Originally Posted by heinz5710
If you really want to show us interesting pictures and video of yourself, then create your own website and link your ads to it. In some cases where your showcase doesn't show your face, this could be a money maker. However, if you charge a fee just to see you doing porn on the net, please remember that the net is full of porn for free. I can't speak for other gentlemen, but only rarely did I choose to see a provider without seeing her face. The provider can see mine on P411.
I agree, and do link my videos when I can, but most of them can't be posted here, so gents must follow links to an outside source to view. I've noticed that a lot won't go through the motions to find it. Not showing my face was actually one of the deciding factors in starting to do vids as a matter of fact. I still don't show my face, and I understand that a lot of guys won't see a girl that doesn't, but living in the city you work makes you highly recognizable, and since deniability is king, so it's a must.
I agree about the fees too! I can watch *any* kind of porn online for free, that's why I don't charge for it.

Would be a fantastic advertising tactic to use porn in adds here, but I vaguely understand their reasoning in not allowing. Hell, I can't even show a cock in my mouth in still shots.