Originally Posted by JONBALLS
you have gone completely nuts
depends on view
he is nuts, as we all are for being on a SHMB
yet start of thread seems ok by me, but then I'm nuts
When I got laid off a UTR cut my rate to 1/4 of her going rate
If I could review in the ROS would be
"Fuck this girl should be paying me" in a good way
as in I'm paying, but she be enjoying it more than I
a few times, not all the times I took a pass, and and and
she seem upset so how about you do me for ...
so if I could name her, but is utr, so can't (not taking on new to her anyways)
all I can say is I know one that has., but fussy who
ya I do not see why me also,
just do not question it at that point
to day I sick, she calls. i took a pass. Why? told her, she was like darn I need some dick.
told me will call back to see how I'm doing after she calls others on her short list.