Originally Posted by Munchies69
I do believe that I had to give some kind of proof to The Mods.
You sound unsure of whether you did or not. You also sound like you're not particularly imaginative enough to say what you provided. Let me help ya out...
Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
How do you prove conclusively that anything ever happened?
Never mind that Karen was asked to prove it didn't happen (talk about stupid), he could have provided a screenshot of text messages setting up the appointment. Or emails. Phone call history. He could be asked to explain why he referenced an airport location when she wasn't near the airport that day. From the sounds of it, thanks to dzaddy (giving out ROS perhaps?) he claimed there was a video, that he provided to dzaddy. Perhaps he could have shown Gman a screenshot from that video. I offered to tell the board that i was wrong and the meeting did occur if he provided me a simple screenshot. He's been silent, of course.
If it happened, he could prove it. He couldn't to me, not that he's obligated to. But i did offer a quid pro quo that he should have no reason not to accept for what little he'd have to offer. Take it for what it's worth, i suppose.