Originally Posted by tomyhaters
What is so frustrating to me is that they think that their our one n only...they want us to dress up or do this n that n I mean either u want some or not ..I'm not trying to b ur wifey n I don't care much about u so who r they to judge..did they forget than 90% of them r overweight n can't even.wash their junk or that they gross me out...or did they also forget.that we woman have other.friends that.do this n we know how many times they rip off try to rip us off...n wonder why we sometimes don't answer the phone...hello I'm tired let me sleep...I too have a family just like u ...and I also Li e a double life...so I hope they keep this in mind the next tome they judge me on this.stupid forum
Disclaimer: As providers incessantly remind hobbyists from a throne on-high; we mere customers know nothing of their job and ergo are utterly unqualified in all cases to comment upon any and all aspects of their marketing.
So my comments on your approach to marketing should be understood to be rendered by someone who has never been a female provider and therefore is unable to recognize bad marketing even if it were to slap him in the face because, by definition, this is beyond the province of comprehension of males.
Comment: Your attitude is awful. Awful. With an attitude like that, no wonder 90% of the guys you attract leave skid marks.
Before you can expect a man to respect you, you have to respect yourself. And when you project that -- you'll attract men who respect themselves. And they will be a lot different from what you seem to typically experience.
Psychobabble and disclaimers notwithstanding; many aspects of business are abstracted to such a degree that the CEO of Home Depot can move over to run GM and it isn't much different because the same principles apply.
And I am here to tell you that if you continue to think as you have always thought, you WILL continue to get what you have always gotten. If that thought is a bad thing, it's time to shake thinks up a bit Ms. Haters.
Changing the world starts with changing yourself.