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Old 02-05-2023, 11:18 AM   #1
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Default Trump: lover of Chinese Spy Ballons?

Apparently, 3 Chinese spy balloons were allowed to cross the U.S. during Trump’s presidency, and he didn’t order a single one to be shot down!

China’s brazen disregard for U.S. sovereignty is a destabilizing action that must be addressed. You know China would not have pulled this shit with Obama in charge and if they did, that spy balloon would have been blasted out of the sky long ago. President Biden also shot the ballon down that crossed during his presidency. Why is Trump the only President that allowed these balloons to leave after infiltrating our borders?


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Old 02-05-2023, 11:38 AM   #2
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False, more liberal fake news - see the other thread

Have to laugh at the people who fall for the DNC media fake news based on zero evidence and an "anonymous source". You would think they would have learned their lessons from all the other Fake News including the big Russia Hoax
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Old 02-05-2023, 01:50 PM   #3
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They just throw this out there and hope that it sticks. Some people (the op?) are gullible enough to believe it without a scintilla of evidence to support the claim.
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Old 02-05-2023, 02:29 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Mistershark View Post
Apparently, 3 Chinese spy balloons were allowed to cross the U.S. during Trump’s presidency, and he didn’t order a single one to be shot down!

China’s brazen disregard for U.S. sovereignty is a destabilizing action that must be addressed. You know China would not have pulled this shit with Obama in charge and if they did, that spy balloon would have been blasted out of the sky long ago. President Biden also shot the ballon down that crossed during his presidency. Why is Trump the only President that allowed these balloons to leave after infiltrating our borders?



Suspected Chinese Spy Balloons Crossed Into U.S. 3 Times During Trump Administration

Mary Papenfuss

Suspected spy balloons from China crossed into the continental United States at least three times while Donald Trump was president, according to a statement Saturday by the Department of Defense citing an unnamed “senior defense official.”

the source, the HuffyPooPoo tells you all you need to know about the "accuracy" of this nonsense.

if this had actually happened, every leftist media outlet like the HuffyPooPoo and their ilk would have been claiming "TRUMP ALLOWS CHINA TO INVADE THE US!!"

didn't happen. fake news.
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Old 02-05-2023, 02:59 PM   #5
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If John Bolton, who hates Trump says it never happened, it didn't
More bullshit by liberals
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Old 02-05-2023, 03:50 PM   #6
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Biden official "Spy balloons were not detected until AFTER President Trump left office"

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Old 02-05-2023, 05:17 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Mistershark View Post
Apparently, 3 Chinese spy balloons were allowed to cross the U.S. during Trump’s presidency, and he didn’t order a single one to be shot down!

China’s brazen disregard for U.S. sovereignty is a destabilizing action that must be addressed. You know China would not have pulled this shit with Obama in charge and if they did, that spy balloon would have been blasted out of the sky long ago. President Biden also shot the ballon down that crossed during his presidency. Why is Trump the only President that allowed these balloons to leave after infiltrating our borders?


Hey Mistershark don't waste your time arguing, they won't believe anything but the fake news fox, or the pillow guy or Rudy and the rest of there rich hopefuls and other fake news sources. They are still staying tuned to those sources of when Trump is going to be reinstated. Remember, LOL, LOL,LOL

Bottom line we remember how The Old Senile Biden kicked Trumps ass and they are still bitter. How bad could have been for the old guy to win?

Don't worry we still have two more years of Biden trying to fix all of Trumps FUCK UPS.

Biden was concerned of how they was going to shot the balloon down in case there was some kind of toxic chemicals in it. China has spy satellites just like we do, they don't need some dumb ass balloon. They probably have better ones then we have.

Biden isn't that radical we use to have. Then when Trump screwed up (which was often) he fired that person in charge then it was all good. Then they could say he fired that guy, Trump don't take no shit after the damage was done.
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Old 02-05-2023, 08:20 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by berryberry View Post
False, more liberal fake news - see the other thread

Have to laugh at the people who fall for the DNC media fake news based on zero evidence and an "anonymous source". You would think they would have learned their lessons from all the other Fake News including the big Russia Hoax
The Russia Hoax? When the FBI agent in charge of investigating Trump for Russian ties was, he himself, a Russian asset?

Trump calling something Lugenpresse doesn’t really impress me as much as it impresses you. Trump still thinks he’s the President, and that a hurricane can be diverted with a nuke. So not really much of a stable genius there.
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Old 02-05-2023, 08:25 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Cody69 View Post
Hey Mistershark don't waste your time arguing, they won't believe anything but the fake news fox, or the pillow guy or Rudy and the rest of there rich hopefuls and other fake news sources. They are still staying tuned to those sources of when Trump is going to be reinstated. Remember, LOL, LOL,LOL

Bottom line we remember how The Old Senile Biden kicked Trumps ass and they are still bitter. How bad could have been for the old guy to win?

Don't worry we still have two more years of Biden trying to fix all of Trumps FUCK UPS.

Biden was concerned of how they was going to shot the balloon down in case there was some kind of toxic chemicals in it. China has spy satellites just like we do, they don't need some dumb ass balloon. They probably have better ones then we have.

Biden isn't that radical we use to have. Then when Trump screwed up (which was often) he fired that person in charge then it was all good. Then they could say he fired that guy, Trump don't take no shit after the damage was done.
Remember the time right after the election when Rudy called the press conference at the Four Season Lawn and Garden? Right next to the crematorium and dildo shop? This is the kind of incompetents they worship.
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Old 02-05-2023, 09:02 PM   #10
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Old 02-05-2023, 09:18 PM   #11
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Old 02-05-2023, 10:34 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by chizzy View Post
If John Bolton, who hates Trump says it never happened, it didn't

More bullshit by liberals
Yeah Chizzy, this thread is the perfect example of how the DNC affiliated press fools and deceives a variety of leftists with utterly fake news

It really is quite sad how these people get fooled by utterly false reporting - from an "anonymous source" with no evidence presented.

Anyone with any common sense can see this is the DNC media carrying out their marching orders from Senile Biden and the other crazy ass leftists to try to provide political cover for Senile Biden's ineptitude.

I mean to think they are really running with the 'Trump did it too' narrative and hoping poor saps will believe it when they don't have even one photo, video from the ground, local media reports, etc. of any balloons

Everyone would remember this had it happened. You can't hide the big ass balloon in the sky.

This has been a great litmus test for who can spot propaganda and who guzzles it
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