Originally Posted by Kandy Kelly
It may be a long time before some of these flawless looking young ladies realize they are not so upscale as they believe. Simply because men run to them with money and praise them on how beautiful they are. Some men could care less about her personality or intelligence as long as they get their rocks off on a "hot chick". One day she will notice they stop running to her because she is old, wore out and dumb. All the awesome ladies that she believed to be trash and below her will remain elegant, upscale, and still turn heads. Upscale has nothing to do with being flawlessly pretty, upscale is a lifestyle, personality and enough common sense to not post such a meaningless thread.
Kandy, you hit it out of the park, very well put together comment. You are exactly right, it is not all about being young and hot, it is more about being professional, sensual, passionate and intelligent, able to talk and laugh with someone and even laugh about yourself sometimes.