is currently completing certification to American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) and Naval Vessel Rules for its Series 8000 engine.


b) That the Absalons have steel superstructures, as opposed to the aluminium superstructures you could find on such deathtraps as the Israeli Sa’ar 5 corvettes or both LCS designs (with LCS-2 also having an aluminium hull). There’s no need to explain once again why aluminium sucks for surface combatants.

There are many more subtleties to be discussed, but hey, that’ll do the trick for now.

Andrae on March 12, 2010 at 12:47 am
Should add the Charles de Gaulle to the list of carriers.

US$3.33 billion (http://frenchnavy.free.fr/ships/airc...gaulle/cdg.htm)

40kt, 27 knots, 40 planes CATOBAR CVN including ability to launch and recover EC2’s.

CBD on March 11, 2010 at 11:16 pm
It is quite vague about true costs. I’ve been in some debate/arguments here about just this subject. I’d estimate true costs for the Absalon to be about 400M USD, especially if you want to build more than the three ships planned (and thus have to buy some new guns and if you want to make more StanFlex units to fill up the fleet). The confusion is whether the contract with OSS is the stated figure (in DTI, for the total ship, H, M&E) or if that is really the whole cost for the finished warship (guns, electronics and all).

If it is the former, it also doesn’t include the radar. Although the radar is installed at OSS, the systems are produced under a separate contract. Most of the weapons systems are ‘free’ since they draw on the existing StanFlex systems or were recycled from extant warships, but there are only so many StanFlex units and they’re also building some other StanFlex ships have to share those units. The Mk41 VLS is a separate cost matter entirely.

The Danes have been pretty thrifty with both the Absalon and Huitfeldt designs (not to mention their OPVs)…that price might well be what it is costing them. But it will cost anyone else a good bit more.

tangosix on March 11, 2010 at 10:41 pm

Danish Iver Huitfeldt class frigates:

“Prisen for tre fuldt udrustede fregatter er cirka 4,7
milliarder kroner.”

From this official document:

Click to access Fregat%20factsheet%20net.pdf

“The price of three fully-equipped frigates is approximately 4.7 billion dollars.” (according to Google translate)

The latter should probably be billion Kroner which would equate to U.S. $288 Million at the current exchange rate of 5.44841 Kroner to the U.S. Dollar.

However,these ships cost $332 Million without weapons according to this article (the difference is due to recent exchange rate fluctuations):


The same article says that the ships are built to commercial standards and that the Navy is responsible for combat systems integration.
Which presumably means that is not included in the price.
That also probably applies to the cabling mentioned later.
It is also stated that the manufacturer made a loss on the Absalon class.

The article certainly gives the impression that these ships have an “all in” cost higher than published figures suggest.


CBD on March 10, 2010 at 8:28 pm
Certainly nothing to base prices on…it mostly goes to show how people can come to believe just about anything and what type of analyses lead them astray.

Scott B. on March 10, 2010 at 4:57 pm
CBD said : “20th post down here: http://blog.usni.org/2009/01/21/obse...he-lcs/“

All I see is some anonymous guy making some undocumented claim on a public forum.


Scott B. on March 10, 2010 at 4:54 pm
Falaj 2 corvettes (UAE, built by Fincantieri) : about €200 million for 2 units, i.e. $136 million per unit (estimate)

Source : Defense Technology International, March 2010

CBD on March 4, 2010 at 2:48 pm
A very fair point. The only problem is that many of these programs don’t make the information readily available for public consumption. I usually go with the total public announced program cost divided by the number of hulls. It’s usually a bit off, but seems to give a good idea for total cost per ship.

Along the same lines, I think that we might want to throw in Institute Guide to Combat Fleets of the World, 15th Ed, 2007, p 67).

tangosix on March 2, 2010 at 8:55 pm

some more recent (July 2009) figures for the Type 45 destroyer:

“Mr. Hancock: To ask the Secretary of State for Defence what the estimated cost to the public purse is of the Principal Anti Air Missile System; and what the estimated cost is of the construction of HMS Daring. [287197]

Mr. Quentin Davies: As set out in the Major Projects Report 2008 (MPR08), the total procurement cost of the Type 45 programme is £6.5 billion. This includes the design and manufacture costs for all six Type 45s to be built and the Principal Anti Air Missile System (PAAMS), renamed Sea Viper by the Royal Navy. These costs are broadly split 60 per cent. for the ship and 40 per cent. for the weapons system. As set out in MPR08, the unit production cost for each Type 45, including PAAMS, is £649 million.”

Taken from Hansard:


At today’s exchange rate of U.S.$1.49 to the pound,that is equivalent to $967 Million.

As far as I know (I am not certain),British prices will include Value Added Tax which I think is back up to 17.5% now.
As Scott B. pointed out,this makes a big difference to any price comparison and it would be helpful if the tax status of all these prices could be confirmed.
The potential difference made by these taxes is enough to make a Queen Elizabeth class carrier much cheaper than U.S.S.America!
It would also make the export price of a Type 45 destroyer $822 Million,little more than the cost of a Littoral Combat Ship.


Scott B. on March 1, 2010 at 6:46 pm
(please delete post below)

USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM-25) : $199 million

Source : Mississippi Press, 14 August 2008 (copy below)

****************************** **********************
Halter lays keel

PASCAGOULA, Miss. – Officials laid the keel on a new missile-range instrumentation ship for the Navy on Wednesday, marking the start of construction on the $199 million vessel at VT Halter Marine’s Pascagoula shipyard. Halter Marine in September 2006 won the contract to build the T-AGM 25 vessel, a 700-foot ship. Halter Marine expects to launch the ship next year, with delivery in 2010.

Scott B. on March 1, 2010 at 6:44 pm
USNS Howard O. Lorenzen (T-AGM-25) : $199 million

Source : Mississippi Press, 14 August 2008 (copy below)

****************************** **********************

Halter lays keel

PASCAGOULA, Miss. – Officials laid the keel on a new missile-range instrumentation ship
for the Navy on Wednesday, marking the start of construction on the $199 million vessel
at VT Halter Marine’s Pascagoula shipyard. Halter Marine in September 2006 won the
contract to build the T-AGM 25 vessel, a 700-foot ship. Halter Marine expects to launch
the ship next year, with delivery in 2010.

Scott B. on March 1, 2010 at 6:13 pm
Lewis and Clark class Dry Cargo / Ammunition Ships (T-AKE) : $538 million per unit.

Source : GAO-09-322, page 30, Table 6.

Scott B. on March 1, 2010 at 6:03 pm
Mike Burleson said : “LHA 6 America-$2.4 billion”

LHA-6 is actually expected to cost $3.05 billion according to the latest 30-year Shipbuilding Plan, Page 17, Table 3.

Scott B. on March 1, 2010 at 5:59 pm
Mike Burleson said : “LHD 8 Makin Island-$1.37 billion”

LHD-8 Makin Island actually costs $2.2 billion according to this May 2009 report by the GAO, GAO-09-322, page 30, Table 6.

And that doesn’t include an extra charge of $320-360 million that Northrop Grumman had to swallow for failing to get things right the first time around. See this March 2009 entry at Defense Industry Daily.

Scott B. on February 28, 2010 at 7:17 pm
Spanish Patino-class AOR (BAC, i.e. Buque de Aprovisionamiento en Combate) : €213 million for 2nd ship (A-15 Cantabria), i.e. about $288 million per unit.

Source : see this post

Scott B. on February 28, 2010 at 5:47 pm
German Type 702 Berlin-class AOR : €330 million for 3rd ship (A1413 Bonn), i.e. about $445 million per unit.

Source : German DOD press release, 18 December 2008

“Die Kosten für die Beschaffung belaufen sich auf rund 330 Millionen Euro einschließlich der Herstellung der Versorgungsreife.”

Scott B. on February 28, 2010 at 4:17 pm
Indonesian LPDs / MRVs :

KRI Dr. Soeharso (ex-KRI Tanjung Dalpele) : about $50 million per unit

KRI Makassar : about $40 million per unit

Source : Daewoo press release, 21 December 2004 (copy below)

****************************** ******************************

Daewoo International to Export 4 Warships to Indonesia
Staff Reporter
Korea Times, 2004.12.21

Daewoo International Corp, a major Korean trading company, said Tuesday it has signed a $150-million contract to provide four warships to the Indonesian navy in what is viewed as a major step in boosting its presence in the naval technology business in Southeast Asian countries.

The four warships, – three common landing platform docks (LPDs) and a command ship -, will be exported to Indonesia from January for use by its navy in warfare and practice missions, the firm said.

The LPD is designed to transport troops into a war zone by sea using landing craft. It embarks, transports and lands soldiers and landing craft and can also be used for landings by helicopters.

Daewoo International said in a statement that the contract was a result of the know-how and capabilities it and its partners have built up in the military ship business. South Korea’s Dae Sun Shipbuilding & Engineering has manufactured two of the LPDs and will give technological support to Indonesian firms for the building of the remaining two, Daewoo said.

LPDs are emerging as key military items for Southeast Asian countries for enhancing naval defense capabilities, Daewoo International said, adding it expects mega deals from other nations in the coming months. Daewoo International has been playing a bridging role between South Korean shipbuilding firms and the Indonesian navy for exports of naval technology.

The firm signed a contract worth $50 million in 2000 to provide a multi-purpose hospital ship and tug boats to the Indonesian navy. In 2003 it won a $60-million Indonesian military project to enhance submarine facilities and naval warfare capabilities.

Mike Burleson on February 27, 2010 at 6:50 am
Fixed the Mistral numbers. They don’t have to be exact, but a couple hundred millions off? Yeah thats a big difference!

Mike Burleson on February 26, 2010 at 8:55 am
Chris can you get me a source link on those costs?

Chris Stefan on February 26, 2010 at 12:53 am
You should put up the costs for the USCG NSC ships and the frigate variant NGSB was offering to the USN for around $400 million each if I recall correctly.

Also the cost of the USCG FRC boats would be an interesting point of reference as well.

Scott B. on February 25, 2010 at 5:46 pm
Just a quick note to clarify that the prices from the February 2010 report by the French equivalent of the GAO/NAO are VAT included.

Since there is no VAT charged on French exports, the cost of a FREMM built in France and exported to the US would be around $400 million (based on a production run of 55 units).

Scott B. on February 25, 2010 at 5:39 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Mistral (France)-$750 million”

While on the subject of French stuff, there are several problems with this $750 million figure :

1) The article you reference as the source for this figure says “up to €500 million”, which is NOT equal to $750 million as they suggest, but about $675 million based on current exchange rates.

2) For the 3rd French Mistral, cost figures cited in English-speaking defense media is usually about €400 million, i.e. about $540 million. See for instance this April 2009 article published in Defense News.

3) For the 3rd French Mistral, cost figures cited in French-speaking defense media is usually €420 million VAT included (i.e. $567 million) and €360 million VAT excluded (i.e. $486 million). See for instance this May 2009 article published in Mer et Marine.

Scott B. on February 25, 2010 at 3:26 pm
And finally, it’s worth taking a quick look at the figures for the Rafale :
* initial APUC (for 320 units) : €96.6, i.e. $130 million
* current APUC (for 286 units) : €101.1, i.e. $136 million

Let’s keep these numbers in mind next time we take a hard look at JSF (e.g. when the breach of Nunn-McCurdy gets notified officialy).

Scott B. on February 25, 2010 at 3:14 pm
Aquitaine-class Frigates (FREMM) :
* initial APUC (for 17 units) : €428.7, i.e. $581 million
* current APUC (for 11 units) : €550.2, i.e. $745 million

A couple of comments here :

1) these provide an interesting benchmark against which the expected pricetag of LCS can be compared : $636 million for the seaframe alone, $708 million with one module.

2) with some simple cost assumptions, it is fairly simple to extrapolate the APUC of the FREMMs based on a production run of 55 units (rather than 11 units) and come up with an estimate of less than $480 million per unit, i.e. less than the current congressional cost cap which applies to the LCS seaframe alone.

On a sidenote, the estimates in USD are based on an exchange rate that’s not particularly favorable to the Euro : for instance, when the first batch of FREMMs was approved back in November 2005, the exchange rate was €1.00 = $1.20. Today’s exchange rate is €1.00 = $1.35.

Scott B. on February 25, 2010 at 2:36 pm
Some interesting pricepoints from a February 2010 report by the French equivalent of the GAO/NAO.

English summary of the report available at Defense Aerospace.

Figures to be taken into account for reference purposes are the so-called unit production costs (on the right hand side of this chart), which are equivalent to the US APUC (Average Procurement Unit Cost).

Let’s start with the subs :

Barracuda-class SSNs :
* initial APUC (for 6 units) : €1,068.2, i.e. $1,447 million
* current APUC (for 6 units) : €1,092.5, i.e. $1,480 million

Le Terrible-class SSBNs :
* initial APUC (for 6 units) : €2,054, i.e. $2,783 million
* current APUC (for 4 units) : €3,096.1, i.e. $4,194 million

Next post on the FREMMs.

Scott B. on February 23, 2010 at 1:39 pm
Fassmer OPV 80 for Chile : $48 million for 2 ships, i.e. about $24 million per unit.

Source : Interview with Chilean Navy CNO, 14 June 2007

“Cada uno de estos patrulleros se definió con un costo del orden de 24 millones de dólares cada uno, terminado. O sea estamos hablando entre los dos patrulleros de 48 millones de dólares.”

Scott B. on February 23, 2010 at 1:23 pm
Fassmer OPV 80 for Argentine : ARS600 million for 4 ships, i.e. about $38 million per unit.

Source : Infodefensa, 27 November 2009

More on Fassmer’s OPV 80 : Fassmer’s website

Scott B. on February 23, 2010 at 12:17 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Think I will go with the Jane’s figure.”

Jane’s now says it’s $1 billion for 6 units : check this article published yesterday :

“Prior to the DSCA disclosure – a requirement under the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) scheme – the costliest surface naval vessel acquisition programme under way in the Middle East was the USD1 billion Baynunah-class corvette procurement for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Naval Forces.”

Which translates into a unit cost of $167 million for the Baynunahs.

danAlwyn on February 23, 2010 at 10:28 am
Can I ask how you calculated the Type 45 cost? The document you source seems to have two different answers. The less reliable one being:

“As reported in Major Projects Report 2005, we expect the initial acquisition costs of the first six Type 45 destroyers to be £5,896 million as opposed to a figure of £5,475 million when the project was approved originally in 2000.”

The second one, the per-unit cost given by the MOD presumably for unit production estimates averages 581 million pounds, or $897 million USD at today’s conversion rate. Looks like you forgot the pound to dollar conversion.

Just so that this isn’t just a nitpicking post, the Australians have the Armidale class patrol boats, whose price seems subject to confusion. Here, The Australian gives a fairly common $28 million AUD price:


And here the navy gives the total price for twelve boats and a 15 year maintenance contract as ~$550 AUD:


Not sure which one of these you’re looking for, or even which one is correct.

CBD on February 23, 2010 at 6:35 am
Scott B,
Thanks for finding that!

I’ve been looking for a solid price on the Haminas for a few days now and the best I came up with was the 2006 announcement that Aker Finnyards was producing the 4th boat under a contract for 21.7 million euros.

I’d guess that the price I found was basically the HM&E price with the weapons, radars & such filling in the other ~50 million euros of cost.

Someone on a board mentioned $80M, but they gave no source. The $74M value you’ve found makes some sense given that.

Mike Burleson on February 23, 2010 at 6:31 am
That is a scandalous price for the Egytpian missile boats.

Mike Burleson on February 23, 2010 at 6:22 am
Think I will go with the Jane’s figure.

Mike Burleson on February 23, 2010 at 6:20 am
I will check them, thanks! Degeal is the site I always look first, but it is not always 100% accurate.

Scott B. on February 23, 2010 at 6:08 am
Mike Burleson said : “Baynunah class (UAE)-$80 million”

Your $80 million figure doesn’t look right at all.

Recent figures for all 6 units of the Baynunah-class range from $750 million to $877 million :

UAE Interact, 28 December 2008 :

“The 72-metre-long vessel has been designed by CMN under a subcontract awarded by ADSB which won the US$750-million (Dh2.75 billion) deal in 2004”

Jane’s, 22 February 2009 :

“Claimed to be the single largest naval shipbuilding programme in the Middle East, the AED3bn (US$820m) Baynunah programme covers the design, build and integration of six state-of-theart 72m multimission corvettes intended to provide the UAE Naval Forces with a capability to conduct sustained operations throughout the Gulf region.”

Middle Eastern Affairs, 15 June 2009 :

“With the $877million order for six corvettes of the Baynanah class, the United Arab Emirates will within the next five years possess a modern and efficient coastal protection force.”

To summarize :

$750 million / 6 = $125 million per unit

$820 million / 6 = $137 million per unit

$877 million / 6 = $146 million per unit

Scott B. on February 23, 2010 at 5:28 am
Finland’s Hamina-class missile boats : €296 million for 4 ships, i.e. €74 million per unit, i.e. $101 million per unit.

Source : this 2003 article, in the paragraph where it says :

“Enligt de för närvarande tillgängliga uppgifterna kommer totalpriset för den nya typen av flottilj, fyra robotbåtar i Hamina-klassen, att uppgå till 296 milj. euro, varvid enhetspriset för robotbåten i Hamina-klassen utgör 74 milj. euro.”

In English with Google Translation :

“According to the currently available data, the total price of the new type of squadron, four missile boats of the Hamina-class, will amount to 296 million euros, while the unit price for the robot craft to Hamina class is 74 million euros.”

CBD on February 22, 2010 at 10:34 pm
Original source for the Jane’s estimate of the Future Egyptian FAC (FMC/Ambassador III) in DSCA release: http://www.dsca.mil/PressReleases/36...gypt_09-71.pdf

CBD on February 22, 2010 at 10:29 pm
Oman’s Khareef “OPV”
~$262M each for a group of 3 (tot: $785M), inclusive of development costs…for an “OPV” most nations would call a Corvette or Frigate…some nations might even call it a ‘destroyer’.

Scott B. on February 22, 2010 at 5:20 pm
islamic republic of iran said : “iran’s new jamaran frigate is under 50milions! it’s good!”

I thought you guys considered it to be a destroyer…


Scott B. on February 22, 2010 at 5:17 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Looks like an auxiliary/mothership type but I’d have to see the specs to make a sound judgment.”

1) That *mothership* bucket is really starting to look like the Department of Everything Else in Naval Newspeak !

2) Why you arbitrarily refuse to classify Patrol Vessels with a displacement of more than 2,500 tons as Patrol Vessels just doesn’t make sense (IOW, it’s a pure IDEOLOGICAL position).

3) Putting something like a BAM in the same bucket as a Visby doesn’t make sense either.

Mike Burleson on February 22, 2010 at 3:47 pm
“Does that mean that you consider something like Barentshav to be a frigate ?”

Looks like an auxiliary/mothership type but I’d have to see the specs to make a sound judgment.

islamic republic of iran on February 22, 2010 at 3:40 pm
iran’s new jamaran frigate is under 50milions! it’s good!

Scott B. on February 22, 2010 at 9:08 am
Mike Burleson said : “To each his own but I think my way is more accurate in describing capabilities and missions.”

Does that mean that you consider something like Barentshav to be a frigate ?

Mike Burleson on February 22, 2010 at 8:45 am
I suppose I have a historical view of warship classification! Some things never change IMHO. Where the navy calls the Burke DDG a Destroyer, in its capabilities and size it is more kin to a capital vessel. Then you have the Iranians calling their little corvette a destroyer (the Iranian ship is closer to the mark than the Burke). The Euros call their large Aegis AAM ships “frigates”. To each his own but I think my way is more accurate in describing capabilities and missions.

Scott B. on February 22, 2010 at 8:20 am
Mike Burleson said : “I can’t, in good conscience, place a ship of 3500 tons in the OPV/Corvette list.”

The Norwegian Barentshav class and Nordkapp displace well over 3,000 tons and are OPVs.

The USCG Hamilton-class displaces well over 3,000 tons and they are High Endurance Cutters.

Don’t confuse displacement and classification !

Mike Burleson on February 22, 2010 at 6:35 am
Scott said “The Holland-class OPVs are OPVs (Patrouilleschepen) and should therefore not be listed under the item *Frigates*.”

I can’t, in good conscience, place a ship of 3500 tons in the OPV/Corvette list. I argued with myself to place a 2500 ton vessel there. I think the Navy considers LCS as corvettes!

You’re probably right about the additional prices, but I prefer to keep it simple for now. Thanks for all your help!

Scott B. on February 22, 2010 at 6:12 am
Mike Burleson said : “Thanks everyone!”

Couple of quick comments :

1) The Holland-class OPVs are OPVs (Patrouilleschepen) and should therefore not be listed under the item *Frigates*.

2) Whenever available, you should indicate the price in original currency and not only in USD, because the latter is subject to exchange rate fluctuations and the former is not. Price in original currency is therefore the most solid datapoint here.

Mike Burleson on February 22, 2010 at 1:55 am
Thanks everyone!

Scott B. on February 21, 2010 at 3:45 pm
Tangosix said : “prices for the British Bay Class Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliary) are £596 Million for four ships,£149 Million each or about U.S.$228 Million.”

You’re right.

Didn’t see your comment and just posted a correction based on the same source.

Scott B. on February 21, 2010 at 3:43 pm
British Bay-class LSDs : £596 million for 4 ships, i.e. £149 million per ship, i.e. $229 million per unit.

Source : NAO, Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 2007, Volume III: The Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliary) Project (PDF – 599KB), Page 13, Table 4

tangosix on February 21, 2010 at 3:36 pm

prices for the British Bay Class Landing Ship Dock (Auxiliary) are £596 Million for four ships,£149 Million each or about U.S.$228 Million.

They can be found on page 13 of this document from 2007:

Click to access 0098_iii.pdf


Scott B. on February 21, 2010 at 3:29 pm
British Bay-class LSDs : £496 million for 4 ships, i.e. £124 million per ship, i.e. $191 million per unit.

Source : Richard Beedall’s Navy Matters

Scott B. on February 21, 2010 at 3:21 pm
The Navy plans to procure 8 DDG-51s from FY2011 through FY2015 for a total cost of $14,418 million, i.e. $1,802 million per unit.

See the latest 30-year Shipbuilding Plan, Page 17, Table 3.

Scott B. on February 21, 2010 at 3:05 pm
Dutch LPD-2, HNLMS Johan de Witt (L801) : €273.5 million, i.e. $370 million

Check page 2 of this Dutch DoD Budget Sheet BLG18127 dated September 2008.

Scott B. on February 21, 2010 at 1:51 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Scott, can you list a source link for your numbers. Thanks!”

For the Dutch Holland-class OPVs :

Click the link to download this report BLG21125 (PDF, 4.3 Mo) dated 15 September 2009 from the Dutch DoD.

Then go to the table page 14 :

Holland-class OPV (Patrouilleschepen) : €498.1 million for 4 units, i.e. €124.5 million per unit

De Zeven Provincien-class frigates (Luchtverdedigingsen Commando Fregatten, LCF) : €1,560.3 million for 4 units, i.e. €390 million per unit.

Scott B. on February 21, 2010 at 1:41 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Scott, can you list a source link for your numbers. Thanks!”


For the Spanish BAM :

Then click the table here :

BAM : €340 millions for 4 units, i.e. €85 million per unit

F105 Frigate (Cristobal Colon, Improved F100) : €700 million

Mike Burleson on February 20, 2010 at 3:43 pm
Alex, the price quoted is not the entire production costs such as the PAAMs system, ect. I chose not to include total costs as compared to an Arleigh Burke, because the Aegis is a mature system not included in the price of the DDG-51 I posted. In other words, the Type 45 price listed is individual costs, minus development costs.

Scott, can you list a source link for your numbers. Thanks!

Alex Mk.2 on February 20, 2010 at 2:43 pm
Type 45. your given figure is hopelessly low, she’s about £580m, not sure what the exchange rate is today but that equates to about $950M and if you want to go by project/unit costs it’s ~2x that figure. (£6.5bn/6)

Not sure how far you’re willing to go back on ships but if you’re interested in 2004 Albion class cost ~£800m individual ship cost (~£450m Albion and ~£350M Bulwark), so ~$1.3bn/2

– Alex.

Scott B. on February 20, 2010 at 10:22 am
A couple more recent OPVs :

Buque de Accion Maritima, BAM (Spain – 2,500 tons FLD) : €85 million per unit, i.e. about $115 million per unit.

Holland-class OPV (Netherlands – 3,750 tons FLD) : €125 million per unit, i.e. about $169 million per unit.

Mike Burleson on February 19, 2010 at 1:30 pm
OK, Thanks! I’m going with your figures.

Scott B. on February 19, 2010 at 1:20 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Scott, how did you get this figure of $142 million? All I see is the $200 million in this post for Endurance plus landing craft. Not doubting you, just curious.”

The $200 million figure given in the press release is in Singapore Dollar, hence S$.

Currently, the exchange rate is S$ 1.00 ~ US$ 0.71.

Meaning S$200 million ~ US$ 142 million.

Mike Burleson on February 19, 2010 at 8:58 am
Scott, how did you get this figure of $142 million? All I see is the $200 million in this post for Endurance plus landing craft. Not doubting you, just curious.

Scott B. on February 19, 2010 at 6:56 am
Singapore’s Endurance-class LST : $142.5 million

Mike Burleson on February 18, 2010 at 4:55 am
Yikes, big difference. Thanks Scott.

Scott B. on February 17, 2010 at 6:43 pm
Mike Burleson said : “Skjold (Norway)-$20 million“

As discussed earlier, the total program cost for the Skjold (including one-time costs like R&D, program management) is NOK 4,675 million, i.e. about $800 million for 6 units based on current exchange rates.

That puts the average cost at $133.5 million per unit.

Mike Burleson on February 16, 2010 at 5:43 pm
Dan, thats a great find. Much appreciated!

danAlwyn on February 16, 2010 at 5:24 pm
Had some down time today, was able to find what I thought I had seen once upon a midnight dreary, namely this thesis:


I didn’t look very closely through the sources, but on pages 40-42 it has a list of basically all the average unit costs of basically every DD variant that the JMSDF runs, most importantly the Atago and the Hyuga. The estimate for the Atago-class seems in line:


And, of course, in terms of other expensive ships, this probably counts, but I have no idea where to put it, the much-maligned (and probably rightly so) National Security Cutter:


Mike Burleson on February 15, 2010 at 7:07 pm built warships versus their European counterparts.

Mike Burleson on February 15, 2010 at 7:03 pm
D.E. Note that the Canberra numbers are from a government website ($3 billion AU). I derived the number from an online currency convL
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