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Old 05-23-2012, 05:53 PM   #76
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Well said 69er and thanks for the links..This has long excited and the truth eluded me. I have had squirters in the past and have converted a few to squirters. I quite enjoy and can tell everyone. There is no way it is pee..wonder if any scientists have done chemical analysis on the fluid. (i will refer it to cum)

I enjoy squirters and i will continue to partake in the lapping up of the "cum". I love it and for many squirters it is very arousing to know when a man appreciates them fully.

Until it is explained and even after..Ladies feel free to "CUM" all over my face in DATY, sitting and during hardcore sex.

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Old 05-23-2012, 06:00 PM   #77
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actually I had an incident last week, where believe it or not men can squirt too. I was pretty partied high when I met this chick from local bp and didnt even know what was going on but she did everything right and when I came it was intense. She was pretty upset that I made quite a mess and I never did that before. Now i consciously try to get to that point again and it's definitely a gift of the giver. I've been able to do it twice now, it all depends on your partner and technique.
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Old 05-23-2012, 07:11 PM   #78
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Men can squirt as well, I have had this happen several times when giving PS as they have such intense Os.. Yes sometimes its a shocker when you get drenched, butt oh so fun to make the man have such an intense O that he just lets loose. Your Cum and pee do share the same tubing, so when your contracting with such force a huge explosion can happen...
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Old 05-23-2012, 08:07 PM   #79
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Originally Posted by MoneyMaker1611 View Post
actually I had an incident last week, where believe it or not men can squirt too. I was pretty partied high when I met this chick from local bp and didnt even know what was going on but she did everything right and when I came it was intense. She was pretty upset that I made quite a mess and I never did that before. Now i consciously try to get to that point again and it's definitely a gift of the giver. I've been able to do it twice now, it all depends on your partner and technique.
Please share if you know how it is accomplished. I desire nothing more than to completely please my mistress. If this pleases her then I am all in!

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Old 07-14-2012, 02:00 PM   #80
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Mercianna - sounds like you need to find a better doc.

The "Skenes Glands" are a part of the "G-Spot" - the area of the vagina that swells with blood during sexual arousal (and specifically during pretty firm genital massaging to the area). These glands are connected to the urethra. Most docs I know who have studied the issue of 'squirting' believe that the Skenes Glands can/will release liquid (definitely not pee) during sex but most women have trained their bodies to have the liquid go into their bladder. Women who have learned to 'push' the liquid out are 'squirting.'

Much of the research on this has taken place in the past 10 years. If your doc is older he may not know about this stuff. I've seen it (squirting) happen repeatedly. It's definitely not pee.
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Old 07-14-2012, 09:15 PM   #81
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Very interesting ( =
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Old 07-15-2012, 01:46 AM   #82
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What I honestly feel is that IF there are women who can do it...they are not as numerous as the gazillion squirters and rainers we have on eccie.
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Old 07-15-2012, 09:33 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by mercianna View Post
What I honestly feel is that IF there are women who can do it...they are not as numerous as the gazillion squirters and rainers we have on eccie.
I've met 6 ladies with a presence here at ECCIE, that can squirt in about 5 minutes or less. By the way, my olfactory senses are just fine, and I'm quite able to discearn the pungent aroma of urine.
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Old 07-15-2012, 11:41 PM   #84
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Never been with a squirter here but was married to one for 15 years. Not pee.
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Old 07-21-2012, 05:26 AM   #85
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Mercianna, here are a few studies/articles that you might find of interest.

The Female Prostate Revisited: Perineal Ultrasound and Biochemical Studies of Female Ejaculate

By Florian Wimpissinger, MD, FEBU, Karl Stifter, PhD, Walter Stackl, MD *


. Many speculations have been made on the possible existence of a
"female prostate gland" and "female ejaculation." Despite several reports on the subject, controversy still exists around the "female prostate" and whether such a gland might be the source of fluid emitted during orgasm (ejaculation).


.To investigate the ultrasonographic, biochemical, and endoscopic features in two women who reported actual ejaculations during orgasm.

Main Outcome Measures

. Perineal ultrasound studies, as well as biochemical characteristics of ejaculate and urethroscopy, have been performed in two women.


.Two pre menopausal women—44 and 45 years of age—who actually reported fluid
expulsion (ejaculation) during orgasm have been investigated.
Ultrasound imaging,
biochemical studies of the ejaculated fluid, and endoscopy
of the urethra have been
used to identify a prostate in the female. Ejaculated fluid
parameters have been
compared to voided urine samples.


. On high-definition perineal ultrasound images, a structure was
identified consistent with
the gland tissue surrounding the entire length of the
female urethra. On urethroscopy,
one mid line opening (duct) was seen just inside
the external meatus in the six-o’clock
position. Biochemically, the fluid emitted
during orgasm showed all the parameters found
in prostate plasma in contrast to
the values measured in voided urine.


. Data of the two women presented further underline the concept of the female prostate both as an organ itself and as the source of female ejaculation

Wimpissinger F, Stifter K, Grin W, and Stackl W. The female prostate revisited:Perineal ultrasound and biochemical studies of female ejaculate.J Sex Med2007;4:1388–1393










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Old 07-21-2012, 08:40 AM   #86
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Olivia - Every woman is capable of female ejaculation - no exceptions. The things that most often stand between a "not yet" lady and one who has, does, and wants to again are (in priority order) the woman's ability to relax and let it happen without fear, and a partner - knowledgeable in how to take his/her partner to the level of arousal needed.

Whether you're trying it solo or with a partner, you need to relax. (This is easiest when with a knowledgeable partner because you can just lay back and enjoy). Take a LONG TIME building up to it with teasing, petting and other types of foreplay. Really good oral along with a combination of moderate g-spot stimulation and deep vaginal penetration seems to help set the stage for most lady's first time.

Once you're all squishy and feeling really good - you or your partner should begin more direct, slightly stronger and more rapid stimulation of the g-spot (there shouldn't be any discomfort).

Don't worry about feeling like you're going to pee...it's a normal sensation...and is just a precursor. Don't worry about soaking the sheets, or whatever you're on...a towel properly placed before you start will protect whatever in all but the most extreme cases...and if you have one of those...you really won't care about the sheets or the wallpaper...lol. Just allow the pressure to build and when you can't stand it anymore have your partner pull their fingers out, and let yourself go! Repeat as often as you like...BTW not every woman actually squirts...for many its more like the liquid flows out of them.

Have fun...and good luck!
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Old 08-10-2012, 10:30 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Asigarillo View Post
I've had a doctor friend engage in the same convo. Thing is, he's dealt with a squirter. He concluded that he just couldn't explain it. ... So in other words, it's unexplainable...
I don't think it's unexplainable, but good luck getting a government grant to do the research to explain it. And i don't consider two women patients much of a serious research study, it has to include a far more subjects to get more uniform results. I can just see it now, a doctor standing before a research grant board, he tells them he wants bring get dozens of women that squirt when they orgasm to have sex or masturbate in front of him and his team so they can study the mechanics of it.

Good luck with that.

Somehow I think the money is better spent trying to cure cancer.

I've dated a squiter before, and let me tell you she had exceptional control of her vagina. She could tighten up her vagina so tight that she could force a man out of her. She was able to soak my balls without much effort, unfortunately I didn't date her long enough to see the full range of her abilities.
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Old 08-11-2012, 01:43 AM   #88
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I lick what I shoot! And I am not into golden showers! All joking aside, I have licked up my own juice before and most times it is tasteless, much like water. I'm no doctor of squirt-ology, but I bet it is not unlike a man in that it may depend on the intake of certain foods or fluids. I drink lots of water, maybe I should drink more champagne!
@ hardup, there was a study done of 40 women, 20 squirters and 20 non squirters. The 20 that DID squirt were given urine tests shortly after squirting. Minute traces of PSA were found in those women, whereas the women to do NOT squirt showed no traces at all. I posted the interview of the doctors that conducted the study in another thread, but it has been a while.
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Old 08-11-2012, 06:58 AM   #89
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Originally Posted by pyramider View Post
Anyone notice that the squirters tend to be 30+ years old? I wonder if maturity has some factor in squirting.
My wife became a squirted in her mid 30s. She was afraid to let it go at first because she thought she was peeing. It was definitely nt pee. She could turn a bed into a swimming pool in nothing flat..

All the women that I've been with that squirted or were close to squirting it's always been cowgirl with the woman sitting straight up so her G gets the stimulation.

I'm sure toys can do it too, they do in the movies at least. Just the way I've seen it happen in my experience.
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Old 08-14-2012, 04:59 PM   #90
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Don't hold back, when the feeling comes just let go..

It's about 30% mental it's going to feel like you have to pee and but that's not what it is. usually a deeply penetrated position works or messaging yourself inside and rubbing your clit outside fast helps too.

Also it didn't happen for me until had a huge cock to play with.... now it will only happen if i'm super horny... not an everyday thing if i'm not having fun.. but if i am.... it's a totally different story... (that's the 30%)..
also after some research it's easier for some women to do this if they have had children or crazy things like DP's and such.... but as I read above Amber Rain explained it really well.. it is a science to getting it going the first few times.
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