Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Overcoming denial is always the first step.
WTF is the prototype of denial. The Golden Standard of Denial.
He actually attempts to marginalize and vilify others in order to justify his lameass attitude. If he really believes that posting a "Help Needed" threAD on a Hooker Board for "depression" is the most effective method for getting help with "depression," then he has demonstrated the depth of his ignorance, which is only exceeded by the OP.
If he doesn't believe that ... then I'm still correct ....
He actually attempts to marginalize and vilify others in order to justify his lameass attitude.
In the meantime ... the OP is still "depressed"!
I am making fun of WTF, though!
As he tries to stir up another personal pissing contest in an attempt to get me banned, like he was banned, so that there will be one less voice demonstrating his ignorance about worldly matters.