you want sheer destructive fun ? I know the Saiga is less expensive, the Cobray Street Sweeper has that Bad Attitude and can spin out 12 rnds in a matter of seconds. Cant remember if it's a $ 5.00 NFA tax stamp today or $ 200.00 NFA tax stamp. Years back ATF extended the registration grace period, said get'em registered or hid'em or bury them. I bought one NIB at Mesquite for $ 700.00 in '96 and that was high then but it was in pristine condition with fact. paperwork. While it may be a stamped sheet metal piece of crap like most everything Cobray mfg'ed by todays standards in the mid 80's if maintained, it was like many of the Cobray products, spray & pray. Today, go for the SRM1216.