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Old 07-09-2021, 07:21 PM   #91
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Youve shown your cards! Nothing burger.
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Old 07-09-2021, 07:59 PM   #92
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Shown a few, but the river can be a bitch. But once again no cogent rebuttal.
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Old 07-09-2021, 08:04 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by reddog1951 View Post
Shown a few, but the river can be a bitch. But once again no cogent rebuttal.

still waiting for you to declare the BLM/Antifa "peaceful riots" an insurrection ..
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Old 07-09-2021, 08:36 PM   #94
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Originally Posted by reddog1951 View Post
Shown a few, but the river can be a bitch. But once again no cogent rebuttal.
The right wingers (not conservatives) on this board are just going to "what about" for eternity. They have no desire to actually rebut anything.
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Old 07-09-2021, 08:45 PM   #95
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ts winn dixie is a true conservative
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Old 07-10-2021, 08:42 AM   #96
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For the fascist DPST minions: Picture is worth 1,000 or more words

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Old 07-10-2021, 11:58 AM   #97
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So, Waco, I really don't mind declaring that the BLM riots, Detroit riots, Watts riots, etc., can be categorized as an insurrection under Websters broadest definition "an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government". Likewise, that definition also encompasses the actions of the village idiots at the Capital on Jan 6th. Label one as such, label both the same. No problem agreeing there as they were all wrong in their actions.

I find US Code Title 18 § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection quite interesting,

"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

in that it specifically addresses rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, which is exactly what the village idiots did at the United States Capital on Jan 6th by disrupting constitutional process by duly representatives of the People. Not to mention any responsibility of aiders or comforters.

Prosecutors frequently choose to charge with more easily proven "lessor" crimes to slam dunk a conviction, which we may have witnessed to date. Who knows? But maybe they are on the trail of getting some of the village idiots to "roll" so they can go after "bigger fish" with conspiracy, aiding and comforting, etc. Who knows? If I were "involved", I might be a bit paranoid, but then again everything boils down to conspiracies....so party on and enjoy.
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Old 07-10-2021, 12:58 PM   #98
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Originally Posted by reddog1951 View Post
So, Waco, I really don't mind declaring that the BLM riots, Detroit riots, Watts riots, etc., can be categorized as an insurrection under Websters broadest definition "an act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government". Likewise, that definition also encompasses the actions of the village idiots at the Capital on Jan 6th. Label one as such, label both the same. No problem agreeing there as they were all wrong in their actions.

I find US Code Title 18 § 2383 - Rebellion or insurrection quite interesting,

"Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

in that it specifically addresses rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, which is exactly what the village idiots did at the United States Capital on Jan 6th by disrupting constitutional process by duly representatives of the People. Not to mention any responsibility of aiders or comforters.

Prosecutors frequently choose to charge with more easily proven "lessor" crimes to slam dunk a conviction, which we may have witnessed to date. Who knows? But maybe they are on the trail of getting some of the village idiots to "roll" so they can go after "bigger fish" with conspiracy, aiding and comforting, etc. Who knows? If I were "involved", I might be a bit paranoid, but then again everything boils down to conspiracies....so party on and enjoy.

OK, we both seem to agree people should be prosecuted for both incidents but in only one incident, Jan 6th, are people still in jail and denied bond. That's problem one.

Not to mention any responsibility of aiders or comforters.
You say you are waiting to see about and "aiders and comforters" being identified in the Jan 6th incident but ( hide your eyes you whatabout haters ) whatabout all those Democrats including VP Harris, who aided with bail money so some BLM and Antifa arrested could go right back to burning , looting and assaulting and all those that gave comfort with their words of encouragement to keep "protesting" while buildings burned, were looted and law enforcement assaulted? Have you heard of a single Republican lawmaker putting up bail for Jan. 6th. rioters? Heard anybody say they support what the rioters did as Democrats supported the summer riots?

I'm saying if both incidents are not treated the same, if those on the Left will not acknowledge the same treatment is deserved by both, then this will never be settled.

My other problem, which I believe you engaged in, is conflating what Josh Hawley did as

disrupting constitutional process by duly representatives of the People.
To this day, I still hear people, Democrats, saying that the above, is what Hawley did and will not acknowledge that it was legal and precedent set by Democrats who twice took to the floor of Congress "disrupting the constitutional process by duly elected representatives of the people" in trying to stop the certification of electors like Democrats did against Bush and Trump. I've even put the Youtube video up of Biden ( VP and head of the Senate at the time ) banging the gavel trying to get Maxine Waters to shut up and sit down because she was "disrupting the constitutional process by duly elected representatives of the people". Add Jamie Raskin, lead prosecutor in Trump's impeachment to that list of Democrats who tried to interrupt the "process of duly elected Representatives" and now Raskin, has been put on Pelosi's investigative committee for Jan. 6th. How's that for a bit of historical irony?

Waters was trying to get electors for Trump, tossed. Problem is, when a member of the House attempts to do this, they must have a Senator co-sign the petition. So Biden, as VP, is presiding and he asks if any Senator will join Representative Waters in this matter and no Sen. would to which Waters says "I don't care if no Senator will join me, I protest"!

What the rioters did was disrupt the process, what Hawley did was perfectly legal and had precedent but trying to get "some" Democrats to understand this is like pulling teeth.

For 4 years, Democrats have been telling us that "protesting is beautiful" and over at CNN, Chris Cuomo went as far to say ( with the applause heard in the background ) "who says protesters must be peaceful"? Must only apply to Democrat protesters and not Republican protesters. Trump calling protesters to the Capital was an action Democrats have been applauding when they wanted demonstrators against say, Kanaugh. I'll remind you that some of those demonstrators, entered the hallway outside the hearing room where they had no business being, not to mention the ones disrupting the proceedings inside the hearing room and that was just fine.

Back to my point, when Hawley gave his now infamous "fist pump", it was indeed meant to encourage the peaceful ( at that time ) protestors but over at CNN, it was said that "Hawley gave a supportive fist pump to the insurrectionists". This is the kinda crap that irritates me to no end and yes, false statements like that from Republicans, I equally criticize. Now all of a sudden, Hawley is an instigator and supporter of the riot, when he clearly said later that he condemned what happened. Did that matter to CNN or you for that matter?

It's the fucking hypocrisy and inability to honestly relate events that drives me nuts. All the fucking lying ( yes Trump did too ) to push a narrative is destroying this country. This inability to treat both parties the same in their words and actions is maddening.

This issue of CRT is now at the top of this list with Democrats saying, "it's just an honest treatment of history", when the work young students are bringing home and parents are finally looking at, tells a much, much, different story asking White students to "make amends for their "Whiteness", their "White privilege". These teachers and Democrats are simply lying about what is being taught. It is about as far from "honest history" is one can get. It is Marxist ideology posing as "honest history" and parent after parent, are now standing up in protest, which is "sometimes" called a "beautiful thing" by Democrats but not this time. No, this time, children are being expelled from schools who are teaching CRT because the Biden administration will give them more money if they do ( look it up ) because their parents are protesting peacefully.

Teachers unions have just declared war on parents by openly telling parents that teachers will decide what children are taught, not parents. That's going to work as well for Democrats in 2022 as "defund the police" will.

So yeah, I condemn the Jan. 6th riots just like I condemn the summer riots but until I see acknowledgement by Democrats of that fact, I will continue to point it out whether it is labeled "whataboutism" or not. What it is, is pointing out hypocrisy and yeah, both sides engage in it but Democrats are taking it to a whole new level with their new found power or so they think.

Comeuppance is going to be a bitch I predict.
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Old 07-10-2021, 01:30 PM   #99
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Thanks Hedonist, for agreeing that parties involved in all the riots as you termed should be prosecuted. No problem there let the courts decide guilt or innocence. Major difference between treatment of Federal charges vs State charges though.

Appreciate the reply, but you did digress a bit. My concern is not about one party vs another, but more importantly, about a group of village idiots attempting to supercede their "will" against the "will" of every American citizen through constitutionally mandated action of duly elected officials of those people. If such representatives are chaotic in their chambers, so be it, but it is not appropriate for a group of "rioters" (your term, and call them what you wish), not elected representatives of the people, to disrupt the proceedings.

Admittedly, I think Hawlings is a village idiot, but have never accused him or any other person in office at that time of being compliment to that particular riot. Not my job.
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Old 07-10-2021, 03:19 PM   #100
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And - as usual - deflection and denial on teh part of fascist DPST's in response.

Thjank yo - HF - teh righteous anger at the hypocrisy of teh self-serving DPST crime brigade - incudli8ng teh DPST house adn senate - is well stated towards their hypocrisy.

Their aim is total overthrow of representative government in America - or the other result will be Civil War.
From my cold dead hands. And I will die to protect America , its constitution and our representative democracy - which is not DPPST marxist 'equity' and green new deal.

Callow DPST minions - ifcXinn/ stetler tells you to sacrifice yourself for DPST marxist aims - will you do so???

Not. likely the single right thought in the brains of those deluded by groupthink and Doublespeak.
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Old 07-10-2021, 03:19 PM   #101
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Old 07-10-2021, 03:43 PM   #102
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OEB needs another nap...again.
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Old 07-10-2021, 03:51 PM   #103
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Amazing how the fascist DPST party knows all , sees all,desires to control all - just like Bernie - the committed communist marxist god of teh fascist DPST party. .

Thank U .
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Old 07-10-2021, 03:56 PM   #104
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Another cum dodging response by another with no rational rebuttal. I enjoy the repartee on this site until it gets ... boring.
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Old 07-10-2021, 05:44 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by reddog1951 View Post
Thanks Hedonist, for agreeing that parties involved in all the riots as you termed should be prosecuted. No problem there let the courts decide guilt or innocence. Major difference between treatment of Federal charges vs State charges though.

Appreciate the reply, but you did digress a bit. My concern is not about one party vs another, but more importantly, about a group of village idiots attempting to supercede their "will" against the "will" of every American citizen through constitutionally mandated action of duly elected officials of those people. If such representatives are chaotic in their chambers, so be it, but it is not appropriate for a group of "rioters" (your term, and call them what you wish), not elected representatives of the people, to disrupt the proceedings.

Admittedly, I think Hawlings is a village idiot, but have never accused him or any other person in office at that time of being compliment to that particular riot. Not my job.

And that's my problem with you and people who think like you. If we do not hold both parties to the same rules, the same laws, we are doomed to keep repeating the "trespassing" of the right and the "burning, looting" of the left. To me, the burning and looting with the expressed permission of the Democratic party was far worse than one day of interrupting the proceedings which BTW, continued to it's end. There was never the slightest doubt in the mind of anybody with a brain, that this interruption was doomed to fail.

My Democrat fiend keeps telling me how it made him sick to his stomach watching what happened on Jan. 6th and I remind him that he has never told me that watching what happened all last summer, made him sick to his stomach and I keep asking, "why not"?

"To disrupt proceedings" is the mantra of the Democrat party for the past 4 years or didn't you notice when they incorrectly labeled our new President, a Russian asset. Think that "disrupted the proceedings" a bit? Think they didn't do that with a purpose?

Can you find any "village idiots" in the Democrat party or do they only exist in supporters of the Republican party? Sorry, I keep forgetting you aren't concerned about "one party or the other", just the one party.
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