Originally Posted by Carmelita DeLeón
No problem & your welcome Amor
Good luck to you too 
You talking to me "Thank you" i dont recall asking for your advice or talking to TRY? or thanking everyone you outed im confused?
Look im not one to get in the threAd drama but CD i have had a couple problems NOT outing problem, only terrible unstable people do things like that and im not the sanest person here in Eccie world and i've had a couple problem threads one being my fault for not reading and just responding with out proof reading again 2 and part my fault what i learned from that was to apologize shut the FUCK UP AND STAY OUT OF THE DAMN THREADS ....to me and this is just my observation you seem to need alot of attention and i feel if you feel in competition with someone you feel the need to ruin someones LIFE....
AGAIN ONLY MY OPINION ------WHY in baby tebows green earth would you want to ruin people live 1) be the only whore on the bored ? ugh not going to happen not everyone is eveyone's cup of T which you seem to have a lot of unnecessary T to pass around ...
2) If your that jealous maybe you should find another job they'll still let you suck and fuck in the pole dancing clubs....
3) JUST STAY OUT OF THE FUCKING DRAMA (threADS) YOU START MOST AND OUT THE MOST WHY ...your getting ripped in every city and then expect well established providers to take any kind of opinion you have and your in Dallas getting ripped how do you have the time MISSY bussy slow???? APPARENTLY BC once you tarnish people lifes RW OR WHORE BORED I WOULD ASSUME YOUR BUSINESS is down hill from here clearly your not EVER WANTED BACK IN HOUSTON AND YOU SEEM TO HAVE NOT CHANGED YOUR WAYS IN DALLAS ....SO please when i need lessons on screening you be the NOT EVEN LAST PERSON I ASK I'LL QUIT IF I CANT SCREEN W/O ASKING PEOPLE RW INFO TO MAKE AN APPT ....as for everything else why not focus on low-key and go away no one that know you will ever take advice (if there smart ) from you every again...im not the sharpest tool in the shed i go off without thinking BUT ONE THING I HAVE NEVER DONE NOR WILL DO IS OUT SOMEONE OR THREATEN MY FELLOW PROVIDER/CLIENTS --IF IT COMES TO THAT I DONT BELONG HERE AND IM CRAZY BUT I CAN CONTROL SOME OF MY CRAZYNESS UGH THIS MADE ME TIRED GOOD LUCK TO YOU
pLEASE plesae PLEASE stop giving advice its the worse honey buns
Cendell M