Originally Posted by coast_encounter
I have to ask because the first one seems very strange. Can you elaborate about someone wanting to have a religious conversation before/during or after a meeting ? I cannot even imaging how that would even be injected into the conversation. Curiosity on my part :-)
Second: Bites during DATY - Ouch !! I guess that is similar to a guy catching some teeth during oral. Very painful I bet..

1. I seem to attract very conflicted "christian" men. Ministers, deacons, church board members you name it. I have no idea why. It usually goes a lil something like this:
Him: You seem like such a nice young lady.
Me: Thanks
Him: I hope you dont mind me asking but how did you get in to "this"?
Me: The same way you have, circumstances and research.
Him: Well I do not hardly every do "this". I have been trying to stop but I saw your pictures and read your ad/bio/ or profile and you seemed like such a nice lady. I am really going to stop though this is that last time. Do you go to church? I'm sure there are a lot of really nice fellas who would love to marry you.
Me: Honey thats sweet of you to say but I really do not feel comfortable with where this conversation is going, can we please change the subject?
Him: I'm sorry I did not mean to make you upset. But just know that no matter what Jesus still care's.
This is usually followed by a week or two of no contact. a couple of weeks of random religious text forwarded to my cell and eventually a request for
bcd ... AGAIN.
2. Just Imagine someone biting your "head"

. Not fun at all.
LOL hope that answered your questions Coast.