Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You know it's pretty pathetic how some of you like to ridicule my weight ....
You brought it up.
You used a fake war wound to explain why your are so fat.
Now you call R.M. a "cunt"?
And you want everyone to "respect" you?
That's all AFTER you posted a fake review on a provider.
Then you threaten people with physical violence.
You try to intimidate people to keep them quiet.
You then RTM the mods to get people banned.
90% of the crap you post is just that: CRAP!
You go fuck with people and cry like a baby when they push back!
You voted for HillaryNoMore. Like you she is a sorry specimen of humanity.
She deserved to lose the election. You deserve what you get dished out to you also!
"Pretty pathetic"? You are hideously pathetic!