Originally Posted by Budman
Why does it prove him to be a liar? I have read the inscription in the year book and I don't see anything wrong with it. Why is this even an issue? He wished her a merry christmas.
There are two issues with the "yearbook" ... one is the forgery by inserting information that was not previously there and the next is AllWrong aka AllRed won't produce the "yearbook" for an independent forensic document examiner to EXAMINE!
If Little WTF were ACCUSED of a crime and someone produced a paper with his alleged confession on it and the prosecutor would provide a report from an investigator and his own forensic examiner to inspect and test the paper he would scream bloody murder and rightfully so. But he wants to CONVICT OTHERS ON NOTHING but an ACCUSATION ...
.. HERE'S PROOF: Where did I say I support a pedophile?
"Little" is an excellent choice of words!
BTW, Budman, if you haven't noticed anyone who disagrees with WTF he calls a "liar"!