Originally Posted by Trey
Anyway I'm just amazed how much you all care that one chick won't see you. She ain't even Asian, if she was I would see your surprise a bit more. Is this chick so hot to the Asian male that he is really that hurt by this one girl.
We want what we can't have.
Dorthy has figured that out and this is nothing more than a marketing gimmick.
Oriental Dude: Hey, what's up with not seeing Orientals? We're not threatening. We don't like trouble. Our winky is dinky. [Apologies for perpetuating any stereotypes].
Dorthy: Sorry, Oriental Dude. Nothing to do with safety or winky. Soy sauce smelly, me no sucky. [Broaden aforementioned apology to include everyone].
At which point Oriental Dude begs, offers to pay more and bring his own Fabreeze. With the Oriental upcharge and earplugs shoved up her nostrils, Dorthy relents.
Now, that's a happy ending.
Niche marketing! That's what makes America's economy the best in the world.
Well, played, Dorthy, well played.