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Old 07-05-2017, 07:21 PM   #106
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Retard is a term of endearment
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Old 07-05-2017, 07:25 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Moonchild View Post
Save your time and don't. Will just show how misguided you are. Tyranny on a hooker board haha, you crack me up.
You are sheep. Your baaaaing is sweet background music.

Now, to RL's question.
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Old 07-05-2017, 07:28 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS View Post
Mississippi folks - just stop responding to this BS. With time the cowpokers will go back to TesASS and leave the people on this board alone.

I think you are correct.

Is it possible for a member to suggest this thread be closed since the topic from OP has run off track. If so, I submit my request, And 2nd it as well lol
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Old 07-05-2017, 07:37 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by JustaGuyinMS View Post
As a retired moderator, I am disgusted with this thread and am glad I am no longer a moderator. Road Lizard took over for me, and I believe he is doing an excellent job. ECCIE is a great place to meet interesting women, and I enjoy meeting them. Sadly, there are some who have reasons I can't even fathom who want to be on here.

Mississippi folks - just stop responding to this BS. With time the cowpokers will go back to TesASS and leave the people on this forum alone.

Mississippi is a forum on same board with sub-forums.
btw, Canada is nice this time of year
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Old 07-05-2017, 07:52 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
You are sheep. Your baaaaing is sweet background music.
Do the voices sound like they are in the room or outside of the room?
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Old 07-05-2017, 07:54 PM   #111
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I don't like to do this. Because it helps retards adjust their methods........but, RL asks for it.

I highlight in red and explain in blue.

Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Marshal Doc Holyday this shtick is what Doc uses to verbally reprimand retards in open forum and in PMs all over the "badlands" and beyond coming to ya from the Texas and ECCIE Badlands. Ol’ Doc gets around the Boards and knows what the heck is happening around ECCIE. Today I want to shine the light on what is NOT happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board. This is a classic attack on the retard you are not talking to. An in house example of this would be......RL, I am so glad that you are not the trolling, fighting, backstabbing, he said/she said crap starter, white knighting and general BS DRAMA starter that Moonchild is.

That is exactly what vvvv the below is. The only difference is that it is aimed at everyone in the Texas badlands.
What is Not happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board is a bunch of unnecessary trolling, fighting, backstabbing, he said / she said crap, White Knighting and general BS DRAMA!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I like how you folks are operating in Ol’ Miss. You guys and gals remind me a lot of the South TX ole Doc spoke too soon about South Texas & West TX Boards where people get along, share information, and help each other out without the drama found on some other Boards.

What is going on in Ol’ Miss. Does not go unnoticed. IMHO, your Board operates how this website should operate and in line with what the site was created for, Unnoticed by whom? In stating that your forum operates how this website should operate, the inference is that "DRAMA EXCHANGE" should not tolerated. Except, the tolerance on the high traffic areas of the board are what they are at the insistence of the owner if this board. The modtards in those forums have plenty of scars from being cut down to size for over reaching their modtard mandate. INFORMATION EXCHANGE, NOT DRAMA EXCHANGE and WASTED bandwidth on troll threads!!!! So I’m calling all of ya out and saying, GREAT JOB!!! This is ole Doc saying that the modtards in Dallas, Houston and elsewhere are doing a TERRIBLE JOB. Here is a little reality for you. The last 2 admintards have been pulled from the Houston modtard pool. I didn't see any of the "no drama mammas" getting the call. Give yourselves a BIG hand!! That goes for you to RL. IMHO, you’re right up there in the top tier Mod. List. Yeah, you fell for this one hard.

I encourage all of ya to keep up the great camaraderie you have going and expand on it. Gentlemen, go into detail in the reviews. Tell us what is so great about the lovely ladies you are meeting. Tell us why it was such a great meeting IN DETAIL!! Ladies, if you’re having an issue(s) about something, bring it to the guys attention on here. The members here do a pretty good job policing the problem children. So ladies, gentlemen, keep up the great job you’re doing in Ol’ Miss. That goes for you to RL!! As for Marshal Holyday, I’m headed back into the ECCIE badlands to spread truth, justice and comic relief where possible. ole Doc is suffering under the delusion that he is safe from responses from the badlands in your forum. Because, he was betting that you are dumb enough to play Sherriff to his Marshal....and you fell for it Adios!!
His post was all about him and as much about them as it was about you. Thus, them responding to him about him is on topic and not a thread hijack.
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Old 07-05-2017, 09:30 PM   #112
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I think this is longest thread that I have ever seen in MS. Sadly, most of it is nonsense and doesn't contribute anything at all.

Again, waste of time typing DH. I for one don't care about your perception of what you call reality.

last time I will comment or even open this thread.

Great JOB RL and Lea!!! You both have always been helpful to me. My thanks also to precious MS mods since I have joined.

DH, mental illness is nothing to be ashamed about. Go get help.
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Old 07-05-2017, 09:40 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
His post was all about him and as much about them as it was about you. Thus, them responding to him is on topic and not a thread hijack.

Originally Posted by DocHolyday
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Marshal Doc Holyday coming to ya from the Texas and ECCIE Badlands.

Ol’ Doc gets around the Boards and knows what the heck is happening around ECCIE. Especially knowledgeable on BBFS

Today I want to shine the light on what is NOT happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board.

since he is not in Ol'Miss the lovely ladies here will not be harassed for bbfs nor be shorted on their rates

What is Not happening on the Ol’ Miss. Board is a bunch of unnecessary trolling, fighting, backstabbing, he said / she said crap, White Knighting and general BS DRAMA!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Doc, dont harass or short any providers around here and I'm sure you will not have all that BS here. Unless someone decides to do a little research on you....

That goes for you to RL. IMHO, you’re right up there in the top tier Mod. List.

Doc, maybe if you had taken a few pointers from RL, and not shorted or harassed ladies for bbfs, your mod carrier might of lasted longer than 3 days.....

O'l Miss, don't let this fool fool ya. Search his handle ladies!!


I responded and stayed on topic. I did not hijack. He implied that in other parts of the board there is a bunch of unnecessary trolling, fighting, backstabbing, he said / she said crap, White Knighting and general BS DRAMA!! so I responded for those in Texas

Originally Posted by DocHolyday
For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Marshal Doc Holyday coming to ya from the Texas and ECCIE Badlands. Ol’ Doc gets around the Boards and knows what the heck is happening around ECCIE

I replied with what the heck is happening on eccie, again, I stayed on topic, did not hijack.

Some public info…





Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
Sorry Ol' Miss., that these cyber stalking trolls showed up on your Board. I will head back over to TX and deal with their troll BS ...AGAIN!!

RL, you say I was being rude and disrespectful? You don't consider his comment rude nor disrespectful? I

Texas trolls and WKs, stay off these folks Board with your troll lies and drama. They don't want or need your troll BS in Mississippi!! Now GO BACK to Texas!!!
[QUOTE=Road Lizard;1059680568]This thread started on a high note, having nothing to do with the drama from other states.

He made negative comments about other states in his original post. I responded on topic, not hijacked.

Doc made a thread that attacked no one then it became an 'attack Doc' thread and I stepped in. If Doc attacks the ladies here, I'll go after him. And on this board, he hasn't..[/QUOTE]

He attacked/made negative comments about those from other states in his original post.

Originally Posted by Road Lizard View Post
Ladies, you have a private section for doing this in and this ain't it.

Let's get this thread back on track
Originally Posted by Road Lizard View Post
Last warning, take this somewhere else.
I replied to his post on topi. Why do I have to go to a private area? Thread was on track

Originally Posted by DocHolyday View Post
This thread is NOT about me. You may want to consider STOPPING your derailing of this thread. This thread about the fine folks in Mississippi or risk getting another well deserved vacation. However, play it as you wish.
So...... Doc starts a thread praising Mississippi and insulting other states but I am not allowed to reply? I am threaten with points? Or per Doc, with a vacation. I was not treated fairly, and do not understand how you cannot see that. ?

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Old 07-05-2017, 09:42 PM   #114
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Originally Posted by Moonchild View Post

DH, mental illness is nothing to be ashamed about. Go get help.
I believe that the mention of a members illness is against the rules.

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Old 07-05-2017, 09:58 PM   #115
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Old 07-05-2017, 10:08 PM   #116
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
I don't like to do this. Because it helps retards adjust their methods........but, RL asks for it.

I highlight in red and explain in blue.

His post was all about him and as much about them as it was about you. Thus, them responding to him about him is on topic and not a thread hijack.

Thanks for that, I appreciate it. And I see where YOU and the others are coming from but I read it as something else altogether. I didn't have the background that you and any of Texas people had. To me, it was just a funny, goofy thread and no it didn't blow up my ego. You saw the insults, I saw a thread that was just for fun. I'll say this, we both were right from our perspectives.

Now how was I supposed to know that? Couldn't you just have told me instead of all the outrage and weird accusations? You or one of the other people said you have a harsh approach and you do but it's an ineffective way to get your point across. Try that in real life, it just doesn't work.

Now another question...can you please give me an example of a thread hijack? I figure while you're hanging out here, might as well get info from you and I've got a ton of questions and I'd appreciate your input.
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Old 07-05-2017, 10:12 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Ms Francisca View Post
I believe that the mention of a members illness is against the rules.

I am willing to accept any infraction as I am accountable for my behavior. I know I am not perfect. Most likely not the last infraction either.

Ms Francisca, would this mean DH also gets an infraction for every Mississippian member since he referenced our mental state of being retarded?
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Old 07-05-2017, 10:44 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by Road Lizard View Post
Thanks for that, I appreciate it. And I see where YOU and the others are coming from but I read it as something else altogether. I didn't have the background that you and any of Texas people had. To me, it was just a funny, goofy thread and no it didn't blow up my ego. You saw the insults, I saw a thread that was just for fun. I'll say this, we both were right from our perspectives.

Now how was I supposed to know that? Couldn't you just have told me instead of all the outrage and weird accusations? You or one of the other people said you have a harsh approach and you do but it's an ineffective way to get your point across. Try that in real life, it just doesn't work.

Now another question...can you please give me an example of a thread hijack? I figure while you're hanging out here, might as well get info from you and I've got a ton of questions and I'd appreciate your input.
To answer your question you have to understand the difference between a thread hijack and thread drift.

A thread hijack is a deliberate attempt to change the subject of a thread.

A thread drift is the natural journey that happens in a thread due to posts in the thread.

Boomers last post was a thread hijack.....before he edited it.

Your post with this question is thread drift due to the journey of the thread.

Every thread has thread drift. Most threads have moments of hijack. Irrespective of thread content, your function is to nudge it back on track without injecting yourself into spotlight. A modtard can take all of the oxygen from the room when he/she posts warnings and threats.
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Old 07-05-2017, 10:58 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by dearhunter View Post
To answer your question you have to understand the difference between a thread hijack and thread drift.

A thread hijack is a deliberate attempt to change the subject of a thread.

A thread drift is the natural journey that happens in a thread due to posts in the thread.

Boomers last post was a thread hijack.....before he edited it.

Your post with this question is thread drift due to the journey of the thread.

Every thread has thread drift. Most threads have moments of hijack. Irrespective of thread content, your function is to nudge it back on track without injecting yourself into spotlight. A modtard can take all of the oxygen from the room when he/she posts warnings and threats.
Ok, that makes a ton of sense. The intent. Ok, now I have the correct interpretation, thanks. And the part about 'nudge it back on track' makes sense too. I don't want to be the center of a conversation, not my intent at all.

And I'm not picking on you or anyone when I ask about namecalling. This one is confusing to me as it looks straighforward but there is namecalling that is allowed and I don't understand where the line is or if there is one there. I respect the rules but the interpretation is different from any I've experienced before. I appreciate your input on that one.
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Old 07-05-2017, 11:10 PM   #120
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For example purposes only.....

Damn, you fucktards get all worked over a whore offering bbfs.....is not a violation.

Wakeup, I am tired of your punk ass coming into our forum to take a big elephant dump. Puke cum and die you piece of shit......is a violation.

The first is a description of stupid behavior that is continually on a repeat cycle.

The second is a direct attack of a fucktard......see what I did there?
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