Originally Posted by Woodford
So are you bragging, or really interested in how you measure up? Presuming the later, here's a link to definitive data:
BTW, proper use of the English language would go a long way to effective written communication.
I find it hilarious that there is actual, empirical data, on average penis size. I've always heard that 6 inches is the average, so I guess that is true after all.
I've also seen my fair share (I won't go into details about exactly how many, hehehe) and can pretty much confirm that to be true.
So, speaking of "average sizes", the average vagina is about 3-4 inches deep, though during arousal can engorge to something more like 4-5 inches, and changes to accommodate anything inside of it, but that's still pretty shallow.
So yes, if you have anything that is 7"+, we are going to be scared of it, lols.