Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Why is the so called "fake review" still valid-
- the mOD's never discredited the review ....
Because it was a "fake review" ...
.... just like your fake combat wound! and
.... just like your fake job with the mafia!
.... but more importantly your guts too big and your dick too little for you to fuck anyone .... BTW when was the last time you actually saw your dick without looking in the mirror!
This is rich:
..."the mOD's never discredited the review"!
Even if the "mOD's" were inclined to investigate your fake review to "discredit" it, it has already been "discredited" by another member who spoke with the person you lied about ...
.. it's about as easy as me "discrediting" your bullshit story about how a glad in the center of your brain near the brain stem and spinal cord was damaged by a piece of shrapnel that lodged in your head "inches" FROM YOUR BRAIN!
If you told me the sun was going to rise in the East tomorrow morning, I would go check to make sure!!!
You are a LYING, loudmouth, overweight, greasy, lazy-ass POS!
That's the FINAL reason your review is FAKE!