Originally Posted by Killersalt
False. All of the pictures you have posted are really old. She has grown quite a bit over the last few years and her butt is where most of the weight went. (don't worry she gave me permission to clarify). If you're going to post pictures of her, and talk about this big weight loss, maybe you should use a current picture of her.
It didn't take you long to start stirring shit after your "vacation". You are back with a vengeance. Something got you riled up?
But Halloween was a few weeks ago sweets. Plus I see her when I visit. YOU want her to be what you want but pictures don't lie. What could you possibly say....I provider told me she once saw her and...........Yeah providers would tell you the truth about someone they hate!!!! I was there Halloween.
As a matter of fact there were a few fellows that saw her at an HD pool party Boyshorts and a bikini top a few months ago. As for an ass, we have ass envy.....Don't you think she would have asked me to post pics of a big booty if she had one, as would I.....You seem to be trying to throw salt around with no knowledge. i asked if she knew you and she said NO. Sorry, people that don't know her never catch a view of her. She hides....
We are not all asses like you
I'm just happy to be back. This is fun!