Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
After Trump won in 2016, a number of people on this board justified their vote for Trump with "He isn't Hillary Clinton".
You are correct in that I would vote for just about anyone over Trump, who I predict will be ranked/rated one of the worst presidents in the history of our country should he lose in November.
Count me in that number. So I can't condemn you for saying what I too said but with a caveat. While that was one reason and maybe the biggest, it wasn't the only reason, I'm sure it is the same with you. In this respect, I believe you and I are the same but at the opposite ends of the political spectrum. As you have said and I will say back to you, I respect your right to hold the views you have and the choice you'll make, I just adamantly disagree with you as you do me.
As for ratings, by who? And does it matter? Not to me it doesn't. It's an opinion, nothing more.
I am not a registered Republican so I had no say in nominating Trump, I would have nominated someone else had I had the chance but NPA is a badge of honor for me since I don't vote party line simply because of party but I admit that my vote more closely reflects the right side of the political isle and has moved that way, the more the Democrats move left. I could get along with a centrist Democrat but a centrist Democrat was not running, Hillary Clinton was and my only real choice to defeat her was Trump. The third party candidate who I was tempted to vote for would of course insured Clinton's election.
So, what would have been so bad about Hillary Clinton President. In the words of a poet, "let me count the ways" but the ways are to many to count so I won't.
So Yes, SR, I do understand and accept your reasoning, I just don't agree with it and we can, if we want, to be civil in our discussion which is mostly true. I think somewhere along the line I offended you. Not sure when that was but at some point you seemed reluctant to engage in debate. No matter. Again, that is your choice, your business and I'm not owed an explanation.