If I had a MacBook, I'd probably want this set of decals:
As a mild challenge to myself, here's what I recognized without looking up:
F5: Superman Icon
4: Fantastic Four symbol
Q: <Not sure - Quicksilver?>
W: Wolverine
E: Electro
R: Robin
T: Thor
Y: Y, the Last Man
U: Ultraboy
I: Iron Man
O: <Not sure>
P: Punisher
Capslock: Nightcrawler's teleport effect
A: Apocalypse
S: Spider-man
D: <Not sure>
F: The Flash
G: The Green Lantern
H: <Not sure>
J: The Joker
K: <Not sure - Looks like the Zoom symbol to me>
L: Leonardo!
Return Key: Captain Marvel (DC)
Shift: Sound effect for Wolverine's claws
Z: <Not sure - Zorro?>
X: X-men symbol
C: Captain America
V: Venom
B: Batman
N: Nova
M: Magneto
Open Apple button: Another Spider-man symbol
Space bar: Stan Lee's famous exclamation