Originally Posted by Kire607
$600 an hour?!?
$350 round trip to Medellin, Colombia
$ 25 Ubers
$ 75 Hotel
$150 Two hot girls for a couple hours
$600 Total 
From Gainesville the prices for airfare start at $475. You forgot to include drinks, meals, etc. How many nights in the hotel, just one?
Time value of money. 10 hours travel- one way. To go have fun with a couple of Providers who aren't reviewed and may give less than stellar service just to save a couple of bucks.
You can spend $150 and much less here in Florida on STG.
I've been to Costa Rica and had fun there with the ladies. However, I didn't go there just to save a few bucks.
There's nothing wrong going to another country to have fun but if you are doing it on the cheap, while it may be cheap, it isn't inexpensive.