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Old 03-03-2020, 01:17 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
If Sanders does not get the nomination - his people will stay home. There is no way they will vote for Biden. None.
As usual, you make statements for which you have no tangible proof. In 2016, about 10% of Sanders supporters voted for Trump. And about the same number of Republicans voted for Clinton. No indication that any Sanders supporters did not vote.

Again, I think you underestimate the animosity people in this country have for Trump. As I predicted, his approval rating, which hit a high after the impeachment process ended, is declining. His rating with Rasmussen, which is pro=Republican, dropped 10 points in one week. And to remind you -- no POTUS has every won re-election with a negative approval rating.
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Old 03-03-2020, 01:39 PM   #107
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Au contraire,my friend. You are overestimating the Bernie supporters.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
As usual, you make statements for which you have no tangible proof. In 2016, about 10% of Sanders supporters voted for Trump. And about the same number of Republicans voted for Clinton. No indication that any Sanders supporters did not vote.

Again, I think you underestimate the animosity people in this country have for Trump. As I predicted, his approval rating, which hit a high after the impeachment process ended, is declining. His rating with Rasmussen, which is pro=Republican, dropped 10 points in one week. And to remind you -- no POTUS has every won re-election with a negative approval rating.
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Old 03-03-2020, 07:00 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
She/they will be the featured entertainment in the summertime, after her deposition, under oath, along with Cheryl and Paul 'Stonetear' Combetta.

git yer hot Right here!
How many times has she already been to court/in front of council? And how many convictions?

Ah, gotta go running back to that repub birthed document stone, eh?

Geez. People complain about wasting $$$ and they just keep hitting on that dead horse like they say the demos are doing. Hypocrites.
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Old 03-04-2020, 02:57 AM   #109
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I heard Hillary on the radio talking about all of the phony investigations and inquiries, all of which went nowhere because she was completely exonerated in all of them.

She sounded a lot like Trump, except of course that she has a gazillion times more credibility.
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Old 03-04-2020, 08:19 AM   #110
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Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
How many times has she already been to court/in front of council? And how many convictions?...
She has been questioned/deposed under oath ZERO times. She has been in court the exact amount of times as well. And just in case math is a weak spot for you; the cost to us is minimal in this case. It's a private 3rd party deposing a private citizen.

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
...People complain about wasting $$$ and they just keep hitting on that dead horse...
Think you may be correct and the dictionary does need to be updated with a picture of Hillary under the 'dead horse' definition and the picture of an actual dead horse removed so people do not confused by how similar they would look juxtaposed next to each other.
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Old 03-04-2020, 10:27 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
Au contraire,my friend. You are overestimating the Bernie supporters.
As you underestimate the Trump haters.

In 2016 Sanders got screwed by the Democratic establishment and that upset Sanders supporters. Sanders sought change in the nomination process and he got it.

If Sanders loses the nomination because Biden has a majority of the votes, Sanders supporters have little to complain about. Superdelegates do not come into play as they did in 2016. Thus the complaints by Sanders supporters are unwarranted.

Impossible to predict at this point in time. If Sanders supporters think Trump is more aligned with their political views than Biden, they are rather stupid but it's their vote.
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Old 03-04-2020, 12:39 PM   #112
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No,I don't think any Bernie Bros will vote Trump. But they will just stay home and vote for noone should Bernie not get the nomination. Either way it will be exciting.

Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX View Post
As you underestimate the Trump haters.

In 2016 Sanders got screwed by the Democratic establishment and that upset Sanders supporters. Sanders sought change in the nomination process and he got it.

If Sanders loses the nomination because Biden has a majority of the votes, Sanders supporters have little to complain about. Superdelegates do not come into play as they did in 2016. Thus the complaints by Sanders supporters are unwarranted.

Impossible to predict at this point in time. If Sanders supporters think Trump is more aligned with their political views than Biden, they are rather stupid but it's their vote.
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Old 03-04-2020, 01:15 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by Austin Ellen View Post
No,I don't think any Bernie Bros will vote Trump. But they will just stay home and vote for noone should Bernie not get the nomination. Either way it will be exciting.
Two predictions I made just came true.

1. When Bloomberg dropped out he would support Biden. Great news for Biden.

2. Trump's approval rating hit a peak after the impeachment hearings and would start to decline. RealClearPolitics had Trump at -4.3% on Feb. 26th and has dropped to -7.3% today.

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Old 03-06-2020, 08:21 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
She has been questioned/deposed under oath ZERO times. She has been in court the exact amount of times as well. And just in case math is a weak spot for you; the cost to us is minimal in this case. It's a private 3rd party deposing a private citizen.

Oh. So after all this time, nothing happened to her. All the whining, bellyaching, bitching and tears shed over her and not ONE legal action? Repubs: the party that can't substantiate there childish antics. No matter the place.

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post

Think you may be correct and the dictionary does need to be updated with a picture of Hillary under the 'dead horse' definition and the picture of an actual dead horse removed so people do not confused by how similar they would look juxtaposed next to each other.
You sure it doesn't redirect to a pic of what whiny conserves do?
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Old 03-09-2020, 07:34 AM   #115
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Default Count the numbers that count...

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
... Repubs: the party that can't substantiate there childish antics. No matter the place...
The book titled What Happened was not written by them. Who cares if the crusty old hag got schlonged or if people just see her as corrupt and vile. She just needs to go far, far away. Nobody cares what she has to say anymore. She lost what little relevancy she ever had years ago.

But if numbers are your thing - you are oblivious to the trending numbers. GEPOTUS' primary/caucus numbers are through the roof so far. That's not taking into account how many may have gone the poison vote route in the open primaries. TRUMP2020 is smashing all previous records on turn out, notwithstanding that he is running unopposed in some districts. My best guess is less people chose the poison vote route because of down ballot candidates. Which is also a good sign that the base is focused and energized. Contrast that against the traditionally flighty nature of the Bernie millennials at the voting booth.

Well... I'm sure the DNC establishment, of which Bernie wants to burn down, will give the Commie a fair shake. Yeah, that's the ticket. Plus, they'll give him a nice desk to sit at in the next debate.
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Old 03-09-2020, 06:40 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
The book titled What Happened was not written by them. Who cares if the crusty old hag got schlonged or if people just see her as corrupt and vile. She just needs to go far, far away. Nobody cares what she has to say anymore. She lost what little relevancy she ever had years ago.

If that is true, why do you keep bringing her up?
I have to assume if you stop talking about her, you won't have something to distract the masses from, let us say, the Stock Market today. Yeah that's it. Hillary is to blame for the dump today.
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Old 03-10-2020, 04:28 AM   #117
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Hillary is in the news mostly because she wants to be in the news. The hard part is for you to decide why. (understanding is a long shot for you). It is all up in Hulu and elsewhere. Why? What happened? Bummer about that Judge deciding that she/it was ducking being under oath for over 6 years. Huh?

I can not even begin to explain the anticipated disappointment I feel as I await your 4th grade explanation of the stock market happenings. But first, how is it affecting you - personally? Prattle on...

Originally Posted by Precious_b View Post
If that is true, why do you keep bringing her up?
I have to assume if you stop talking about her, you won't have something to distract the masses from, let us say, the Stock Market today. Yeah that's it. Hillary is to blame for the dump today.
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Old 03-10-2020, 06:13 AM   #118
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Trump had a majority in both houses of Congress for 2 years, and still failed to keep his campaign promise to "lock her up", much less find anything to lock her up about.

Maybe that's because there's no "there" there, and the only reason half-wit Republicans are crowing so loudly about Hillary now is to drown out the news about Trump's antics.

Because he is definitely on the far side of unhinged, and it's just a matter of time before his fair-weather base turns on him and leaves him to twist in the wind.
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Old 03-10-2020, 09:35 AM   #119
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Default I'm a think'n we will know soon, way too soon...

Hillary is crowing about Hillary. Her latest cock-a-doodle-doo is throwing shade on both Creepy Uncle Joe and the Bernie critters, which tends to indicate she is setting her sights on a brokered convention aspiration, because she can't be thinking a VP slot is in the offing from either based upon that tactic, nor would she accept anything less. Besides, Old Joe has likely doled out the prime real estate slots already to the last couple batches of drop-out candidates and former cronies, possible exception of Fauxahontas. Regardless, old Hilbags will get schlonged again 'cause that's what she's good at I s'pose.

Originally Posted by Dev Null View Post
...Maybe that's because there's no "there" there, and the only reason half-wit Republicans are crowing so loudly about Hillary...
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Old 03-10-2020, 11:45 AM   #120
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Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do View Post
Hillary is in the news mostly because she wants to be in the news. The hard part is for you to decide why. (understanding is a long shot for you). It is all up in Hulu and elsewhere. Why? What happened? Bummer about that Judge deciding that she/it was ducking being under oath for over 6 years. Huh?

I can not even begin to explain the anticipated disappointment I feel as I await your 4th grade explanation of the stock market happenings. But first, how is it affecting you - personally? Prattle on...
And trump is in the news. Does that mean I listen to his lies? No. And that is by choice. If Hillary is in the news, it is obviously your choice that you are listening to her. Personally, I don't. Don't be afraid to make an adult decision in deciding what to listen to if it doesn't affect you.

But it sure is childish to rant about it when it has no bearing on you. UNLESS you are using it for misdirection. I should expect that from someone using YAHOO and HULU as source of info. Not that I have anything against the former.

Why aren't you referencing the tyrannical news sources? The ones you pointed to in the past.
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