New Police Chief?
Seems like the chief of police here is looking to move to Dallas. And aparently take a pay cut. Austin payed Chief "A" $181,000 last year and Dallas paid their chief $176,000. Oh and Austin offered him a raise of $11,000. Yet somehow we can not get a light rail system running, have a 30 million dollar budget shortfall, are replacing fire trucks with smaller vehicles, cancelling the police cadet class this year and not commissioning new cops while many will retire this year, cutting public library hours etc, charging an extra $257 if you need to call an ambulance, and many other budget cuts, but this guy gets offered an $11,000 raise?
Well maybe Dallas citizens will like not being able to refuse a blood sample if they are pulled over for DWI. As for me, I enjoy my rights. Maybe the next chief will value the constitution and individuals rights... oh wait...