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09-12-2010, 05:11 PM
Join Date: Dec 31, 2009
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Linking Eccie ads/reviews to BP/CL/other ads - Why allow it??
There has been a discussion in the National forums about linking Eccie ads/reviews to BP or CL. Of course now that CL erotic no longer exists,it`s all BP. I am posting this here in the Dallas forum b'cos Eccie is mostly linked to Dallas BP escorts followed by Houston BP escorts.
Recently,there is an increasing trend in BP ads wherein the providers are giving links to their Eccie ads/reviews in their respective ad. In some cases,all they say is they are Eccie reviewed and just give a link to and not any specific review. And these are scams or rip off gals. Moreover, b'cos of these links,Eccie is being exposed to all these CL/BP gals and their pimps. Yes,legitimate Eccie providers do put their ads on BP with the Eccie links, but in my view this unnecessarily exposes Eccie to all these street worker gals and their pimps. Most of them will now start migrating to Eccie with the same BP mentality with their piss poor pathetic service,shitty attitude and try to make a quick buck. And the pimps can register under various handles,post reviews and try to get the gal Eccie verified and try to rip off Eccie clients .And the vicious cycle continues.
Also this unnecessarily puts Eccie on the national front page or news headlines, just like CL erotic was inspite of other escorts sites like BP or Eros being available. Always the biggest ,most prominent site is targeted -just ask Mcdonalds-- hence CL was routinely targeted. Now that CL is gone, the next target can be BP and by extension Eccie b'cos of all those Eccie links there.
I dont think Eccie needs all this un-needed attention upon itself and increasing scrutiny by LE. Wont be long before something goes wrong on BP and Feds/LE target BP and then Eccie. Most of these BP gals just say Eccie reviewed and give the generic link to as they are rip offs and are just trying to show off that they are legit. Also ,this undermines the reallly hardworking,sincere,honest Eccie Verified gals who work their ass out for good reviews and positive customer feedback.
I feel Eccie info should be copyrighted and therefore should not be used by these BP gals to unfairly take advantage of Eccie. I dont know if Eccie mods could contact BP about this copyright violation or infringement--atleast that`s the way I see it.
I am posting this b'cos recently I saw a BP ad which said she is Eccie reviwed and gave a generic link. When I called her and asked her if she was Eccie reviewed. She was like -- What??? I reply that she states she is linked and she says-- Oh you mean that E-C-C [as in e-see-see],,Ya,Ya, I am reviewed there about 20 times. I ask her scrre name-she says just search for like Candy.. Ya right,guess what -- nothing,nilch,nada. I call back and say there are no links and she says -- Ya whatever!! I say --You are lying -- and she hangs up and doesn't answer again.
So what do you folks think ?? I think BP should be banned from using Eccie links. We dont want Eccie to become another CL erotic/ BP street hooker/pimp forum that can be an easy visible target for LE.
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09-12-2010, 05:18 PM
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How. exactly, do you propose to ban the links?
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09-12-2010, 05:24 PM
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I dont know,probably the mods can give some info on this. But I think there should probably be some mechanism in place for that. And this really undermines the integrity of Eccie while rewarding unscrupulous folks.
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09-12-2010, 06:31 PM
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Ah, would be impossible to enforce. No way to stop other web pages from linking to a public page here. And who would pay for the legal action if needed?
This simply makes it more important that everyone do reviews. Up to date feedback through the review process will greatly curtail the activity you are concerned about. The fakes won't last long here if they get called out quickly.
Insist on p4111 membership when you see a girl.
See a new girl? Ask for a public meeting first before BCD.
Insist on an outcall to a site of your choosing for a first time meeting untill she has several good reviews.
Tell her upfront you dont leave the gift till the end of the session
In otherwords if a newcomer appears with no background, take control of things, protect yourself. Think for a change before you act. Be willing and able to walk away if its a bait & switch, no matter how good she looks.
Its my money. If I reward scammers by allowing them to get away with it, then its my own fault.
Trust me, there are plenty here who already doing are what you fear will happen. If ECCIE members get the rep as being carefull but fair till a provider gets a solid rep here, most scammers will look elseware for easy pickings
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09-12-2010, 09:33 PM
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Bubba, A rip off or getting scammed is bad ,but my bigger concern is the exposure of Eccie to mainstream front page news or headlines as now BP is the site to go after after CL erotic. Also the increasing number of these street girls/pimps entering Eccie.
If I am scammed all I lose is $200 but if Eccie comes under the scanner of LE,that IMO is the much bigger danger. LE as you know goes after highly visible targets. That`s why they went after CL erotic, go after street workers or they mostly target escorts b'cos of neighbor's complaint about high traffic of single male guys visiting at odd hours for short periods of time.
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09-12-2010, 09:44 PM
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The only way I could see to limit the exposure would be to make 99% of ECCIE non-public, requiring registration to get past anything more than a few front-page forums.
Or at the least review and ad forums registered users only.
Just lock more of it down.
The other day I googled my screenname and it popped up many of my comments on various threads. Try it on your own screenname and see if what comes up makes you feel comfortable that anyone googling your screenname could find all those posts.
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09-12-2010, 09:55 PM
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If anyone googles his/her Eccie screen name, pretty much a lot of Eccie threads pop up. So another reason ,not to use your real name or actual email id as a screen name.
I think registering and posting should be made tougher on Eccie.As you said for the guys- probably a review, a provider vouch or atleast a P411 membership. This pretty much will eliminate the trolls or the shady guys who control these BP girls.And for providers-- a verified member vouch or a P411 membership will eliminate all these scammy rip off gals.
There can be a separate thread for newcomers-- for both providers and clients --wherein the required info and help can be provided.But for access to other threads and to post in those ,they should be verified as per the above criteria.
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09-13-2010, 09:06 AM
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Originally Posted by Stevexox02
The only way I could see to limit the exposure would be to make 99% of ECCIE non-public, requiring registration to get past anything more than a few front-page forums.
Or at the least review and ad forums registered users only.
Just lock more of it down.
Agree with the OP, we don't need the same kind of attention that CL and BP have been getting, need to fly a little lower under the radar.
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09-13-2010, 09:35 AM
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Actually, you don't need to limit public access...which is something ECCIE probably doesn't want to do because new members bring in more revenue. However, ECCIE can block external referrers...meaning, if the link comes from outside of ECCIE then it won't goto the page, it will say "Please do not use external links"...but if the link is clicked from an ECCIE page then it WILL work. Many sites use that technique to prevent others from using their info or being lazy and linking directly to their content. This way everyone gets what they want.
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09-13-2010, 11:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Stevexox02
The only way I could see to limit the exposure would be to make 99% of ECCIE non-public, requiring registration to get past anything more than a few front-page forums.
There are already 2 business models out there that are doing this. Midnight Live and ECCIE seems to be doing just fine following the model that ASPD created in the late 90's and it allows for many more prostitutes and johns to find this site quite nicely. The links or mentions of ECCIE or other review sites generate traffic and potential increased revenue. Prostitutes who might buy a banner ad and guys who pay for premium access.
You must be a member of those sites to see anything. Much more private and secure and not searchable by Google or other web crawlers.
Not sure what the problem is here.
Are you saying that prostitutes on BP who happen to have reviews on a prostitute review board such as ECCIE should not link them?
Are you saying prostitutes on ECCIE should only be allowed to post ads on ECCIE and not utulize other ad sites whether it be Backpage or another site such as Eraps or horndogs?
Are you saying that prostitutes on other sites are posting fake review links so they can pretend they have good reviews?
If anyone is dumb enough to blindly think that any prostitute who posts ads on this site is the best thing since sliced bread and you don't need to do your research so you don't take one in the shorts, good luck with that. Research every potential session.
I find it hilarious that you are whining about how YOU are checking Backpage for a new prostitute only to find she has a bad link.
If you are so high and mighty about the ECCIE prostitutes, maybe you should confine your searches to ECCIE only and let the free market of pussy alone on Backpage.
just saying.
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09-13-2010, 11:43 AM
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My ECCIE Reviews
Well, as far as ladies putting a link to eccie and not even actrally having any reviews, that would be on you to investigate to see if she is a legit provider. And as far as eccie being put out there, actrally you should be thankful for that. Because it brings more wonderful ladies here for you to have a choice to verify & see. Of course your going to have a few bad apples, thats anywhere really. I've heard of some certain ladies from members only websites who have not been perfect providers. Do you think as women we come in this biz and know everything??? Ha, Ha, Ha...thats funny. We have to be exposed to the finer things, such as eccie and p411 to know whats class and whats not. And you are surely mastaken if you think its not any wonderful, legit providers on bp. Your truly missing out. How do you think some of us heard about these members only sites???? Alot of us started on bp and cl and progressed to aspd, p411 and eccie.
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09-13-2010, 11:47 AM
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My ECCIE Reviews
Lazuruslong....go ahead with ya bad self, tell em. LOL!!! I totally, 100% agree with you.
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09-14-2010, 12:17 AM
Join Date: Dec 31, 2009
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That the providers on BP can scam you or rip you off or provide pathetic service is the least of my concern. Or I am not concerned that unscrupulous providers use those Eccie links to give themselves a look of legit escorts.The most I lose is say $200 and feel some anger which can be relieved by setting up a quality session with a top rated Eccie provider.
But the bigger issue is the visibility of Eccie openly to the LE/news papers/headline news. That was the problem with CL erotic. Also,recently there was a bust at a massage parlor in Austin ,TX that was on Fox news which states that the girl had reviews on Eccie. There was also another incident regarding a provider bust at an apartment which clearly mentions Eccie`s name.
Sites that are highly visible are the most commonly targeted ones. That`s why CL was targeted. Not that there were no other escort sites,rather it was the most visible site. "Out of sight is out of mind"-- so the less visible the site, the lesser it is a target for LE. Not that CL is out -- the next one is BP and by an extension Eccie b'cos of all those openly visible links. Every Tom,Dick and Harry will then proclaim that BP and Eccie are the next bad things in prostitution. AS I said,all fast food places serve junk food,but the most targeted unfairly is Mcdonalds b'cos it is the most visible biggest target and so gets max news or media coverage.
A suggestion offered in the National forum was that the provider give a link to her website on BP and then her website can contain all her details plus her Eccie reviews. So it`s more like a 3 or 4 click process to get to the Eccie review and less visible rather than openly placing Ecce`s name and links in the BP ads.This can atleast reduce the # of lazy crazy BP surfers.
I feel "Discretion is the better part of valor". There is such a high influx of BP folks nowadays on Eccie both providers and client. It really is diluting the quality and making it less safe by being so openly out in the domain. And certainly,we dont want Eccie to be in the national front page news like CL erotic was. Let BP handle that and let Eccie be the site it was meant to be with high quality content and less visibility.
And as Dentonseek said-- Maybe ECCIE can block external referrers. Or use some site filters or blockers. Whatever it takes to be safer and better. Be safe than sorry !!
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09-14-2010, 10:24 AM
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ECCIE could easily stop Google from crawling and indexing the site, but I suspect that might piss off a lot of members who use Google to search the site.
ECCIE can't generically prevent all other web sites from linking to the site, but all traffic that is sent to ECCIE specifically from CL or BP could be bounced to Justin Bieber's fan site. Again, as fun as that might be to implement, I think doing so might piss off more than a few members who find the links useful.
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09-14-2010, 10:28 AM
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My ECCIE Reviews
i have linked a review to my bp ad i thought it would be a good way to prove i am a legit provider and kind of give an idea of what my session is like. i didnt think it wasn't ok are we not allowed??
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