Originally Posted by ferdburf
Sure, I'm always up for a good road trip. Are we taking your car or mine? Isn't the Vatican all the way over in East Texas? Make sure the windows will roll down, though, because that saurkraut I ate for lunch is making me awful gassy. Oh, can I sit next to you?
Sorry we have to take a flight, it's not in Texas. You won't get called American cause I speak their language.....You sure will feel American though ( that's to egg on Eagle) And you have to sign the petition

Well get a group rate for flights. It's ON FER- you can lay your head in my lap during the flight....Now about Boardman - It's humane that we get him a carrier and his own seat should he decide to partake. It's cruel to leave him where they store the luggage, I've heard cats and dogs die of the cold or dehydration.....I vote we get him a seat or take turns carrying the pet carrier. I still haven't figured out the litter box for him yet.....We have to get him to agree........
We could all join the mile high club, then go to church and confess. Voila - clean slate till next week.