Originally Posted by London Rayne
Naomi, I agree Charles needs Lithium or needs to stop letting that OH fill his head with bs when she just needs approval from as many people as she can get ha ha. I will stop there.
Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
I'd be careful with the OH comments, both on this board and in RL. Dissing your elders is like slashing your own tires.
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Oh gosh not one of these again.
Originally Posted by London Rayne
Mind telling me what "OH" means to you Charles, because I certainly don't see an acronym for it on Eccie. I am getting really good at talking in riddles lol. Did someone "else" go crying AGAIN for what they " ASSumed" it meant lol. Classic. 
Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Classic is an understatement. LOL!
Yeah, London, you really walked down the street naked as a jaybird this time. The acronym (guess you're not a dumb whore after all; just a half-way learned one--you knew the word) in the context in which
YOU wrote it could stand for nothing other than "Old Hag."
London, you boast about your youth (an in your case, how much you like fucking young hobbyists with teeny cocks). Go ahead and boast. Time will kick you in the fuckin' teeth, and we'll all have the last laugh.
And Naomi, as for you: you boast how fuckin' good you are at the hobby even you you're so young. Well every time you post, you show the astounding ignorance borne of an uneducated or undereducated person whose youth fucks them over so naturally. Time will get you too. Since you're so young, it might take a little longer, but given an adequate amount of time, all breasts sag to the belly button.