Originally Posted by dallasfan
His IP address should be banned permanently because god knows how many IDs he currently has on this site that have not been discovered yet.
problem is that these days most IP addresses are dynamic and not static. unless there is a way to at least isolate the range of addresses. but that is not foolproof, either.
Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
While I can't condone any of these actions, particularly outing and taking advantage of ladies, this still has a sort of "witch hunt" feel to me. I haven't heard of this behavior going on recently so maybe he's turned a new leaf? ...
It just seems to me that everyone is taking all of this too seriously, hobbying is supposed to be fun you know?
here are several defns of "witch hunt"
* historical: a search for and subsequent persecution of a
supposed witch. [meaing no real evidence of such]
* informal: a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views.
the searching out and deliberate harassment of those (as political opponents) with unpopular views
the act of unfairly looking for and punishing people who are accused of having opinions that are believed to be dangerous or evil.
IF david/nhr/whatever is innocent of the charges laid out by several folks in this thread,
then it would be a "witch hunt" ==> going after a person believed but not proven to be dangerous or evil.
since it appears that a real world person has done some dangerous or evil things here on eccie and in this area of the world,
it would be an informal "witch hunt" to "go after him".
believe what you will.
if indeed, he has done some dangerous or evil things, then that
IS SERIOUS and it should be publicized so that people might be forewarned.
i just find that many of his comments are often "clients should...", "providers should ...", "most clients believe/act ...", etc.
in other words, assumptions w/ very little if any evidence to back up his comments.
thus, not very credible.
Originally Posted by DarkeyKong
How OBSG feels:
(image of a guy yelling "victory")
How everyone else feels:
(a guy in a funk or despondent mood)
ok, i'll say it [and am guilty as charged of having very little if any evidence to back up my comments] ...
is DavidFree
(see - DarkeyKong even stated how he "knows" how OBSG and everyone else feels