Some how I knew there was going to be some silly remark on this string!
In a nut shell paying attention is the key! Read enough ads, repetitive phrases become noticed from one ad to the next! Next is a long list of “services” that the scammer thinks we want to see. “Cream pie”, “bare” come to mind. They ID themselves when they list “oral” and “bbj” as separate services!!
I’ve seen “anal” and “greek” listed also! “Hardcore”, as a service, made me laugh hard!!
Telephone area codes can be easy. 314 especially!! So much so one can be safe to reject 314 numbers all together! VERY high probability of being fake!
Some ads don’t seem to be written by anyone with an American education!
I have given thought to posting something with considerable more detail, but as previously stated working with multiple tabs and, especially, copying and pasting with an iPad is a serious pain in the ass!!!