Originally Posted by Kay2Day
Id vote for SL & Whispers combo. You can cut the sexual tension between those 2 with a knife should make for some awesome BCD activity. Lol im sorry i just couldnt resist it was just too easy lol
Originally Posted by missi hart
this thread demonstrates that while the op appears to have lots of money to buy things, unfortunately it can't buy him class and character.
Missi H the thing is he isn't here to buy class or character. He's here to buy the hottest providers in town.
As the only sexy provider in this thread has clearly demonstrated money apparently works pretty damn well lol.
Board class and character to impress the extreme BBW and guy in a wig/dress or Mega bucks to impress the hot providers. Tough choice.
No matter what he does on the board the hottest girls still follow the money.
It works in reverse as well. I'll take Miss V any day of the week over a much nicer BBW. This is the hobby after all.