Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
lol I'm actually giving you and your silly minded in law an opportunity for a min...before I spank yalls asses. You can either do as I say and take this opportunity to actually think or continue to wallow in stupidity. I swear dealing with the uneducated masses is mind numbing. Listen guy I'm a statitician and I've had these debates ad nauseum with many folks in the intelligentsia community and the retarded morons at Stormfront. There's simply no way based on the silly shit you typed a person of your calibur will ever win a debate against me. lol I will respond later when I feel like it since it's a very weak pivot any way. In the meantime go have a drink and think about what you're missing in this arguement. It aint that hard. LOL
And I just have to pick on him for this one: You can't claim to be something when you can't even spell it correctly. Here let me help you.
Statistician, not statitician.
Ad-nauseum, not ad nauseum. Yes, the hyphen makes a world of difference.
Caliber, not calibur. Even calibre would have been acceptable.
Argument, not arguemnet.
You're a fucking idiot who can only talk shit, and cannot even do that very well. Your ability to insult and insinuate your level intelligence is comparable to two 7th graders in a pissing contest over who knows more about whatever cartoon they are into. Your claims are typical of someone who knows they are backed into a corner and refuses to admit it. A supposed statistician who wants to debunk a report from the Pew Research Center, that's fucking gold. Please, please, please give me something other than that schoolyard pap you keep spewing.