Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
if it doesn't matter why is BLM/Antifa rioting over Floyd but no one riots over dead white people?
The reason no one riots over dead white people is because fewer people care if another white person dies. One because it happens less frequently and two there is not enough anger to propel any kind of activism around the issue. If there was any king of real outrage at the killings of white people we might actually have more stringent gun laws.
However for Black, Asian, and Latin peoples it's a different story. Civil rights activism is very prominent today because of a number of reasons. I'll list some of them below.
1: The history of slavery in the United States from the very founding of our nation.
2: The racist and biased language in the constitution, all the way up to the end of the civil war.
3: The Jim Crow laws that were present up to and after the civil rights movements.
4: The lynchings of Asian, Black and Latin peoples.
5: The forcible removal of Black, Asian and Latin peoples from their property.
6: Redlining.
7: Racist drug laws that incarcerate Blacks and Latinos more than Whites..
8: The over enforcement of minor laws against Black and Latinos.
I could go on but your ignorance is showing. Either you are very ignorant of the history behind the civil rights movement or you refuse to admit what's obvious to so many others just to advance yours or someone else's political agenda.