Originally Posted by Laz
Why does everyone never mention the tax cuts for the lower income people also. It would take repealing those also to make a dent in the deficit. As for the economy Bush inherited the tech bubble bursting and 9-11. Those two things were just as bad as what Obama inherited. Bush made some bad decisions but compared to Obama he did pretty good.
The lower income people aren't getting tax cuts in my book, their getting hair cuts! As in getting their 401(k)'s chopped up by the busts of the stock market, if they even have a retirement. To include rising food prices, devaluing of the dollar, higher costs for energy, and higher prices for consumer staples. Even if you have good credit just look at the interest rates big banks want to charge the serfs.
As far as Bush and Obama go, hell I'd put them in the same category. Both of them! To me it isn't a black/white issue and it isn't democrat vs. republican but thats the way a lot of people see it. Both of them are clowns and their are many more puppets that can be lumped into that category.
We know what Bush Jr. did, to include his dad, Clinton, and the list goes on and on. To see some of the things Obama preached about and failed to deliver I ask you to watch the first 14 minutes of a documentary called,
"Lifting the Veil: Obama and the failure of Capitalist Democracy." You can google it and find the full legnth video. Watch the first 14 minutes of the film!