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View Poll Results: When Will You Get The COVID19 Vaccine?
I'll be first in line due to priority 1 3.45%
I'll be in the second wave 7 24.14%
I'll get it after those two waves of folks have "proven out." 1 3.45%
I'll get it because my job or other entities require it. 1 3.45%
I may or may not get it. The pandemic may be over by then or herd immunity may kick in. 4 13.79%
I'll get it after the FDA formally approves it. 4 13.79%
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Old 12-12-2020, 01:07 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
WTF’s analogy is excellent. N95 masks are 95% effective. While they weren’t available at the start of the pandemic, N95 and KN95 masks are now available and cheap. These are for industrial use but many have been approved by the FDA for emergency medical use.

You are right about the size of the virus. But virions don’t fly solo. They’re attached to other proteins, water vapor, other virions.. Still many of the droplets are indeed smaller than the holes in the mask. The virions in these tiny particles attach to the mask fabric because of electrostatic forces and diffusion, from the droplet onto the mask. Masks work for larger particles like a mechanical filter - the particles are larger than the holes. It’s the intermediate sized droplets that are most likely to pass through the mask
What methods did you use to arrive at these conclusions?
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Old 12-12-2020, 02:02 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
What methods did you use to arrive at these conclusions?
eni mini miny moe.........
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Old 12-12-2020, 02:25 PM   #108
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I will get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine when it is my turn. The mRNA can't hurt you. The mRNA only contains the code to make a specific protein (in this case the Spike protein) component of the CV19 virus. The old way of making a vaccine, a live virus was changed to make it weaker. In some people a weaker live virus could cause you to get sick from the vaccine. You won't have this problem with mRNA vaccines. The scientist just has to figure out which protein make. They have not been able to do that for the HIV virus. The virus that causes the common cold your immunity system clears that virus, so there is no need to make a vaccine for it.
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Old 12-12-2020, 04:13 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
What methods did you use to arrive at these conclusions?
Just one method: reading
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Old 12-12-2020, 04:16 PM   #110
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Charlie Pride will not be able to get it unfortunately.

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Old 12-12-2020, 04:25 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Jackie S View Post
You left our a category in your poll.
Should those of us who have already had COVID and survived with no ill affects also now take the vaccine.

Doesn’t a vaccine cause your immune system to produce anti bodies, just like the ailment.

From what I have seen on TV, Nobody seems to know the answer to my question.
Supposedly, if you truly had COVID19, you should be immune for a year. That's what my brother was told and he had CV. Part of the issue was at the beginning of the pandemic there was a "narrative" that you could have covid, recover, and get covid immediately again. Somehow that doesn't seem the case or rarely is the case. But whatever to sell the panic.

Originally Posted by WTF View Post
Charlie Pride will not be able to get it unfortunately.

He was 86. Yeah, covid complications....whatever to sell the panic,eh, WDF?
https://www.eonline.com/ca/news/1218...fore-his-death RIP Charlie Pride
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Old 12-12-2020, 05:31 PM   #112
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Originally Posted by gnadfly View Post

He was 86. Yeah, covid complications....whatever to sell the panic,eh, WDF?
https://www.eonline.com/ca/news/1218...fore-his-death RIP Charlie Pride
I'm WTF...not sure who WDF is. What does that translate to?

You do realize without Covid....he'd still be alive.

Your attitude towards this is exactly why Trump lost.
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Old 12-12-2020, 05:43 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
Just one method: reading
That's nice you read an article. Do you realize that much of the information about this pandemic and mask usage is conflicting?
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Old 12-12-2020, 05:51 PM   #114
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I definitely had it. I had the antibody test to be sure.
People who have had it should take the antibody, or serology test. It not only confirms the diagnosis, but gives a good indication of how your immune system worked infighting it off.
The test showed I had a strong IgG anti body, which is a good thing.
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Old 12-12-2020, 05:56 PM   #115
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Clinton bush and Obama have stepped up. Wonder when the trump cartel will take one for the team. Trump was the scientific genius that made it happen after all
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Old 12-12-2020, 07:57 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Levianon17 View Post
That's nice you read an article. Do you realize that much of the information about this pandemic and mask usage is conflicting?
OK, I shall be more specific, about the two points in my post that you questioned. These summarize some of what I've read about the effectiveness of N95 masks and the physics and chemistry of how masks work. The links provide the evidence.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post

In summary -

Their findings showed a reduction in risk of 82% of getting infected by maintaining a physical distance of one meter in health-care and community settings. Every additional one meter of separation more than doubled the relative protection, up to three meters.

Masks and respirators reduced the risk of infection by 85% with greater effectiveness in health care settings than the community, which they attribute to the predominant use of N95 masks in health care settings. N95 respirators were 96% effective; other masks were 67% effective.

Eye protection resulted in a 78% reduction in infection in health care settings.

Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
....So what's my point? You've helped two of my friends. I've tried to help you and others similarly but you're not listening. I've posted links to papers that describe how medical personnel and their patients using masks reduced coronavirus infection rates with masks. Studies where humans with Covid coughed through masks and where laboratory rats with Covid were separated by partitions simulating masks. Metastudies, encompassing tens of studies that show the benefits of masks for prevention of spread of coronaviruses. But they haven't had much of an effect. You always come back to influenza and "physics."

Well, I don't know jack about the biology of viruses. But I am equipped to understand physics and fluid dynamics as they relate to Covid 19. I took several classes dealing with fluid flow and mass transfer in college, and used it when I went to work in the real world. I've written and used computer programs to simulate flow of fluids.

So I just spent my lunch hour researching your point above. There are several considerations you may not be aware of.

First, the Covid virion may be around 0.1 microns in size, but that's not how it travels. When it's expelled from your lungs, it's attached to water vapor and solid residue. So when the virus is expelled through your mask, or hits your mask, it's typically in a droplet or particle that's much larger, up to 10 microns in size. In fact, the Viral Filtration Efficiency method for testing masks created by Nelson Laboratories described below uses a 3 micron particle for testing.

Second, the mechanisms by which masks in general and N95 masks in particular operate are not strictly like a screen. Smaller particles are trapped by electrostatic attraction, between the fibers in the mask and particles containing the virions. And also by diffusion, which I guess would happen when the virions are attached to water vapor or you have water vapor created by exhaling, and the virus diffuses onto the fibers.

Third, the intermediate sized particles are actually the most likely to get through the mask. The larger particles are trapped by interception, or screening. The smaller ones as stated above.

Fourth, which you already know, the preceding means you can end up with the Covid Virus on your mask, and as you've wisely counseled here, people should be hygienic and cautious in the way they put on and take off masks. Ideally you'd like to dispose of masks regularly, although I tend to lay them to the side for a few days and then reuse them.

Fifth, the amount of virus that enters your respiratory system has a bearing on whether you're going to be infected and how sick you're going to get. You're unlikely to get infected if you inhaled a single virion, if that could even happen. If you're attending choir practice without a mask with someone who's expelling lots of coronavirus you're probably going to get sick. So masks by cutting down the quantity of virus are doing a lot of good, even if they don't completely eliminate it from the air around us.

This paper is enlightening:


Take a look at table 3. First, it measures PFE (particulate filtration efficiency). This is done with inorganic particles, polystyrene latex (PSL), 0.1 microns in size, the same size roughly as the Covid 19 virion, assuming it were traveling by itself, unattached to water vapor, solid residue, or other virions. The writers of the paper go to pains to show that the mechanisms by which masks filter inorganic particles like PSL are the same as for viruses and bacteria. In the table, you'll note that PFE filtration efficiency for N95 masks is 99.74% to 99.99%. For non-N95 surgical masks (SM in the table), efficiency is 98.26% to 98.66%.

Also, take a look at the VFE (viral filtration efficiency) column. These particles are 0.1 micron viruses inside of 3 micron hosts, more typical of how the virus actually travels. You'll see filtration efficiency in most instances is higher than for the PSL particles.

I'm not saying masks are the be all and end all. Social distancing, staying home when you're sick or have been in close contact with people who have contact, and being judicious about where you are all just as important. And they're all easy to do and don't cost much money. With respect to the last, being judicious, if I'm going to a popular restaurant with people for lunch, I'm going to try to talk them into 11:00 AM or 1:00 PM instead of noon. And I'm probably not going to an indoor sporting event. Handwashing is also important.
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Old 12-12-2020, 10:15 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Tiny View Post
OK, I shall be more specific, about the two points in my post that you questioned. These summarize some of what I've read about the effectiveness of N95 masks and the physics and chemistry of how masks work. The links provide the evidence.
I am not reading all that. I've read all kinds of information since this whole thing began. Some of the information is good makes lots of sense and some total bullshit. Just about every where I go stores are even supplying masks and yet I am always hearing new cases, new cases of deaths. How people are contracting this virus is beyond me with all the restrictions and protective equipment available. Maybe there is a lot about this virus we still don't know.
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Old 12-12-2020, 10:36 PM   #118
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Old 12-12-2020, 10:55 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by Lucas McCain View Post
I'll never get that vaccination unless my new employer requires it. Hell, I'm talking shit to everyone at work. I'm trying to be let go. They put up with it because they know they will have to pay me for a year per the contract.

I wear my mask and I keep my distance. That's good enough for me. I'm not doing all that other shit. I'm doing enough as required. I'm not doing anything more. I hardly even go anywhere now. I am following the safety protocols.

Definition of sheep

1: any of various hollow-horned typically gregarious ruminant mammals (genus Ovis) related to the goats but stockier and lacking a beard in the male

specifically : one (O. aries) long domesticated especially for its flesh and wool

2a: a timid defenseless creature

b: a timid docile person

especially : one easily influenced or led
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Old 12-13-2020, 12:34 AM   #120
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Had any one had a hooker get covid-19.
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