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Old 06-16-2015, 08:27 AM   #1
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Amherst Student Was Expelled for Rape. But He Was Raped, Evidence Shows..

Amherst College expelled a male student who was accused of sexually assaulting a female student while he was blacked out. Again, while he was blacked out. The woman he allegedly assaulted was fully lucid.

How did that happen? It didn’t. The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the male student did nothing wrong. If anyone committed sexual assault during their encounter, it was in fact the female student.
How did this happen?

Answer: Obama's guidelines that increase the pressure on universities to more aggressively combat sexual assaults on campus.

Those guidelines deny the accused basic rights to defend himself and clear his good name - legal representation, confront the accuser, discovery, presumption of innocence. ..watch the video and weep.......


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Old 06-16-2015, 08:56 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post

Answer: Obama's guidelines that increase the pressure on universities to more aggressively combat sexual assaults on campus.
Are the "guidelines" in the material you linked? Written "guidelines"?
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Old 06-16-2015, 08:56 AM   #3
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just some more duke lacrosse Torquemada-ness from the left
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Old 06-16-2015, 09:06 AM   #4
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All I saw was a crooked bow tie and didn't want to watch it.

Besides Kelly was dressed.
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Old 06-16-2015, 09:51 AM   #5
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This is Obama's fault?

Two things you absolutely are NOT qualified to comment on -- fucking and college.

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Old 06-16-2015, 09:58 AM   #6
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Utterly absurd. I figure Obama must be doing OK these days (got another alQueada leader yesterday) if this bullshit is the best you can come up with. Petty, nonsensical post.
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Old 06-16-2015, 11:03 AM   #7
JD Barleycorn
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The story is available in the College Fix. The student (who is a veteran) was drunk and this TEACHER invited herself to his dorm room. They had oral sex...well, she performed oral sex on him. She left and emailed a couple of friends saying how slutty she was and what she did. Apparently this is not her first time. Anyway, a few months pass and she gets advice (and worried) so she changes her story. He went after her. She filed an account with the college and he was immediately expelled (that includes housing as well). He was not allowed to interview witnesses, nor was he allowed to use campus resources to mount a defense. You can guess the rest. He was removed from class and branded. (figuratively of course)
New rules take effect and now he has filed a lawsuit alleging she was the initiator of the sex. Evidence gathering finds the emails and other male students that she has had sex with. She is still teaching at this time (just before summer break) and is a member of the facility in good standing. Far different from how they treated him.

Nice to see liberalism in action isn't it?

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Old 06-16-2015, 11:11 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Yssup Rider View Post
Two things you absolutely are NOT qualified to comment on -- fucking and college.
And you think you are qualified to comment on someone else's qualifications to comment on either topic?

Go pack some sandbags .... water is coming. You do have a niche.
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Old 06-16-2015, 02:44 PM   #9
Rey Lengua
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And you think you are qualified to comment on someone else's qualifications to comment on either topic?

Go pack some sandbags .... water is coming. You do have a niche.
Reckon he'd rather be getting his fudge packed, since he's another one of woomby / undercunt / rusty balloon knot and shimmy's clan. All that rain and water might be the first bath he's had in years !
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Old 06-16-2015, 03:04 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
And you think you are qualified to comment on someone else's qualifications to comment on either topic?

Go pack some sandbags .... water is coming. You do have a niche.
Thanks. You stay safe too.
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Old 06-16-2015, 06:15 PM   #11
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Old 06-16-2015, 07:19 PM   #12
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The "Dear Colleague" Letter from Obama's DOE, Civil Rights Division.....U.S. Department of Education, using authority it claims under Title IX and other federal laws, has arm-twisted the nation’s colleges and universities into stripping away procedural protections for faculty and students facing charges of sexual misconduct, sought to regulate speech as “verbal conduct,” and urged colleges to record microaggressive behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment or assault but might add up in time to some future pattern. The resulting federal pressure has done much to generate a campus atmosphere in which administrators like those at the University of Virginia react even to unsubstantiated and soon-refuted assault claims with harsh crackdowns directed at whole groups of students against whom no misconduct whatsoever has been charged.has created a stealth



The process at Amherst which the college deemed "meets the requirements of Title IX of the DOE" regarding campus sexual harassment....
Once the complaint is filed, an investigator, who lacks subpoena power, interviews the accuser and the accused student; beyond that, the college promises only that the investigator will make a “good faith effort” to speak to relevant witnesses, and will “try” to obtain relevant physical or medical evidence. If the investigator’s “good faith” effort doesn’t track down relevant witnesses, the policy presumes that the accused student won’t be able to call those witnesses before the hearing.

“Attorneys cannot participate in the Hearing Board process” at Amherst (although, the college helpfully notes, the accused student can hire an attorney—at his own expense—and have the attorney present on campus the day of the hearing, perhaps for a very expensive form of virtual, moral support). The attorney-less accused student does receive an “advisor” from the campus community, but this advisor “is not an advocate for the student.”

Amherst does not permit theaccused student to directly cross-examine his accuser; he can only submit questions to the panel chair, who may ask or reject the questions as the chair chooses. Effective cross-examination under such circumstances is all but impossible—even more so since the accuser is allowed to write responses, rather than respond to questions orally. Any guilty finding is “permanently noted on the student’s record.”
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Old 06-16-2015, 08:39 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Whirlaway View Post
The "Dear Colleague" Letter from Obama's DOE, Civil Rights Division.....U.S. Department of Education, using authority it claims under Title IX and other federal laws, has arm-twisted the nation’s colleges and universities into stripping away procedural protections for faculty and students facing charges of sexual misconduct, sought to regulate speech as “verbal conduct,” and urged colleges to record microaggressive behaviors that do not rise to the level of harassment or assault but might add up in time to some future pattern. The resulting federal pressure has done much to generate a campus atmosphere in which administrators like those at the University of Virginia react even to unsubstantiated and soon-refuted assault claims with harsh crackdowns directed at whole groups of students against whom no misconduct whatsoever has been charged.has created a stealth



The process at Amherst which the college deemed "meets the requirements of Title IX of the DOE" regarding campus sexual harassment....
Once the complaint is filed, an investigator, who lacks subpoena power, interviews the accuser and the accused student; beyond that, the college promises only that the investigator will make a “good faith effort” to speak to relevant witnesses, and will “try” to obtain relevant physical or medical evidence. If the investigator’s “good faith” effort doesn’t track down relevant witnesses, the policy presumes that the accused student won’t be able to call those witnesses before the hearing.

“Attorneys cannot participate in the Hearing Board process” at Amherst (although, the college helpfully notes, the accused student can hire an attorney—at his own expense—and have the attorney present on campus the day of the hearing, perhaps for a very expensive form of virtual, moral support). The attorney-less accused student does receive an “advisor” from the campus community, but this advisor “is not an advocate for the student.”

Amherst does not permit theaccused student to directly cross-examine his accuser; he can only submit questions to the panel chair, who may ask or reject the questions as the chair chooses. Effective cross-examination under such circumstances is all but impossible—even more so since the accuser is allowed to write responses, rather than respond to questions orally. Any guilty finding is “permanently noted on the student’s record.”
That's how you create jobs in Ozommunistland.
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Old 06-16-2015, 08:57 PM   #14
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A "member of the facility"? Don't you claim "faculty" status? Seems odd that you wouldn't be able to spell it.

Seriously? This passes for political discourse? Whirlytard, ramp it up please. You can do better.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn View Post
The story is available in the College Fix. The student (who is a veteran) was drunk and this TEACHER invited herself to his dorm room. They had oral sex...well, she performed oral sex on him. She left and emailed a couple of friends saying how slutty she was and what she did. Apparently this is not her first time. Anyway, a few months pass and she gets advice (and worried) so she changes her story. He went after her. She filed an account with the college and he was immediately expelled (that includes housing as well). He was not allowed to interview witnesses, nor was he allowed to use campus resources to mount a defense. You can guess the rest. He was removed from class and branded. (figuratively of course)
New rules take effect and now he has filed a lawsuit alleging she was the initiator of the sex. Evidence gathering finds the emails and other male students that she has had sex with. She is still teaching at this time (just before summer break) and is a member of the facility in good standing. Far different from how they treated him.

Nice to see liberalism in action isn't it?

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Old 06-17-2015, 06:17 AM   #15
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Seriously, you can only respond with a typo correction?

And the rash of phony campus rape stories isn't happening in a vacum; it has been ginned up by the Obama administration based on a widely discredited study that claimed 20% of college women have been "sexually harassed".............

As expected, the Obama administration tries to advance it's progressive agenda using lies and deceit. And individual rights and liberties are the victim (in addition to the truth).

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