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The fact that you keep posting videos by a certifiably whacked-out and morally depraved far-left IGNORANT JACKASS former MIT linguistics professor - who was a denier of the killing fields holocaust (an atrocity that wiped out nearly 2 million Cambodians) and an apologist for Osama bin Laden's 9/11 attack (an atrocity that murdered nearly 3,000 American citizens) speaks volumes about how intellectually stunted and blind you are.
But you're right about one thing - it's impossible for ANYONE to have a serious intellectual discussion with an intellectual pygmy like yourself!
When he was 13 years old, Chomsky began taking trips by himself to New York City, where he found books for his voracious reading habit and made contact with a thriving working-class Jewish intellectual community. Discussion enriched and confirmed the beliefs that would underlie his political views throughout his life: that all people are capable of comprehending political and economic issues and making their own decisions on that basis; that all people need and derive satisfaction from acting freely and creatively and from associating with others; and that authority—whether political, economic, or religious—that cannot meet a strong test of rational justification is illegitimate.
9500 subscribes to noam Chomsky's Lies - and will never admit to FACTS
Only his marxist revolutionary ideology.
PolPot - Good
Abraham Lincoln and US Grant - racist - Bad!!!
Princeton defines woodrow wilson as racist - also Bad.
Must eliminate from history - per the marxist revolutionaries and OBLM.
Remember - Old dead white man memes are Racist and bad - 9500!
It is only a moment in time until OBLM and Marxism declares all white folks the enemy and to be liquidated.
Poor 9500- to be so blinded by ideology to not know Truth - until It aims an AK at him.
No question the DemLibs exist to limit speech to their speech alone - and anything else is "Hate speech" - after Biden's election they will summary trials and executions for speaking aginst the 'narrative'!!!
Put an AK in the hands of the Libdem protestor whose every other word is an 'F'bomb - and she would have used it- with no guilt or regret.