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Old 08-15-2012, 02:03 PM   #76
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Obama is the most Anit-American ever! If some of you supporters actually read and understood the bills he has signed and wants to sign it will scare the pants off you! Sad thing is Romney isn't gonna be any better.
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Old 08-15-2012, 07:26 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by zach1978 View Post
Of course not. I know years and years of work went into that operation. But it seems to get their Republican blood boiling
See that's why liberalism doesn't attract me. Get republicans all pissed off based off of what? It's like the dumb kid in the back of the class in high school who shot spit wads at the teacher and high fives over it.

Want to piss off a republican? Get knee deep in it. Read both sides of arguments without bias and think for yourself. Go back to 1770 to now with a thirst and desire for information. Learn critical thinking and find what makes sense to your sensibilities. (maybe then you will see which party has been historically fostering racism, i.e. Robert Byrd, Hugo Black, Ernest Hollings) Most of which you don't know but probably still think of the republicans or tea party as racists. Get to that point and conduct a debate and you may piss off someone who is not as well armed in cognitive points. Until then you are just appear juvenile. HAHA I just pissed off the teacher I ROCK!!!!! Same mentality.

Don't say that most economists consider the DOW as an indicator and then say that it has been artificially energized before a collapse in the past. It's self defeating and anyone with any sense can see that....I don't want to piss off liberals i want to challenge them. If they want big government socialized programs and high taxation then just freaking say it and stop claiming an intellectual superiority over it. It's just what you want. Own it and sell it, don't say you want a small government low taxes and free market and then defend politicians who represent the contrary.
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Old 08-15-2012, 08:52 PM   #78
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It is easy to respect someone you disagree with when they make a logical argument to support their position. When all they do is parrot talking points and call people names it is like they are still in elementary school.
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Old 08-15-2012, 09:24 PM   #79
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Don't say that most economists consider the DOW as an indicator and then say that it has been artificially energized before a collapse in the past.
It happens all the time in the market on micro and macro scales, it's called a bubble. Finance is definitely not your forte.

See that's why liberalism doesn't attract me. Get republicans all pissed off based off of what? It's like the dumb kid in the back of the class in high school who shot spit wads at the teacher and high fives over it.
No liberalism doesn't attract you because you are not a progressive thinker. People who are genuinely concerned with the betterment of humanity as a whole and believe there is purpose in life beyond greed driven motives are drawn to liberalism.

"Want to piss off a republican? Get knee deep in it. Read both sides of arguments without bias and think for yourself. "

Why waste your time? They don't view things in terms of logic. Their belief system is motivated purely by a capitalistic outlook on EVERYTHING or references from a 2000 year old book.

Don't get me wrong I like Republicans too. They come in mighty handy when I need someone to figure out how to exploit someone or something. Notwithstanding this, when I need a highly intellectual critical thinker, I'll take my chances with a liberal. Their minds tend to be less clouded with inherit bias.

Let me ask you, do you think it's a fluke that only six percent of scientists are Republicans?

In terms of racism, here's a famous quote for you.

When Lyndon Johnson (a democratic president) signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he turned to his aid Bill Moyers and said "I think we have just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come."

So the southern Republican party of today is rooted in beliefs of those who left the democratic party of the 60's because they didn't believe in equal rights for all.
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Old 08-15-2012, 10:25 PM   #80
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All I know is with Mr Obama I have lost just about 50% of my wealth And I'm not the only one. Many business in my field have had to close there doors leaving many people without jobs and proper care. Our military is also being left out to dry and not being taken care of! You know that Obama wants to make it where our military men and women can't vote? How can you vote for this guy? He wants to allow foriegn militarys to step on our land and police us! Again how can you vote for this? Romney is another POS! I can go on and on with information! For me it's no longer about political parties it's about getting a president that will do right by the American people and not be a puppet! Either party we are screwed right now! I bust my ass why should I be taxed for programs I can't utilize? illegals getting crazy amounts of money from food stamps, welfare, free medical for there whole family! It makes me sick! But yet I have to pay twice? These programs were meant to help the American people get back on there feet when fallen on hard times not for people to live the American Dream on the working class Dime!
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Old 08-16-2012, 12:36 AM   #81
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Originally Posted by zach1978 View Post
It happens all the time in the market on micro and macro scales, it's called a bubble. Finance is definitely not your forte.

No liberalism doesn't attract you because you are not a progressive thinker. People who are genuinely concerned with the betterment of humanity as a whole and believe there is purpose in life beyond greed driven motives are drawn to liberalism.

"Want to piss off a republican? Get knee deep in it. Read both sides of arguments without bias and think for yourself. "

Why waste your time? They don't view things in terms of logic. Their belief system is motivated purely by a capitalistic outlook on EVERYTHING or references from a 2000 year old book.

Don't get me wrong I like Republicans too. They come in mighty handy when I need someone to figure out how to exploit someone or something. Notwithstanding this, when I need a highly intellectual critical thinker, I'll take my chances with a liberal. Their minds tend to be less clouded with inherit bias.

Let me ask you, do you think it's a fluke that only six percent of scientists are Republicans?

In terms of racism, here's a famous quote for you.

When Lyndon Johnson (a democratic president) signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he turned to his aid Bill Moyers and said "I think we have just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come."

So the southern Republican party of today is rooted in beliefs of those who left the democratic party of the 60's because they didn't believe in equal rights for all.
Progressive thinkers... betterment of humanity

Liberals use those terms to justify all kinds of programs that are supposedly designed to help. The problem is that they usually only help those that run them stay in power. The track record of the federal government developing programs that actually help is very dismal.

I will happily trade all of your "highly intellectual critical thinking liberals" for a pragmatic capitalist when I need a problem solved. That is true whether I want a business to make a profit or to create an education system that actually educates the kids at a lower cost.

You should also remember that the republican party delivered the votes Johnson needed. To claim southern republicans are all racists is simply absurd.

As for the number of scientists that are republican show me the stats and do not include any social scientists in that group. I wonder how many are independent. I would expect that from a scientist.
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Old 08-17-2012, 01:43 AM   #82
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Originally Posted by zach1978 View Post
It happens all the time in the market on micro and macro scales, it's called a bubble. Finance is definitely not your forte.

No liberalism doesn't attract you because you are not a progressive thinker. People who are genuinely concerned with the betterment of humanity as a whole and believe there is purpose in life beyond greed driven motives are drawn to liberalism.

"Want to piss off a republican? Get knee deep in it. Read both sides of arguments without bias and think for yourself. "

Why waste your time? They don't view things in terms of logic. Their belief system is motivated purely by a capitalistic outlook on EVERYTHING or references from a 2000 year old book.

Don't get me wrong I like Republicans too. They come in mighty handy when I need someone to figure out how to exploit someone or something. Notwithstanding this, when I need a highly intellectual critical thinker, I'll take my chances with a liberal. Their minds tend to be less clouded with inherit bias.

Let me ask you, do you think it's a fluke that only six percent of scientists are Republicans?

In terms of racism, here's a famous quote for you.

When Lyndon Johnson (a democratic president) signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964, he turned to his aid Bill Moyers and said "I think we have just delivered the South to the Republican Party for a long time to come."

So the southern Republican party of today is rooted in beliefs of those who left the democratic party of the 60's because they didn't believe in equal rights for all.

OK So you found a line in a liberal publication that gave you one line...."6 percent of scientists are republican." For most people that would seem odd and they would want to know more. 6 percent is low for anything.

Such as that was a study done by the Pew Research Group. No where did they go around and ask a bunch of scientists if they were republican, democrat, or independent. 2500 scientists were surveyed (social scientists were used, and as much as 24.6% were government employed)

The study was extensive and no where was there a claim that 6% of scientists were republicans; Moreover, the study was done in 2009 and you might wanna update your talking points because the data has changed. The same group that did the study has done studies since then talking about scientists growing more pessimistic about Obama's views on scientific achievement, but that's neither here nor there. The problem is that the fact you choose to feel superior over isn't a fact it's a manipulated molested interpretation of:

About three-quarters of scientists (77%) believe the claims [that government scientists could not report findings that conflicted with Bush administration positions] are true, while just 6% say they are false. And virtually all of the scientists who say these claims are true - 71% of scientists overall - believe that these practices occurred more often during the Bush administration than during previous administrations

The same study said 85% of scientists say that Americans don't have a good knowledge about what's going on in the country because of their inability to find out facts. You should appreciate that Zach LOL.

I did look at something within the Pew research group that said that 64% of scientists involved in natural sciences (not social) were moderate or independent.

But let's say that 100% of scientists were liberals, what would that prove? (Other then your desperate need to feel intellectually superior because too many people told you that you were special) Yeah they are smart but so what? Is their political belief more important then a family of five struggling to makes ends meet? Is their political belief more important then a soldier serving in the battlefield? Do they benefit from Government grants and political agendas? Of course they do. They rely on the way a government swings as much as the private sector. Some scientists are going to be finding great ways to serve man and some scientists will find great ways to serve themselves. They are human. And some may be republican and shitty scientists and some may be democrats and be great scientists and vice versa.

Pulling a talking point that isn't true and then claiming an intellectual halo for it is pathetic at best. Don't rely on other people to tell you how to think. Think for yourself. I don't want you to think how i think. I really don't. I want you to take as much time as you do to try to piss republicans off and say you know what there are bad and good people on both sides on the aisle and i just want to vote the way that makes the best sense to me. There are a lot or democrats that do good and a lot that do bad and the same with republicans. There's nothing wrong with that. Obama said many times that if he couldn't do this of that in his first term he would be a one term president. I have a son and family members in the military and i don't want any president to fail. If he fails then we all loose, but he didn't do nearly half of what he said. There's more lobbyists visiting the white house in the last three years then in 2002 2004 2006 2007, But he said that would end (he swore on it). He said that huge government spending and bail outs were unpatriotic. I understand how so many on this post say that it doesn't matter, that it will always be the same, greed governs all and all that. I can certainly understand the pessimism in american politics as it always seems that we are jogging in place, but i want hope and change. He said it. He did't do it. He shouldn't get re-elected.
I have to believe that it doesn't matter....until it does. I will hopefully never loose heart as i hope everyone else doesn't as well. I love this country and will give credit where credit is do. I don't hate liberals or democrats...I just don't agree with them, but if a liberal did something well i wouldn't take it away from them or try to distort the facts. Bill Clinton worked well with republicans and believed in a trickle down economy like Reagan. What does Obama believe in? What benefit do yo have in your life? Are you looking forward to 7 new taxes in the Affordable care act in 2014 or the increased payroll tax on top of the end of the bush era tax cuts while there is not cuts in rampant and excessive government spending? Where does that leave you and your household? Clinton and Reagan knew how to run a economy and it had bipartisanship roots. I don't think they would have said "ask yourself why a bunch of scientists say you're stupid haha" That's naive and ignorant as best.

p.s. I gave you a list of a KKK democrats that served in office, and you respond with a quote? You might want to look at who worked with Johnson on the civil rights act and not just listen to liberal journalists trying to qualify their existence and excuse their bias.

P.s.s I didn't proof read this as i'm about to pass out so sorry for any typos.

Night ya'll
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Old 08-17-2012, 12:27 PM   #83
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Oh my poor republican friend. Ok, let's do this.

Liberals use those terms to justify all kinds of programs that are supposedly designed to help. The problem is that they usually only help those that run them stay in power. The track record of the federal government developing programs that actually help is very dismal.
Are you are saying we should disregard the necessitous? Or are you saying the government is not the best vehicle to administer help? These are two very different things, please clarify. And if you have a better suggestion, put it forward instead of just saying "we shouldn't help those in need because some government people might use the money for themselves" Like this is something that NEVER happens in the private sector.

I will happily trade all of your "highly intellectual critical thinking liberals" for a pragmatic capitalist when I need a problem solved. That is true whether I want a business to make a profit or to create an education system that actually educates the kids at a lower cost.
Interesting argument, but actions speak louder than words. I'm fairly certain (without checking), that the top 10 higher education institutions in the country all reside in liberal states. I don't understand, if capitalists (or republicans were so smart), why aren't the top universities in the country located in Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Louisiana?

Some more interesting reading here..


You should also remember that the republican party delivered the votes Johnson needed. To claim southern republicans are all racists is simply absurd.
I never said they all were and I know many who aren't. I was simply providing a quote from LBJ. Let's just say "southern republican's" don't exactly have the stigma as being the most equal rights minded people. You don't hear about a lot of black lynchings in New York if you know what I mean.

As for the number of scientists that are republican show me the stats and do not include any social scientists in that group. I wonder how many are independent. I would expect that from a scientist
How about showing us some data that supports something different? I've looked. I'm not trying to bash anyone, I'm just telling it like it is.
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Old 08-17-2012, 03:26 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by zach1978 View Post
Or are you saying the government is not the best vehicle to administer help?

That is exactly what I am saying. The federal government is a very inefficient method of getting things done.

Interesting argument, but actions speak louder than words. I'm fairly certain (without checking), that the top 10 higher education institutions in the country all reside in liberal states.

Those schools are where they are due to demographics as of when they were founded. A better evaluation is what state economies are doing best and what are the policies those states are following.

Some more interesting reading here..


I suspect there is more to the issue than the article addressed but I will happily concede that religious beliefs do not belong in our schools other than as part of a course that addresses the various religions and how they impact society throughout history.

I never said they all were and I know many who aren't. I was simply providing a quote from LBJ. Let's just say "southern republican's" don't exactly have the stigma as being the most equal rights minded people. You don't hear about a lot of black lynchings in New York if you know what I mean.

Southern democrats do not have a great history either since many of them were doing the lynching. Should I use that to imply democrats are racist bigots. Why did you not point out that the republicans provided the votes to pass the legislation. Doing that would not support the implication that many republicans are racist and oppose Obama because he is black. The reality is both parties have a very small number of people that are racist. They do not have the influence or numbers to matter.

How about showing us some data that supports something different? I've looked. I'm not trying to bash anyone, I'm just telling it like it is.
CG4U spent more time than necessary pointing out the problems with your statistic on scientists and political affiliation. It was meaningless before and still is.
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Old 09-04-2012, 04:47 PM   #85
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Originally Posted by zach1978 View Post

Let me ask you, do you think it's a fluke that only six percent of scientists are Republicans?
Sorry for coming in late on this, but I just couldn't help it.

The argument you seem to be making is a flattering one - that scientists in general are pretty smart, so it's meaningful that they are so overwhelmingly liberal. But the figure you cite - that just 6% of scientists are Republicans - is utter nonsense.

I'm a scientist. A REAL scientist, not a social scientist. I have a Ph.D. in chemistry from a very prestigious university, and have been a working scientist for over 30 years.

I'd estimate that roughly 75% of my colleagues in graduate school were politically conservative. And I don't mean just the students I hung out with. It might be even more surprising to you that the chemistry faculty was far more conservative than the university faculty as a whole, though probably not as conservative as the graduate students in the department. In the 4 chemical companies I've worked for since grad school, I'd estimate that the percentage of my colleagues who are conservative is actually greater than 75%. At my current employer, only one staff member out of more than 15 in my department voted for Obama in '08. The rest were quite vocally and unreservedly opposed to his candidacy, though none enthusiastically supported McCain. How extraordinary that 14 out of 15 REAL scientists in one company voted AGAINST Obama, when your statistics predict that 14 out of 15 should have voted FOR Obama!

Is this anecdotal? Of course it is. And of course, saying someone is conservative is not the same thing as saying they're Republican. But just how likely is it that I could have chosen a grad school and 4 employers over a 30 year time span, all with more than 10 times the percentage of conservatives predicted by the statistics in the study you cite?

In my life experience, HARD scientists (chemists, physicists, and even engineers) are far more likely to self-identify as conservative. Notice that I didn't include biological scientists. For one thing, I've known rather few of them in my career. And for another thing, few chemists, physicists and engineers consider biology to be a "hard" science. No offense intended to you biologists out there.

Though the REAL numbers aren't in your favor, I'm still flattered that you think we scientists are smart enough to serve as role models. NOW VOTE FOR ROMNEY/RYAN!!
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Old 09-05-2012, 03:42 AM   #86
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Collegegirlforyou. I commend you for your intelegent statements regarding our political sitiuation as it currently stands. When half the people pay no taxes and the other half pay all the "income" taxes" That an't right. When 5% of the people pay 90% of the total income tax bill...that an't right.We let the government spend our money on major bullshit all the time. Just today the (I think a State Court in Texas but it may have been federal) ruled that man convicted of murder and serving a life sentence who is taking female hormones and now goes by the name Michelle must be allowed to have transgender sex change operation paid for with our tax dollars. I was driving down Delerosa Street near 281 over the weekend and drove past a large housing project whose clientel I have heard is primarily housing recipitants,and welfare collectors and noticed through mulitiple open window blinds large flat screen tv's mounted on the walls of many appartments. There was some dam nice cars parked out there too. A major change in the tax code needs to be made the would lead to everyone paying something for the right and priveledge to be citizen of the greatest county ever to exist in the history of mankind. 10% of a poor persons money is not the same as 10% of a rich persons money
10% of a 1,0000's is 100.00 while 10% of a million dollars is 100,000 dollars. Why isn't that fair enough? The rich guy just paid 1,000 times more money than the poor guy. And the poor guy got to contribute to his country and should be proud of it. And if you have most of the 47% who do not pay taxes now pay something (what is there 300 + million people in the US and 47% don't pay taxes (thats about 141 milion people not paying any taxes and many of them are getting money from the government. If you'r poor, you need help for a while to get up and stand on you own two feet. You need training, school, transportation, food. but while you are poor you need to cut back on the 50 inch flat screen tv, the drinking or drugs, make less babies you can't support. learn to cook at home from the raw materials instead of eating out several time per week. This Obama care thing ain't help any much so far. My health insurance premuims have nearly doubled in the last three years. The cost estimates of Obama Care seemed to had double also in the last two year from their original estiamtes of about a trillion per year to 2 trillion and growing. We can see what is happening in Greece, Turkey, Italy already. The governments are failing and don't have enough money to pay for all the programs they promised and now the people are rioting, Other European countries are trying to help them out with loans and refinancing debt but you can only borrow from Paul to pay Peter so long before Paul and Peter both go broke. I don't think you can borrow your way out of debt. You just end up with more debt that you started with and hope by some miracle something comes along where you can make a whole bunch of money and pay back the loans before you end up filing bankrupcy. What you can do is look at spending and see where cuts can be made. A combination of spending cuts and elimination of tax loop holes will get you more money coming in is the only way to fix this problem. But it is about 90% spending cuts and 10% revenue raising. And you have to be careful. Rember the big luxery tax on yachts a few years ago. It was a tax on the "rich" What happened? The rich guys quit buying yachts made in the US and bought them overseas instead. Our US companies that made yachts laid of regular people employed by them and eventually when out of business. Think about our country as it is now. Think about and remember all those promises of hope and change. We do seem long on change but short on hope after almost 4 years of Obama's lack of leadership. What will things be like in 4 more years if he gets re-elected. To find out................go see the movie Obama 2016. Maybe you will like their conclusions or maybe you will spend the next 60 days thinking about change so we can get some hope. Still 8.3% unemployement (much higher if you count those who are under employed or have given up) 50% of college grads can not find work in their field of study and many can not find any kind of work. There are untapped oil and coal fields that can bring millions of new jobs and it can be done in such a was as to protect the environment at the same time. If Obama wins, I am not moving out of the country. There's another election in 4 years. But I might buy a hybrid car cause gas is going to go sky high
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Old 09-05-2012, 11:12 AM   #87
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Originally Posted by Jdriller View Post
Just today the (I think a State Court in Texas but it may have been federal) ruled that man convicted of murder and serving a life sentence who is taking female hormones and now goes by the name Michelle must be allowed to have transgender sex change operation paid for with our tax dollars.
Amazing case isn't it? But it was in Massachusetts, not Texas. And the person he was convicted of murdering was his WIFE, in 1990.

We are supposed to be a self-governing people. When a federal judge can rule that taxpayers must pony up the dough to pay to have a guy's dick and balls cut off because he feels trapped in the wrong body, I don't think anyone can fairly say that we are self-governing any longer.

Ask yourself this question: Do you feel GOVERNED, or do you feel RULED? As someone who is older than many on this board, and certainly older than CG4U, I have to say that in all honesty I feel RULED, not governed.

When questions about the scope of government come up and so-called Democrats are involved, I like to remind them of a quote from one of their sainted Founders:

...a wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government…

Thomas Jefferson
First Inaugural Address
March 4, 1801
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Old 09-10-2012, 06:12 PM   #88
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Another gent asked me to read this thread and play the game "who watchs FOX news and who watches CNN". Too funny. He said too funny and this is a good link to realize a mind is a terible thing to waste and education is a must. What's even worse is how some here just pander to individuals I guess to score points. It really be funny, but too bad it reality its a a damn shame. I for one see why the country is divided just reading this link. I will just say, some here really need to do some serious soul searching and research about the facts of both canidates and take a REAL economy and history course. I mean a REAK Histry from 1800's to present. Reccomended books "Lies my teacher told me" and The Peoples history of the United States from 1492 to present. Another issue is I feel some are spewing hate and that bothers me. Talk policy, talk view points, but to say someone is anti american makes no sense. Even the KKK, Nation of islam have a right to their beliefs, however I just don't support either or any group, forgien or domestic that tears at the fiber of this great nation. I was no fan of GW Bush, but he was my president and when that kook thru that shoe at him I wish I was there to kick that guys ass. It amazes me that some here just TOTALLY disrespects the president and for what? Hummmmm......What even amazes me are people here, many I bet will vote against their own interest, on both sides. This whole thing is bigger than many on here realize, for if they looked at this season with the third eye and listen with the third ear you'd see and hear it. I will say this, many on here will be saddened and disappointed on election day, but some like myself will not because some things are destined and some are of a visionary nature. With that, thanks for showing me there is still work to be done to bring people together where we can disagree without being disagreeable or appearing worse. And I know some here know what I mean.
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Old 09-10-2012, 11:49 PM   #89
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Old 09-11-2012, 06:32 AM   #90
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And you were doing so well in trying to sound non partisan and not "disagreeable". If your second post is a start of your work to bring us together without being disagreeable, you may want to try a different approach.
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