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Old 10-20-2011, 01:46 PM   #106
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I have already asked alyssa nichole to marry me so theres my answer!
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Old 10-20-2011, 01:47 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Dharma View Post
I have to say that I'm not O.K. with a guy who's O.K. with me being a provider. I want an old fashioned, one-woman man who's looking for a one-man woman.

Corollary question to the Ladies:

In an old fashion committed relationship where your "man" supported you, would you still work? And why?
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Old 10-20-2011, 02:01 PM   #108
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It worked for me because I can take a person as a whole. Good and bad. While I did not Like her providing, I also knew what she did when I met here and she tried hard to keep it out of our time together. We broke up because she felt I was getting too close to her. We went swinging together so that kind of helped with the fact she was not exclusive to me. It was not always easy but I would take her back in a sec if she ever changes her mind.
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Old 10-20-2011, 02:28 PM   #109
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I guess every provider and/or hobbyist has a deep down, special place that you keep under lock and key for your SO. No matter how hot a session might be with a hobbyist, I would hope a potential provider SO would unlock that place for me and me only AND that I would know it and trust it to be so.

The thing for me is that by definition an SO should be the 'significant', and I prefer to substitute, 'Special' One in my life who I would not want to share with any and everyone.

'It's just sex'. 'It's just business'.... but no other profession demands the type of intimacy and physical contact required. Just reading the ROS details in some reviews and knowing a lot that goes on behind closed doors doesn't get told, I'd say that servicing other men from day to day, week to week, would challenge such a relationship unless the two people are of very unique and strong personalities with a bond that is really special.

On the male side, I'm a Dharmaite.... all or nothing.
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Old 10-20-2011, 02:31 PM   #110
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I have tried it, and would again if the situation was in front of me. There we're things that were a little tough, like the time I met her at her incall for lunch.
Things got hot, and clothes went flying, but when I stuck my finger inside her I found a rubber. Trust me when I say, thats a tough image to get out of your mind.

The thing that makes it possible for me is my attitude toward sex. It is a recreational activity, not some sacred bonding ritual to be selfishly guarded. There is a rumor flying around that some sick bastards use it to make children, but I don't think that's true.

To be sure, sex is a bonding act, but so is cooking dinner together. So is taking care of each other when one of us is sick. So is staying home all day with the phones off and watching movies. So is tag team wrestling.

If my SO was in the WWE I would not be jealous of her tag team partner. If she watched movies all day with someone else, I would not go into a jealous rage.

The things that ended it between us were other things. She could not (would not) get rid of her ex, who was constantly trying to cause trouble, both between us, and with the cops. She was ok with providing, but if I so much as got a blow job (in or out of the hobby) from someone else, it would be thrown into my face at the next disagreement, and in the end, it turned out she resented the fact that I didn't resent her job. Go figure.

I would have helped her in whatever field she chose, and asked her at the beginning of the relationship if there were other carrier goals she wanted to pursue, but she said that she was comfortable as a provider, so I dropped it. I was very surprised to find out that everything was my fault, because I was stupid and selfish for taking her at her word.

As I have said before, they are women, as confusing, as difficult, and as wonderful as any, in any profession.

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Old 10-20-2011, 09:18 PM   #111
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Heh, heh, heh...my lone experience in this area was a dating type of relationship for about two years and it was undone not because of anything directly related to her providing, but with other issues which permeated her way of "being herself." No, I'm not being catty because in many ways she is a very good woman and truly a caring individual whom I still like very much. But, and this is the case with any relationship of this nature, each should be the other's primary (not necessarily exclusive) focus. If that isn't there, what's the point? Yes, the sex was good and it was free, but it was also a case of one step forward, two steps back, two steps forward and one step back - repeat until you realize that you both are still in the same spot where you began.

Point being, it has very little to do with the obvious issues of the lady being a provider. Instead, I found out it had more to do with give, take and the willingness to commit on serveral levels having nothing to do with the lady's field of work, but maybe everything about why she chose providing as her work. My experience is a singular experience but not necessarily unique to the point of being divorced from certain common aspects of human behavior.

So, yes, I'd go again.
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