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Old 11-08-2017, 11:22 PM   #91
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Of course you believe that.
Not strange to see you haven't posted a link saying a pre-emptive strike would keep NK from attacking SK. Not only no links but your stupid ass self free-lanced a picture and labeled it "2,000 pound JDAM striking NK."
We haven't dropped any JDAMs on NK. And the upload link says the picture is an MK-84 bomb explosion.....from 1972 you lying piece of shit.

Then doubling down on stupid, you equate Saddam with NK in terms of expecting desert-like terrain, huge military formations to be caught out in the open instead of widely dispersed units in hardened shelters located in the mountains. It took weeks to find the Scud launchers in the desert. NK has had nearly 70 years to tunnel through the mountains and build shelters for gun positions.

Read up on the tactics, douche-bag. They will fire a certain number of rounds and then put them back into
the shelters to evade counter-battery fire.
Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I'm beginning to believe Munchie gets his "artillery battery" field tactics from playing electronic war games .... he actually believes one must strike each "piece" to neutralize the "effectiveness" of each "piece."
Where do you get the idea for anything you'ye said? The map from your coloring booking says "likely" positions. Why do you think they say that?
Because, dumb shit, they don't know for sure.
How many JDAMs do they have on hand? How long to get more?

You aren't arguing with me, you're arguing with Fox News, Forbes, and Stratfor worldview among others. I'm posting information that I have shown the links to. You relied on a source that has been proven wrong, time and time again.

2,000 pound JDAM striking NK. We haven't dropped any JDAMs on NK. And yes, if you hit munitions with a bomb, they blow up. They're called secondary explosions. Primary blast radius is about 1,000 feet, and if ordinance is struck it increases.

Now the "primary concern" is Seoul ....

May be he likes "coloring book" style maps:

"Fire Power!"

I'm going to skip the rest of your bullshit.
Because it is bullshit.

If your point is you're stupid and know nothing about the specific situation we face in trying to launch a pre-emptive strike on NK,
you have made your point in spades. You've proven your position of you don't give a shit or have a clue about the level of casualties or damage that SK would receive.

I've shown where the information I use comes from.
Since you have no military experience, provide no links that back your line of "thought" or "logic", and the fact that most news services and military sources say SK would sustain heavy losses,
it's obvious you've been trying to "think".
Just STFU and stop embarrassing yourself.

Everyone knows we would win overall. Like in Viet Nam. And Afghanistan.
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Old 11-08-2017, 11:29 PM   #92
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Sorry douche-bag. I work during the day. I don't have all day to prove you wrong time after time.
I'm not a night shift assistant manager at Tiger Mart like you.
Or are you a security guard? You've got the attitude that you're smarter than your position indicates.
Right up until you talk/type.

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
I guess Munchie is working his slide-rule doing the algebraic equation on the number of JDAMS it will take to neutralize the threat to Seoul in the event the U.S. allied forces decide to conduct a preemptive strike.
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Old 11-09-2017, 12:00 AM   #93
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Did you forget another 40K of US troops in Japan?
Another 40K in Hawaii?
And the largest fleet in the world is the US 7th Fleet right there.Are you talking about the fleet trump didn't know where it was at? Moot point.
Didn't forget about other troops because so what? Where would they be put? What mission would they have?
Attacking (invading) NK? Defending against an invasion of SK or Japan? What transport for assault do they have?
Kim will sit tight. The chances of taking him, personally, out are non-existent.

I never said that the NKs wouldn't fire a bit of stuff off.
Nor did I say it would be entirely painless. That's a major understatement. I'm sure Japan or SK would agree with you and your assessment of what amount of damage would be acceptable (HS).

Insane fat man simply needs to have fingers removed from whatever button he threatens to push.
And if he loses his arm up past his neck, tough shit.

At last look the NKs were spending about 6 billion a year on defense. I'll let someone else do comparative mathematics.

You keep coming back to the DMZ and the size of the NK forces.
I already said the US wouldn't go toe to toe in the trenches. The US will just drop stuff. And more stuff. And the US doesn't even need bombers to drop some of the fun stuff as some bunker busters can just be pushed out the back of a cargo carrier.
Why are you over selling the NKs body count? Unless urban warfare, where you need feet on the ground, the techies rule warfare nowadays.
I already said that's where the artillery fire would come from. Who said anything about going "toe to toe" in the trenches? Bunker busters pushed out of the tail of s cargo plane? You mean days after a war started? After the time it takes to eliminate the air defense network?
Overselling the NK body count? Do you mean the number of troops they have in their army? Who ever said they would invade?
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Old 11-09-2017, 05:09 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
I already said .....
You apparently have map reading challenges yourself .....

.... so after you get map-reading 101 completed ... redo your math!

Too bad you don't spend as much time examining reality as you do struggling to dream up something "cute" to post in the way of a lameass attempt to ridicule and marginalize ....

Did you also believe Saddam was going to kick our asses in 1991?
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Old 11-09-2017, 05:42 AM   #95
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Originally Posted by Munchmasterman View Post
I already said that's where the artillery fire would come from.
Battlefield artillery fire is toe to toe warfare.
Always was and always will be.

Shortly after NKs airforce is turned into metal scrap during 1st strike, Heavy-lift, and the Stinger IIs and Ghostriders can roam at will over where-ever, providing ground support and even delivering armored (btw, amusing that a light tank can be considered air cav).

As for the Fat Man, the US can target anything at any distance within 10 yards.

As you've repeatedly proven you are clueless as to the capabilities of what our tax dollars can buy, why don't you actually visit one of the military bases next time they have an open house. Perhaps make a few of your inane statements, and we'll watch to see how far outside the gate you land.
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Old 11-09-2017, 06:19 AM   #96
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post

As you've repeatedly proven you are clueless

... and we'll watch to see how far outside the gate you land.
He'll have to be able to read a map to get to a gate!

That seems to be a deficiency among a lot of Eccie posters, especially in the Austin ReachAround Crowd!!!!

Added to that affliction is the apparent "conception" that Obaminable and Clinton had degraded our military to the level of being impotent to a third-world country trying to protect a 160 mile border with 60 year old track artillery. Does each piece get one shell or two? Do the math!
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Old 11-09-2017, 06:58 AM   #97
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Default Worth repeating. China is leading Trump where they want. They use NK to do so

Originally Posted by lustylad View Post
Trump delivered an excellent speech to the South Korean National Assembly yesterday....

Did it sound anything like this....

In a rare and wide-ranging interview with The American Prospect posted online Wednesday, Bannon said, "There's no military solution, forget it. Until somebody solves the part of the equation that shows me that 10 million people in Seoul [South Korea] don't die in the first 30 minutes from conventional weapons, I don't know what you're talking about, there's no military solution here, they got us."

It goes like this:

Trump talks shit about China and imbalance of trade.

China then uses NK to rattle Trump.

Trump goes to China for help with NK.

Mix shake and repeat every new administration.
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Old 11-09-2017, 07:07 AM   #98
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Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Battlefield artillery fire is toe to toe warfare.
Always was and always will be.

Shortly after NKs airforce is turned into metal scrap during 1st strike, Heavy-lift, and the Stinger IIs and Ghostriders can roam at will over where-ever, providing ground support and even delivering armored (btw, amusing that a light tank can be considered air cav).

As for the Fat Man, the US can target anything at any distance within 10 yards.

As you've repeatedly proven you are clueless as to the capabilities of what our tax dollars can buy, why don't you actually visit one of the military bases next time they have an open house. Perhaps make a few of your inane statements, and we'll watch to see how far outside the gate you land.

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Old 11-09-2017, 08:18 AM   #99
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Whenever someone goes cryptic in a response, you know they don't have shit to say. Did I think Saddam was going to kick our ass? That was a very stupid question. Here is a better one for you.
How long did we work on softening the defense up so there weren't massive casualties on our side? I don't give a shit about Saddam's men or the NKs. I give a shit about our people and our allies. Our military commanders give a shit too. None have said anything like what you and your new butt boy say. Only total morons think this will be a cakewalk.

I can read a map. You can't understand a post.

There will be massive casualties. No credible source says anything different.
That sums up my point. The range of the weapons or their effectiveness doesn't figure in to my point.

Your opinion doesn't figure in. You have chosen to display it and defend it. I have pointed out you don't know what you're talking about. You represent an explosion as one thing when it was clearly another (per it's tag....but you're too smart to check that).

You cry about ridicule and marginalization. What a hypocritical little bitch. You constantly do both to others. But you are the only person to cry about being on the receiving end. You also ridicule and marginalize yourself by seeing your opinion as fact and responding to links with blather. I just point it out.

Of course I ridicule you. I also treat you with contempt (well earned by you) and check every "fact" you post in a thread I'm posting in. Because, as your last post I commented on proved, you are not above trying to pull a fast one. I used to think it was because you were lazy. Now I'm sure it's because you aren't too smart and are inherently untruthful.

Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post
You apparently have map reading challenges yourself .....

.... so after you get map-reading 101 completed ... redo your math!

Too bad you don't spend as much time examining reality as you do struggling to dream up something "cute" to post in the way of a lameass attempt to ridicule and marginalize ....

Did you also believe Saddam was going to kick our asses in 1991?
Not cute. No "cute" way to point out you're too angry with your lot in life to learn, too incapable of absorbing new ideas and new information, and too full of hubris to ever admit it when you're wrong.

Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Battlefield artillery fire is toe to toe warfare.
Always was and always will be.Where did you come up with that? Pretty stupid. Tell that to the infantry. They can always use a good laugh
Another military "genius".
Their air force will be scrap metal after the first strike? There is a lot more to it than hardware. And you think he'll sit on his hands while any needed build up for this 1st strike you keep blathering about?
I don't even know where to start pointing out how many misconceptions you have. It's what they call "a target-rich environment". No military authorities agree with you. None. Zero. Nada.
We know you don't give a shit about non-combatants or damage done to countries that aren't ours. It's a good thing you'll be on the sidelines, as usual, for this one.
Now that twitter has gone to 280 characters, you can tweet your military history and tactics dissertation in.

Shortly after NKs airforce is turned into metal scrap during 1st strike, Heavy-lift, and the Stinger IIs and Ghostriders can roam at will over where-ever, providing ground support and even delivering armored (btw, amusing that a light tank can be considered air cav).

As for the Fat Man, the US can target anything at any distance within 10 yards.

As you've repeatedly proven you are clueless as to the capabilities of what our tax dollars can buy, why don't you actually visit one of the military bases next time they have an open house. Perhaps make a few of your inane statements, and we'll watch to see how far outside the gate you land.
Where in the mountains are you going to drop that tank off? And until you can refute some of my "inane" statements with some facts, we'll just add that to your "opinion" wish list.
It sure would be nice for you to show any valid link that backs up being able to accomplish the mission you describe. You know,
taking out their air force with a first strike.

Another one of the blow hard gang. You have only your opinion to back up what you say and no military experts or actual commanders agree with you.
It's all about logistics. You think everything will appear by magic with spare parts, fuel, weapons, support for all the crews, etc, etc.
And you think they'll never notice us building up. How long did it take us to do that in Kuwait? What a douche-bag.
You miss the point our capabilities are mostly for offense. And yeah, I know some say a good offense is the best defense. In football maybe.
It's all about time or actually the lack of it. We pounded Saddam for weeks before we attacked. Mostly wide open desert. Weeks.
But you say we can destroy their ground to air defenses and their air force with a first strike. I'll play along for a minute.
What will the guns and rockets of what lexusliar says are all obsolete platforms be doing while our aircraft cycle back to rearm?

Moot point.
Kim and the NK are a completely different deal than Saddam and the Iraqi boys.

I'm not going to post links you won't read. We'll just have to wait and see who lands near the gate.
Don't hesitate to post when any military authority agrees with your position.
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Old 11-09-2017, 08:26 AM   #100
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Munchie must be French .....

... surrender comes easily to him.

Or is he just Michelle's twin brother?
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Old 11-09-2017, 08:45 AM   #101
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Btw, the M551s were removed from active duty over 20 years ago.
I'm sure you knew that though.

"Production of the M551 General Sheridan began in 1966 and ended in 1970 with totals topping a reported 1,562 systems. The Sheridan served actively from 1969 up until 1996 - quite a feat for any tank especially those with an origin dating back to the 1960s"

Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter View Post
Battlefield artillery fire is toe to toe warfare.
Always was and always will be.

Shortly after NKs airforce is turned into metal scrap during 1st strike, Heavy-lift, and the Stinger IIs and Ghostriders can roam at will over where-ever, providing ground support and even delivering armored (btw, amusing that a light tank can be considered air cav).

As for the Fat Man, the US can target anything at any distance within 10 yards.

As you've repeatedly proven you are clueless as to the capabilities of what our tax dollars can buy, why don't you actually visit one of the military bases next time they have an open house. Perhaps make a few of your inane statements, and we'll watch to see how far outside the gate you land.
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Old 11-09-2017, 08:48 AM   #102
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Munchie's the one who dated the NK "systems" from the 50's!!!!

The Fat Thug has Munchie scared shitless! Worked on Obaminable!

Why not? Both ignorant dipshits with regard to "all things military"!
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Old 11-09-2017, 08:57 AM   #103
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You truly are stupid.
As well as being the cowardly liar.
The closest you've ever been to being in the service was when part of the service was in you.
You remember when you had those sailor's dicks in your mouth and ass doing a spit-roast on you.
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Old 11-09-2017, 08:58 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by LexusLover View Post

The Fat Thug has Munchie scared shitless!

You are the idiot that thinks we are going to war with NK. You are the one scared of them.

Nothing is going to happen in NK.

Bannon had it correct.

Trump called out China as currency manipulators.

China calls NK on the downlow to rattle Trumpie and his followers chain. You shit your pants. Hide under a desk and Trump has to cozy up with China.

Trump is now palling around with China begging them to help him with NK and has forgotten all about the tough talk on trade with China.

that is called an easy win for China.

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Old 11-09-2017, 09:09 AM   #105
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Does Munchie know more about NK capabilities than Trump?

Does WTF?

Does AssUp?

How about ButtScramble?

How about all four of the goofballs combined do they know more about the NK capabilities than Trump?
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